initargs for now.


Adding an :after method to INITIALIZE-INSTANCE is the Common Lisp analog to defining a constructor in Java or C++ or an __init__ method in Python.


One mistake you might make until you get used to using auxiliary methods is to define a method on INITIALIZE-INSTANCE but without the :after qualifier. If you do that, you'll get a new primary method that shadows the default one. You can remove the unwanted primary method using the functions REMOVE-METHOD and FIND- METHOD. Certain development environments may provide a graphical user interface to do the same thing.

(remove-method #'initialize-instance

(find-method #'initialize-instance () (list (find-class 'bank-account))))


Of course, providing an accessor function doesn't really limit anything since other code can still use SLOT-VALUE to get at slots directly. Common Lisp doesn't provide strict encapsulation of slots the way some languages such as C++ and Java do; however, if the author of a class provides accessor functions and you ignore them, using SLOT-VALUE instead, you had better know what you're doing. It's also possible to use the package system, which I'll discuss in Chapter 21, to make it even more obvious that certain slots aren't to be accessed directly, by not exporting the names of the slots.


One consequence of defining a SETF function—say, (setf foo) —is that if you also define the corresponding accessor function, foo in this case, you can use all the modify macros built upon SETF, such as INCF, DECF, PUSH, and POP, on the new kind of place.


The 'variable' names provided by WITH-SLOTS and WITH-ACCESSORS aren't true variables; they're implemented using a special kind of macro, called a symbol macro, that allows a simple name to expand into arbitrary code. Symbol macros were introduced into the language to support WITH- SLOTS and WITH-ACCESSORS, but you can also use them for your own purposes. I'll discuss them in a bit more detail in Chapter 20.


The Meta Object Protocol (MOP), which isn't part of the language standard but is supported by most Common Lisp implementations, provides a function, class-prototype, that returns an instance of a class that can be used to access class slots. If you're using an implementation that supports the MOP and happen to be translating some code from another language that makes heavy use of static or class fields, this may give you a way to ease the translation. But it's not all that idiomatic.


In other words, Common Lisp doesn't suffer from the diamond inheritance problem the way, say, C++ does. In C++, when one class subclasses two classes that both inherit a member variable from a common superclass, the bottom class inherits the member variable twice, leading to no end of confusion.


Of course, most folks realize it's not worth getting that worked up over anything in a programming language and use it or not without a lot of angst. On the other hand, it's interesting that these two features are the two features in Common Lisp that implement what are essentially domain-specific languages using a syntax not based on s-expressions. The syntax of FORMAT's control strings is character based, while the extended LOOP macro can be understood only in terms of the grammar of the LOOP keywords. That one of the common knocks on both FORMAT and LOOP is that they 'aren't Lispy enough' is evidence that Lispers really do like the s-expression syntax.


Readers interested in the pretty printer may want to read the paper 'XP: A Common Lisp Pretty Printing System' by Richard Waters. It's a description of the pretty printer that was eventually incorporated into Common Lisp. You can download it from 1102a.pdf.

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