N3 Nk

where Ni is the number of units of resource type Ri for all i where {1 ? i ? k }.

A = Available System Resources Table A1 A2 A3 Ak

where Ai the number of units remaining for resource type Ri available for allocation.

C = Tasks Resources Assigned Table C11 C12 C13 C1k
C21 C22 C2k
Cm1 Cmk
D = Tasks Resources Demand Table D11 D12 D13 D1k
D21 D22 D2k
Dm1 Dmk

For example in table C, there are C11 units of resource R1, C12 units of resource R2, and so on, which are allocated to task T1. Similarly, there are C21 units of resource R1, C22 units of resource R2, and so on, which are allocated to task T2. For example in table D, task T1 demands additional D11 units of resource R1, additional D12 units of resource R2, and so on, in order to complete execution.

The deadlock detection algorithm is as follows:

1. Find a row i in table D, where Dij ‹ Aj for all 1 ? j ? k. If no such row exists, the system is deadlocked, and the algorithm terminates.

2. Mark the row i as complete and assign Aj = Aj + Dij for all 1 ? j ? k.

3. If an incomplete row is present, return to step 1. Otherwise, no deadlock is in the system, and the algorithm terminates.

Step 1 of the algorithm looks for a task whose resource requirements can be satisfied. If such a task exists, the task can run to completion. Resources from the completed task are freed back into the resource pool, which step 2 does. The newly available resources can be used to meet the requirements of other tasks, which allow them to resume execution and run to completion.

When the algorithm terminates, the system is deadlocked if table T has incomplete rows. The incomplete

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