on this beach. I suppose I’m expecting to find her here.”
“Yes.” She paused. “And Haile. I hope she’s all right.”
“The Kiint say she is. They wouldn’t lie about that. Many things, but not the welfare of a child.”
“She must be so lonely.” Ione sat down with her back to one of the small dunes. She slid her silk scarf from her neck. “I don’t see why they won’t let us bring her back from Jobis. Starships are still going there.”
“Bloody mystics,” Joshua sat beside her. “Probably not in their horoscopes.”
“You’re starting to sound like dear old Parker Higgens.”
Joshua laughed. “I can’t believe that old duffer is coming with us. And Getchell as well.”
“They’re the best I’ve got.”
“Thanks for asking me to go. I need to be flying. I’m no good to anybody just sitting around.”
“Joshua.” She reached over to trace the stark line of his jaw bone. “I’m pregnant again. You’re the father.”
His mouth flopped open. She smiled, and kissed him gently. “Sorry. Bad timing. Again. I’m very good at that.”
“No,” he said with weak defiance. “No, that’s, er, not bad timing at all.”
“I thought you should know before you left.” Even in the twilight she could see the shock and wonder in his eyes. There was something absolutely gorgeous about him when he looked so vulnerable. It means he cares, I suppose. She touched his face again.
“Um. When?” he asked.
“Before you went to Norfolk. Remember?”
He grinned, almost shy. “We’ll never know the exact time then. There’s an awful lot to choose from.”
“If I had a choice, I think I’d make it the one in Adul Nopal’s apartment.”
“Oh Jesus, yes. The middle of his dinner party.” He flopped down onto the sand, and grinned up. “Yeah! That would be fitting.”
“And Joshua. It was very deliberate. I’m not in this state by accident.”
“Right. Thanks for consulting me. I mean, I thought we’d already established the next Lord of Ruin with Marcus.”
“Just say no.”
He put his hand round her head, and pulled her down, kissing her. “I think we’ve already confirmed I can’t.”
“You’re not angry with me?”
“No. Worried, maybe. More about the future than anything. But then the kid won’t have it any different to the rest of the human race when he dies. We can’t fear for that, or we’d be utterly paralysed. The Kiint found a solution, the Laymil, too—for all it’s inapplicable. We damn well can.”
“Thank you, Joshua.”
“I’d like to know why, though. I mean, we already have the next Lord of Ruin established.”
She closed her eyes, shutting out his gentle curiosity. “Because you’re perfect,” she whispered. “For me. Great body, good genes.”
“Little Miss Romantic.”
“And a wonderful lover.”
“Yeah, I know that bit. I carry the burden well, though.”
She laughed spryly, then she was crying helplessly.
“Hey. No.” He cradled her, hugging lightly. “Don’t do that.”
“Sorry.” She wiped a hand across her eyes. “Joshua. Please. I don’t love you. I can’t love you.”
He flinched, but didn’t recoil. “I see.”
“Oh God damn it. Now I’ve gone and hurt you. And I didn’t want that. I never wanted that.”
“What the hell do you want, Ione? I don’t understand. Don’t tell me this was convenience, that I was the male easily to hand when you happened to make your mind up. You wanted my baby. And now you’ve told me about it. If you hate me so much, you wouldn’t have done that.”
“I don’t hate you.” She gripped him tighter. “I don’t.”
“Then what?” He made an effort not to shout. Every emotion in his head was freefalling. Thought was almost impossible, only instinct, blind response. “Jesus Christ, do you have any idea what you’re doing to me?”
“Well what do you want out of this, Joshua? Do you want to be a part of this child’s life?”
“Yes! Jesus, how can you question that?”
“What part?”
“A father!”
“How will you be a father?”
“In the same way you’re a mother.”
She took both his hands in hers, quelling the trembling. He shook her loose angrily. “You can’t be,” she said. “I have an affinity bond with the baby. So does Tranquillity.”
“Jesus. I can get symbionts, I can be equal to you and this bloody habitat. Why are you trying to block me out of this?”
“Joshua. Listen to me. What would you do all day? Even if you were my consort, officially my husband. What would you do? You can’t run Tranquillity. That’s me, that’s what I do. And then it’ll be the job of our first child.”
“I don’t know, I’ll find something. I’m versatile.”
“There is nothing. There can never be anything for you in Tranquillity, not permanently. I keep telling you this, you are a starship captain. This is your port, not your home. If you stay here, you’ll become like your father.”
“Leave my father out of this.”
“No, Joshua, I won’t. He was the same as you, a great captain; and he stayed here in Tranquillity, he never flew after you were born. That’s what wrecked him.”
“I know he didn’t fly again.”
Joshua looked at her. For all his instinct, his experience, that beautiful face defeated him every time. What went on inside her head could never be known. “All right,” he said abruptly. “I’ll tell you. He had it all, and lost it. That’s why he never flew again. Staying here didn’t break his heart, it was broken before that.”
“Had what?”
“Everything. What all us owner captains fly for. The big strike, a flight that kills the banks. And I had it with Norfolk. I was
“It’s not about being worthy, Joshua. Don’t say that, don’t ever. You stopped the Alchemist from being used, for heaven’s sake. You think I look down on you for that? How could some dusty deskbound company president compare to what you are? Joshua, I am so proud of you it hurts. That’s why I wanted you as the baby’s father. Because there is nobody better, not just your genes or your intuition, there can be no heritage finer than yours. And if I thought for one second there was a single chance you would be happy staying here with me, as my husband, or my partner, or just fitting me in as one of your harem, then I would have
Joshua searched round for the anger that had blazed so bright just a moment ago. But it had gone. There