There isn't any! Linux does not make any distinction between categories of programs. ...using a different shell?
Fedora offers four different command shells:
Press Ctrl-D or type exit to return to the original shell. You can permanently change your default shell using the chsh (change shell) command:
$ chsh
New shell [/bin/bash]:
Shell changed.
The password requested is your normal login password; the change will take effect the next time you log in.
$ chsh -l
4.1.4. Where Can I Learn More?
? The
4.2. Accessing Online Documentation
A fully loaded Fedora system includes over 4,700 programs, plus programming interfaces, data files, and graphical tools. To help you learn your way around, over 12,000 files of online documentation are available, with additional documentation available through the Web. Knowing how to access and knowledgeably navigate through this documentation is essential to getting the most out of your Fedora system.
The phrase
4.2.1. How Do I Do That?
There are five main types of documentation available:
? Manpages
? The
? HOWTOs and guides from the Linux Documentation Project
? Text files distributed with applications Using manpages
Fedora continues the Unix tradition of providing an online version of what were originally loose-leaf printed manuals. These manuals cover the commands, programming interfaces, and data formats used by the system.
The command used to access these online manuals is called
The pages are arranged into sections according to the original binders, using the section numbers described in Table 4-2 . The section numbers are used to distinguish different manpages with the same name, such as the manpage for the uname system call (found in section 2) and the uname command (found in section 1). In some cases, a letter or two may be appended to a section number to indicate a subsection (such as 3pm , the manual section containing Perl module library functions).
Table 4-2. Section numbers for manpages
Section | Description |