I managed to get it open a little wider. But I had some help, I think.‘‘The Captain?’‘Possibly. But I don’t know if it means he’s fully on our side after all.’ She concentrated on flying for a moment, keeping the tether taut as she swung around. The pale green ghosts of the thirty-three cache weapons loomed on her radar; she plotted a course through them back to the airlock.I still don’t know why he set the servitor on you,‘ Volyova said. Maybe he wanted to warn us off rather than kill us. As you say, he could have killed us already. Just possibly he prefers to have us around.’‘You’re reading a lot into one hatch.’‘That’s why I don’t think we should count on the Captain’s assistance, Khouri.’‘No?’‘There’s someone else we could ask for help,’ Volyova said. ‘We could ask Sylveste.’‘Oh no.’‘You met him once before, inside Hades.’‘Ilia, I had to die to get inside that fucking thing. It’s not something I’m going to do twice.’‘Sylveste has access to the stored knowledge of the Amarantin. He might know of a suitable response to the Inhibitor threat, or at the very least have some idea of how long we have left to come up with one. His information could be vital, Ana, even if he can’t help us in a material sense.’‘No way, Ilia.’‘You don’t actually remember dying, do you? And you’re fine now. There were no ill effects.’Khouri’s voice was very weak, like someone mumbling on the edge of sleep. ‘You fucking do it, if it’s that easy.’Presently — and not a moment too soon — Volyova saw the pale rectangle which marked the airlock. She approached it slowly, winding Khouri in and depositing her first into the lock. By then the injured woman was unconscious.Volyova pulled herself in, closed the door behind them and waited for the lock to pressurise. When the air pressure had reached nine-tenths of a bar she wrenched her own helmet off, her ears popping, and flicked sweat-drenched hair from her eyes. The biomedical displays on Khouri’s suit were all in the green: nothing to worry about. All she had to do now was drag her to somewhere where she could get medical attention.The door into the rest of the ship irised open. She pushed herself towards it, hoping she had the strength to haul Khouri’s dead weight along behind her.‘Wait.’The voice was calm and familiar, yet it was not one she had heard in a long time. It reminded her of unspeakable cold, of a place where the other crewmembers had feared to tread. It was coming from the wall of the chamber, hollowly resonant.‘Captain?’ she said.‘Yes, Ilia. It’s me. I’m ready to talk now.’Skade led Felka and Remontoire down into the bowels of Nightshade , deep into the realm of influence of her machinery. By turns, Remontoire started to feel light-headed and feverish. At first he thought it was his imagination, but then his pulse started racing and his heart thundered in his chest. The sensations worsened with every level that they descended, as if they were lowering themselves into an invisible fog of psychotropic gas.Something’s happening.The head snapped around to look at him, while the ebony servitor continued striding forwards. note 290What’s going on?note 291He answered judiciously. As much as anyone, I suppose. It isn’t something I’ve ever needed to think about. It’s just something we live with .note 292What have you done? Learned how to switch it off?note 293 Skade’s head twisted around again. She smiled indulgently; waves of opal and cerise flickered back and forth along her crest, signifying, Remontoire imagined, the effort that was required to translate the concepts she took for granted into terms a mere genius could grasp. note 294I don’t doubt it.note 295And now?note 296‘Exordium gave you all that?’ Felka asked, speaking aloud.Skade answered without speaking, refusing to indulge in Felka’s preferred mode of communication. note 297Remontoire nodded; he had no reason to think she might be lying. From scratch ?note 298What kind of head start ? He watched mauve and turquoise striations pulse along Skade’s crest.note 299Remontoire recalled that Skade had once been involved in a high-security mission into Chasm City, an operation that had resulted in the deaths of many other operatives. The operation had clearly been sanctioned at Inner Sanctum level; even as a Closed Council member he knew little other than that it had happened.You helped recover those technologies, Skade? I understand you were lucky to get out alive.note 300And the prototype?note