2. inputs and outputs,

3. real-time deadlines,

4. events and event response times,

5. event arrival patterns and frequencies,

6. required objects and other components,

7. tasks that need to be concurrent,

8. system schedulability, and

9. useful or needed synchronization protocols for inter-task communications.

Depending on the design methodologies and modeling tools that a design team is using, the list of steps to be taken can vary, as well as the execution order. Regardless of the methodology, eventually a design team must consider how to decompose the application into concurrent tasks (Step 7).

This chapter provides guidelines and discussions on how real-time embedded applications can be decomposed. Many design teams use formalized object-oriented development techniques and modeling languages, such as UML, to model their real-time systems initially. The concepts discussed in this section are complementary to object-oriented design approaches; much emphasis is placed on decomposing the application into separate tasks to achieve concurrency. Through examples, approaches to decomposing applications into concurrent tasks are discussed. In addition, general guidelines for designing concurrency in a real-time application are provided.

These guidelines and recommendations are based on a combination of things-lessons learned from current engineering design practices, work done by H. Gomaa, current UML modeling approaches, and work done by other researchers in the real-time field. Our guidelines provide high-level strategies on proceeding with decomposing real-time applications for concurrency. Our recommendations, on the other hand, are specific strategies focusing on the implementation of concurrency. Both the guidelines and recommendations might not necessarily cover every exception that can arise when designing a real-time embedded application. If two guidelines or recommendations appear to contain opposing thoughts, they should be treated as constituting a tradeoff that the designer needs to consider.

At the completion of the application decomposition process, robust systems must validate the schedulability of the newly formed tasks. Quantitative schedulability analysis on a real-time system determines whether the system as designed is schedulable. A real-time system is considered schedulable if every task in the system can meet its deadline.

This chapter also focuses on the schedulability analysis (Step 8). In particular, the chapter introduces a formal method known as Rate Monotonic Analysis (RMA).

14.2 An Outside-In Approach to Decomposing Applications

In most cases, designers insist on a set of requirements before beginning work on a real-time embedded system. If the requirements are not fully defined, one of the first activities is to ensure that many of these requirements are solidified. Ambiguous areas also need to be fleshed out. The detailed requirements should be captured in a document, such as a Software Requirements Specification (SRS). Only then can an engineering team make a reasonable attempt at designing a system. A high-level example of a mobile phone design is provided to show how to decompose an application into concurrent units of execution.

Commonly, decomposing an application is performed using an outside-in approach. This approach follows a process of identifying the inputs and outputs of a system and expressing them in a simple high-level context diagram. A context diagram for the mobile application is illustrated in Figure 14.1. The circle in the center of the diagram represents the software application. Rectangular boxes represent the input and output devices for this application. In addition, arrows, labeled with meaningful names, represent the flow of the input and output communications. For the sake of simplicity, not all components (i.e., battery, input for hands-free ear plug, input for external power, and power on/off button) are illustrated.

Figure 14.1: High-level context diagram of a mobile handheld unit.

The diagram shows that mobile handset application provides interfaces for the following I/O devices:

· antenna,

· speaker,

· volume control,

· keypad,

· microphone, and

· LCD.

The following inputs are identified:

· RF input,

· volume input,

· keypad input, and

· microphone input.

The following outputs are identified:

· RF output,

· speaker output, and

· LCD output.

After the inputs and outputs are identified, a first cut at decomposing the application can be made. Figure 14.2 shows an expanded diagram of the circle identifying some of the potential tasks into which the application can decompose. These tasks are along the edges of the newly drawn application, which means they probably must interact with the outside world. Note that these tasks are not the only ones required, but the process provides a good starting point. Upon further analysis, additional tasks may be identified, or existing tasks may be combined as more details are considered.

Figure 14.2: Using the outside-in approach to decompose an application into tasks.

Some inputs and outputs in a handheld mobile device can require more than one dedicated task to handle processing. Conversely, in some cases, a single task can handle multiple devices. Looking at the example, the antenna can have two tasks assigned to it-one for handling the incoming voice channel and one for handling the outgoing voice channel. Printing to the LCD can be a relatively simple activity and can be handled with one task. Similarly, sampling the input voice from the microphone can also be handled with one task for now but might require another task if heavy computation is required for sampling accuracy. Note that one task can handle the input keys and the volume control. Finally, a task is designated for sending the output to the speaker.

This example illustrates why the decomposition method is called outside-in: an engineering team can continue this way to decompose the overall application into tasks from the outside in.

14.3 Guidelines and Recommendations for Identifying Concurrency

The outside-in approach to decomposing an application is an example of one practical way to identify types of concurrent tasks that are dependent on or interact with I/O devices. The mobile handset example expands a high-level context diagram to determine some of the obvious tasks required to handle certain events or actions. Further refinement of this diagram would yield additional tasks. More formalized ways of identifying concurrency exist, however. Many guidelines are provided in this section to help the reader identify concurrency in an application. First, let's introduce a couple of concepts that are important to understanding concurrency.

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