I haven't said anything about how to develop graphical user interfaces (GUIs), how to connect to relational databases, how to parse XML, or how to write programs that act as clients for various network protocols. Similarly, I haven't discussed two topics that will become important when you write real applications in Common Lisp: optimizing your Lisp code and packaging your application for delivery.

I'm obviously not going to cover all these topics in depth in this final chapter. Instead, I'll give you a few pointers you can use to pursue whichever aspect of Lisp programming interests you most.

Finding Lisp Libraries

While the standard library of functions, data types, and macros that comes with Common Lisp is quite large, it provides only general-purpose programming constructs. Specialized tasks such as writing GUIs, talking to databases, and parsing XML require libraries beyond what are provided by the ANSI standardized language.

The easiest way to obtain a library to do something you need may be simply to check out your Lisp implementation. Most implementations provide at least some facilities not specified in the language standard. The commercial Common Lisp vendors tend to work especially hard at providing additional libraries for their implementation in order to justify their prices. Franz's Allegro Common Lisp, Enterprise Edition, for instance, comes with libraries for parsing XML, speaking SOAP, generating HTML, connecting to relational databases, and building graphical interfaces in various ways, among others. LispWorks, another prominent commercial Lisp, provides several similar libraries, including a well-regarded portable GUI toolkit, CAPI, which can be used to develop GUI applications that will run on any operating system LispWorks runs on.

The free and open-source Common Lisp implementations typically don't include quite so many bundled libraries, relying instead on portable free and open-source libraries. But even those implementations usually fill in some of the more important areas not addressed by the language standard such as networking and multithreading.

The only disadvantage of using implementation-specific libraries is that they tie you to the implementation that provides them. If you're delivering end-user apps or are deploying a server-based application on a server that you control, that may not matter a lot. But if you want to write code to share with other Lispers or if you simply don't want to be tied to a particular implementation, it's a little more annoying.

For portable libraries—portable either because they're written entirely in standard Common Lisp or because they contain appropriate read-time conditionalization to work on multiple implementations[322]—your best bet is to go to the Web. With the usual caveats about URLs going stale as soon as they're printed on paper, these are three of the best current starting points:

• Common-Lisp.net (http://www.common-lisp.net/) is a site that hosts free and open-source Common Lisp projects, providing version control, mailing lists, and Web hosting of project pages. In the first year and a half after the site went live, nearly a hundred projects were registered.

• The Common Lisp Open Code Collection (CLOCC) (http://clocc.sourceforge.net/) is a slightly older collection of free software libraries, which are intended to be portable between Common Lisp implementations and self-contained, not relying on any libraries not included in CLOCC itself.

• Cliki (http://www.cliki.net/) is a wiki devoted to free software in Common Lisp. While, like any wiki, it may change at any time, typically it has quite a few links to libraries as well to various open-source Common Lisp implementations. The eponymous software it runs on is also written in Common Lisp.

Linux users running the Debian or Gentoo distributions can also easily install an ever-growing number of Lisp libraries that have been packaged with those distributions' packing tools, apt-get on Debian and emerge on Gentoo.

I won't recommend any specific libraries here since the library situation is changing every day—after years of envying the library collections of Perl, Python, and Java, Common Lispers have, in the past couple of years, begun to take up the challenge of giving Common Lisp the set of libraries—both open source and commercial—that it deserves.

One area where there has been a lot of activity recently is on the GUI front. Unlike Java and C# but like Perl, Python, and C, there's no single way to develop GUIs in Common Lisp. Instead, it depends both on what Common Lisp implementation you're using and what operating system or systems you want to support.

The commercial Common Lisp implementations usually provide some way to build GUIs for the platforms they run on. Additionally, LispWorks provides CAPI, the previously mentioned, portable GUI API.

On the open-source side, you have a number of options. On Unix, you can write low-level X Windows GUIs using CLX, a pure-Common Lisp implementation of the X Windows protocol, roughly akin to xlib in C. Or you can use various bindings to higher-level APIs and toolkits such as GTK and Tk, much the way you might in Perl or Python.

Or, if you're looking for something completely different, you can check out Common Lisp Interface Manager (CLIM). A descendant of the Symbolics Lisp Machines GUI framework, CLIM is powerful but complex. Although many commercial Common Lisp implementations actually support it, it doesn't seem to have seen a lot of use. But in the past couple years, an open-source implementation of CLIM, McCLIM—now hosted at Common-Lisp.net—has been picking up steam lately, so we may be on the verge of a CLIM renaissance.

Interfacing with Other Languages

While many useful libraries can be written in 'pure' Common Lisp using only the features specified in the language standard, and many more can be written in Lisp using nonstandard facilities provided by a given implementation, occasionally it's more straightforward to use an existing library written in another language, such as C.

The language standard doesn't specify a mechanism for Lisp code to call code written in another language or even require that implementations provide such a mechanism. But these days, almost all Common Lisp implementations support what's called a Foreign Function Interface, or FFI for short.[323] The basic job of an FFI is to allow you to give Lisp enough information to be able to link in the foreign code. Thus, if you're going to call a function from a C library, you need to tell Lisp about how to translate the Lisp objects passed to the function into C types and the value returned by the function back into a Lisp object. However, each implementation provides its own FFI, each with slightly varying capabilities and syntax. Some FFIs allow callbacks from C to Lisp, and others don't. The Universal Foreign Function Interface (UFFI) project provides a portability layer over the FFIs of more than a half dozen different Common Lisp implementations. It works by defining its own macros that expand into appropriate FFI code for the implementation it's running in. The UFFI takes a lowest common denominator approach, which means it can't take advantage of all the features of different implementations' FFIs, but it does provide a good way to build a simple Lisp wrapper around a basic C API.[324]

Make It Work, Make It Right, Make It Fast

As has been said many times, and variously attributed to Donald Knuth, C.A.R. Hoare, and Edsger Dijkstra, premature optimization is the root of all evil.[325] Common Lisp is an excellent language to program in if you want to heed this wisdom yet still need high performance. This may come as a surprise if you've heard the conventional wisdom that Lisp is slow. In Lisp's earliest days, when computers were programmed with punch cards, Lisp's high-level features may have doomed it to be slower than the competition, namely, assembly and FORTRAN. But that was a long time ago. In the meantime, Lisp has been used for everything from creating complex AI systems to writing operating systems, and a lot of work has gone into figuring out how to compile Lisp into efficient code. In this section I'll talk about some of the reasons why Common

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