I/O subsystem might supply only one of the two functions, create and open, which implements most of the functionalities of both create and open due to functional overlaps between the two operations.
The close function informs a previously opened I/O device that its services are no longer required. This process typically initiates device-specific cleanup operations. For example, closing a device might cause it to go to a standby state in which it consumes little power. Commonly, the I/O subsystem supplies only one of the two functions, destroy and close, which implements most of the functionalities of both destroy and close, in the case where one function implements both the create and open operations.
The read function retrieves data from a previously opened I/O device. The caller specifies the amount of data to retrieve from the device and the location in memory where the data is to be stored. The caller is completely isolated from the device details and is not concerned with the I/O restrictions imposed by the device.
The write function transfers data from the application to a previously opened I/O device. The caller specifies the amount of data to transfer and the location in memory holding the data to be transferred. Again, the caller is isolated from the device I/O details.
The Ioctl function is used to manipulate the device and driver operating parameters at runtime.
An application is concerned with only two things in the context of uniform I/O: the device on which it wishes to perform I/O operations and the functions presented in this section. The I/O subsystem exports this API set for application use.
12.3.2 Mapping Generic Functions to Driver Functions
The individual device drivers provide the actual implementation of each function in the uniform I/O API set. Figure 12.6 gives an overview of the relationship between the I/O API set and driver internal function set.

Figure 12.6: I/O function mapping.
As illustrated in Figure 12.6, the I/O subsystem-defined API set needs to be mapped into a function set that is specific to the device driver for any driver that supports uniform I/O. The functions that begin with the
Listing 12.1: C structure defining the uniform I/O API set.
typedef struct {
int (*Create)();
int (*Open) ();
int (*Read)();
int (*Write) ();
int (*Close) ();
int (*Ioctl) ();
int (*Destroy) ();
The mapping process involves initializing each function pointer with the address of an associated internal driver function, as shown in Listing 12.2. These internal driver functions can have any name as long as they are correctly mapped.
Listing 12.2: Mapping uniform I/O API to specific driver functions.
ttyIOdrv.Create = tty_Create;
ttyIOdrv.Open = tty_Open;
ttyIOdrv.Read = tty_Read;
ttyIOdrv.Write = tty_Write;
ttyIOdrv.Close = tty_Close;
ttyIOdrv.Ioctl = tty_Ioctl;
ttyIOdrv.Destroy = tty_Destroy;
An I/O subsystem usually maintains a

Figure 12.7: Uniform I/O driver table.
Each row in the table represents a unique I/O driver that supports the defined API set. The first column of the table is a generic name used to associate the uniform I/O driver with a particular type of device. In Figure 12.7, a uniform I/O driver is provided for a serial line terminal device, tty. The table element at the second row and column contains a pointer to the internal driver function, tty_Create(). This pointer, in effect, constitutes an association between the generic create function and the driver-specific create function. The association is used later when creating virtual instances of a device.
These pointers are written to the table when a driver is installed in the I/O subsystem, typically by calling a utility function for driver installation. When this utility function is called, a reference to the newly created driver table entry is returned to the caller.
12.3.3 Associating Devices with Device Drivers
As discussed in the section on standard I/O functions, the create function is used to create a virtual instance of a device. The I/O subsystem tracks these virtual instances using the

Figure 12.8: Associating devices with drivers.
Each entry in the device table holds generic information, as well as instance-specific information. The generic part of the device entry can include the unique name of the device instance and a reference to the device driver. In Figure 12.8, a device instance name is constructed using the generic device name and the instance number. The device named tty0 implies that this I/O device is a serial terminal device and is the first instance created in the system. The driver-dependent part of the device entry is a block of memory allocated by the driver for each instance to hold instance-specific data. The driver initializes and maintains it. The content of this information is dependent on the driver implementation. The driver is the only entity that accesses and interprets this data.
A reference to the newly created device entry is returned to the caller of the create function. Subsequent calls to the open and destroy functions use this reference.
12.4 Points to Remember
Some points to remember include the following:
· Interfaces between a device and the main processor occur in two ways: port mapped and memory