processor utilization.

Note that schedulability analysis looks only at how systems meet temporal requirements, not functional requirements.

The commonly practiced analytical method for real-time systems is Rate Monotonic Analysis (RMA). Liu and Layland initially developed the mathematical model for RMA in 1973. (This book calls their RMA model the basic RMA because it has since been extended by later researchers.) The model is developed over a scheduling mechanism called Rate Monotonic Scheduling (RMS), which is the preemptive scheduling algorithm with rate monotonic priority assignment as the task priority assignment policy. Rate monotonic priority assignment is the method of assigning a task its priority as a monotonic function of the execution rate of that task. In other words, the shorter the period between each execution, the higher the priority assigned to a task.

A set of assumptions is associated with the basic RMA. These assumptions are that:

· all of the tasks are periodic,

· the tasks are independent of each other and that no interactions occur among tasks,

· a task's deadline is the beginning of its next period,

· each task has a constant execution time that does not vary over time,

· all of the tasks have the same level of criticality, and

· aperiodic tasks are limited to initialization and failure recovery work and that these aperiodic tasks do not have hard deadlines.

14.4.1 Basic RMA Schedulability Test

Equation 14.1 is used to perform the basic RMA schedulability test on a system.

Ci = worst-case execution time associated with periodic task I

Ti = period associated with task i

n = number of tasks

U(n) is the utilization factor. The right side of the equation is the theoretical processor utilization bound. If the processor utilization for a given set of tasks is less than the theoretical utilization bound, this set of tasks is schedulable. The value of U decreases as n increases and eventually converges to 69% when n becomes infinite.

Let's look at a sample problem and see how the formula is implemented. Table 14.3 summarizes the properties of three tasks that are scheduled using the RMS.

Table 14.3: Properties of tasks.

Periodic Task Execution Time Period (milliseconds)
Task 1 20 100
Task 2 30 150
Task 3 50 300

Using Equation 14.1, the processor utilization for this sample problem is calculated as follows

Total utilization for the sample problem is at 57%, which is below the theoretical bound of 77%. This system of three tasks is schedulable, i.e., every task can meet its deadline.

14.4.2 Extended RAM Schedulability Test

The basic RMA is limiting. The second assumption associated with basic RMA is impractical because tasks in real-time systems have inter-dependencies, and task synchronization methods are part of many real-time designs. Task synchronization, however, lies outside the scope of basic RMA.

Deploying inter-task synchronization methods implies some tasks in the system will experience blocking, which is the suspension of task execution because of resource contention. Therefore, the basic RMA is extended to account for task synchronization. Equation 14.2 provides the equation for the extended RMA schedulability test.


Ci = worst case execution time associated with periodic task I

Ti = period associated with task i

Bi = the longest duration of blocking that can be experienced by I

n = number of tasks

This equation is best demonstrated with an example. This example uses the same three tasks provided in Table 14.3 and inserts two shared resources, as shown in Figure 14.7. In this case, the two resources represent a shared memory (resource #1) and an I/O bus (resource #2).

Figure 14.7: Example setup for extended RMA.

Task #1 makes use of resource #2 for 15ms at a rate of once every 100ms. Task #2 is a little more complex. It is the only task that uses both resources. Resource #1 is used for 5ms, and resource #2 is used for 10ms. Task #2 must run at a rate of once every 150ms.

Task #3 has the lowest frequency of the tasks and runs once every 300ms. Task #3 also uses resource #2 for 18ms.

Now looking at schedulability, Equation 14.2 yields three separate equations that must be verified against a utility bound. Let's take a closer look at the first equation

Either task #2 or task #3 can block task #1 by using resource #2. The blocking factor B1 is the greater of the times task #2 or task #3 holds the resource, which

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