between my legs.
“Come on, Mikey, I want some company. Pretty please?”
I sucked in my breath and headed toward the plane.
Chapter 90
The inside of the Cessna was as tight as a coffin. And less comfortable, I thought, trying to squeeze my long legs underneath the sharp console on the front passenger side. It didn’t help that Meyer cuffed my wrists before strapping me tightly into my seat with a lap belt and shoulder harness.
I stared at the bewildering array of complicated-looking gauges and buttons on the huge dashboard. But Meyer’s fingers moved across them with assurance. The propellers seemed to scream more loudly as he pushed forward one of six floor-mounted levers. Then he brought the one next to it up as well, and we started slowly moving.
We were making the turn onto the runway when we saw the fire truck – humongous, bright yellow, lights and siren blazing as it barreled down the middle of the runway to block our path. I recognized it as the Port Authority’s Aircraft Rescue and Firefighting Unit. What was their nickname again? Something and Hoses?
A blistering spray of automatic rifle fire suddenly bloomed from one of the truck’s side windows, and the tarmac in front of us exploded with puffs from the warning shots.
Holy crap! Guns and Hoses, that was it. Those guys were a crazy hybrid of firemen and cops who dealt with both plane crashes and hijackings.
Aim for the pilot! I mentally messaged them, scrunching down in my seat as far as I could.
Although at this point, I was willing to get shot if it meant finally stopping Meyer.
He did something with the foot pedals, and we made a quick U-turn back onto the taxiway. Then he jammed the throttle level up as far as it would go, and we were suddenly rocketing down the lane, dangerously close to the row of hangars.
My breath stopped when I saw the deicing truck that was parked squarely in our way. There was no chance we could miss it. At that speed, trying to turn the plane would have sent it into a violent, out-of-control spin.
Silently I said my last prayer as we raced forward to ram it broadside.
At the last second, Meyer pulled the yoke back. With our wheels practically scraping the deicing truck’s top, we were airborne.
Chapter 91
Even numb with fear, I could feel my heart beating wildly through every square inch of my body as Meyer rocketed us up. I’d been to several plane crash sights in my time with the CRU. I knew all too well what happened to the human body when it struck something at several hundred miles an hour.
The plane seemed to be standing on its tail end, climbing straight up. I stared out at the ground lights that whirled below, feeling paralyzed with fever and fear.
My mind whirled, too, wondering what Meyer had planned. Where was he heading? Out of the country?
Not that it made much difference to me.
But mostly I thought about Chrissy. I hoped to God she hadn’t seen Meyer shoot the cop – hoped somebody had found her and called home by now.
“You know how crappy it was to lose my brother – not just once, but twice?” he said, raising his voice over the roar of the engines.
I shook myself out of my stupor. All of a sudden, I felt free. I had nothing left to lose if I was going to die, anyway. And I was damned if I’d be listening to his garbage when it happened.
“I’d have some sympathy for you, asshole,” I snapped back. “Except lots of people have it tough and don’t feel the need to go around shooting innocent, defenseless people and kidnapping little girls.”
“Screw that bullshit. When I was in aviation training, they told me, ‘Kid, you see those people down there on the desert floor, looking like little ants? Well, we want you to fire these bullets the size of butter knives down on them one thousand times a minute. Don’t worry that after you’re done, there’ll be piles of bloody rags where human beings were standing. Just ignore it.’ ”
“But I’m also supposed to ignore the real assholes back here in the States. The ones who make people miserable, who don’t give a fuck if they treat somebody so bad it drives them to suicide – the selfish pricks who really make this world a mess. Leave them alone? I think not.” Meyer shook his head. “They can’t have it both ways. They taught me to kill for our country, and that’s exactly what I’m doing. But this time, I’m doing it by my own rules.”
And I thought my fever was making me sick. Now this guy was using a war vet trauma to excuse his evil.
“That was a tragedy, all right,” I said.
“Killing for this country?”
“No,” I yelled into his ear. “That you didn’t die for it.”
Chapter 92
I swung away from him and stared out the window, trying to figure out where we were. It was hard to tell, but I knew that we’d taken off in an easterly direction.
The plane ride wasn’t helping my stomach any. It was obvious that Meyer’s piloting skills were a little rusty. Every few seconds, we’d pitch to the right or left, swoop down a couple of hundred feet and then back up again.
But after we’d been up there a few minutes, he managed to smooth it out.
“Okay, Bennett, I’m ready for the final act,” he growled at me. “Time to finish what I started. Pay the Blanchettes a little visit. Plow into their bedroom at three hundred miles an hour, and you’re going with me. I told you not to get in my way, you goddamned idiot.”
Something in me had known all along that he intended to kill us both, but I’d refused to really wrap my mind around it. But now it was for sure.
Then I thought, Oh, no, it’s not.
Although my wrists were cuffed, my fingers were free. I furtively started working to undo my lap belt.
Within another few minutes, flying dangerously low and dangerously fast, we were approaching the giant lit- up towers of Manhattan. I recognized the vast, darker rectangle of Central Park, with its tree-lined pathways and glimmering reservoir.
And I shuddered when I spotted our target – the Blanchettes’ Fifth Avenue building. It was directly ahead, looking like it was racing toward us with dizzying speed. In no time, we were so close I could see the tea lights floating moodily on the surface of the rooftop pool.
I gave the seat belt a final yank, and it came loose. Then I lurched as hard as I could to the left and head- butted Meyer.
Seeing stars, I thought I got about as much as I gave, until I saw Meyer’s blood-spurting nose mashed flat against his face. He was making a low animal noise as he went for the gun in his lap. I leaned all the way over against my door. Then I ripped my legs out from beneath the console and slammed my feet up against his chin.
The kick landed hard with both heels. His head snapped back and the gun went flying somewhere behind us. The plane was going crazy, careening into a wild arc and plunging downward. I didn’t care. I kept on kicking him again and again – his head, his face, his neck, his chest – literally trying to drive him through his door, out of the airplane. With each blow, I screamed like a madman.