another. Lather, rinse, repeat.
However, if you need some further pointers, this section offers some places to go. For starters, check out the
, where you can find the source code from the practical chapters, errata, and links to other Lisp resources on the Web.
In addition to the sites I mentioned in the 'Finding Lisp Libraries' section, you may also want explore the Common Lisp HyperSpec (a.k.a. the HyperSpec or CLHS), an HTML version of the ANSI language standard prepared by Kent Pitman and made available by LispWorks at
. The HyperSpec is by no means a tutorial, but it's as authoritative a guide to the language as you can get without buying a printed copy of the standard from ANSI and much more convenient for day-to-day use.[333]
If you want to get in touch with other Lispers, comp.lang.lisp
on Usenet and the #lisp
IRC channel or the Freenode network (
) are two of the main online hang- outs. There are also a number of Lisp-related blogs, most of which are aggregated on Planet Lisp at
And keep your eyes peeled in all those forums for announcements of local Lisp users get-togethers in your area—in the past few years, Lispnik gatherings have popped up in cities around the world, from New York to Oakland, from Cologne to Munich, and from Geneva to Helsinki.
If you want to stick to books, here are a few suggestions. For a nice thick reference book to stick on your desk, grab
For more on Common Lisp's object system, you can start with
Two books that cover general Common Lisp technique are
If you're the kind of person who likes to know how things work down to the bits,
For folks who want a little more theoretical look at things—or who just want to know what it's like to be a freshman comp sci student at M.I.T.—
Once you've wrapped your mind around Lisp, you may want to place it in a bit of context. Since no one can claim to really understand object orientation who doesn't know something about Smalltalk, you might want to start with
And at the other end of the spectrum,
Though not about computers per se,
And finally, for some fun, and to learn about the influence Lisp and Lispers have had on hacker culture, dip into (or read from cover to cover)
But don't let all these suggestions interfere with your programming—the only way to really learn a language is to use it. If you've made it this far, you're certainly ready to do that. Happy hacking!
Perl is also worth learning as 'the duct tape of the Internet.'
Unfortunately, there's little actual research on the productivity of different languages. One report that shows Lisp coming out well compared to C++ and Java in the combination of programmer and program efficiency is discussed at
Psychologists have identified a state of mind called