This refit hadn’t been on quite the scale as the last two she’d undergone; but there was no doubt about it, the
When Ione floated into the docking bay’s control centre, the nullfoam spray nozzles were folding back against the sides of the bay.
Joshua was talking to some of the staff operating the consoles in front of the windows, discussing colour and style for the name and registration. A spindly waldo arm was already sliding out under the direction of one operator, its ion-jet painter head rotating into position.
“You’re supposed to be launching in twenty-eight minutes,” Ione said.
Joshua glanced across and smiled. He left the control centre staff, and glided over to her. They kissed. “Plenty of time. And you can’t fly without a name on the fuselage. Besides, the C.A.B. inspectors have already cleared us for flight.”
“Did Dahybi sort out the new node?”
“Yeah. Eventually. We had to get him some help. A voidhawk actually went and collected two of the manufacturer’s software team from the Halo for us. They solved the synchronization glitch. Jesus, I love ultra priority projects.”
“We just have to load the combat wasps, and Ashly’s flying our new MSV over from the Dassault service bay. Your science team is already on board. We got Kempster and Renato along with Mzu and the agents. Parker Higgens insisted on travelling in the
“Don’t be offended,” Ione said. “Poor Parker gets dreadfully spacesick.”
Joshua gave her a blank look, as if she’d come out with a non sequitur. “And we’ve got the serjeants in zero-tau as well.
“It’s not a contest, Joshua.”
He grinned lopsidedly and pulled her close. “I know.”
Liol erupted through the hatchway. “Josh! There you are. Look, we can’t—oh.”
“Hello, Liol,” Ione said sweetly. “So have you been enjoying yourself in Tranquillity?”
“Er, yeah. It’s great. Thanks.”
“You made a big impression on Dominique. She can’t stop talking about you.”
Liol grimaced, appealing silently to Joshua.
“I don’t think you’ve said goodbye to her yet, have you?” Ione asked.
Liol’s blush was beyond the ability of any neural nanonic override to control. “I’ve been very busy helping Josh. Er, hey, perhaps you could do it for me?”
“Yes, Liol.” She struggled against a laugh. “I’ll let her know you’ve gone.”
“Thanks, Ione, I owe you one. Er, Josh, we really need you on board now.”
Ione and Joshua both started chuckling after he vanished back out of the hatch. “You take care,” she told him after a while.
“Always do.”
The ride back to her apartment took a long time. Or perhaps it was because she suddenly felt so lonely.
He took it all very well,tranquillity said.
You think so? He hurts a lot inside. There’s a lot to be said for ignorance being bliss. But then again, he would’ve guessed eventually. I wouldn’t have been doing either of us any favours, not in the long run.
I am proud of your integrity.
Not much compensation for a broken heart . . . Sorry, that was bitchy of me. Hormones again.
Do you love him?
You’re always asking that.
And each time you give me a different answer.
I have very strong feelings for him. You know that. God, having two children with a man shows something. He’s absolutely adorable. But love . . . love I don’t know. I think I love what he is, not him. If I truly loved him, I would’ve tried to make him stay. We could’ve found something worthwhile for him to do here. Then again, maybe it’s me. Maybe I can never love anyone that way, not when I have you.she closed her eyes on the empty tube carriage, and watched the docking cradle slide
Ten thousand kilometres away, Meredith Saldana’s squadron was coming together in formation. The
I am no substitute for a human,tranquillity said gently. I would never claim you.
I know. But you’re my first love, and you always will be my love. That’s strong competition for a man.
Voidhawk captains succeed.
You’re thinking of Syrinx.
And all her kind.
But they’re Edenists. They have it different.
Perhaps you should get to know some while we’re here. They at least would not be intimidated by me.
Good idea. But . . . I don’t know if it’s because I’m a Saldana, but I just don’t feel right about embracing Edenism as the solution to all my problems. It’s a wonderful culture. But if we stayed here, if I had an Edenist for a partner, we’d wind up becoming absorbed.
We have no future returning to Mirchusko. The Laymil are no longer a mystery.
I know. But I’m still not converting to Edenism. We’re unique, you and I. We might have been created for one purpose, but we’ve evolved beyond that now. We have our own lives to live; we have the right to choose our own future.
If the possessed don’t do that for us.
They won’t. Joshua’s flight is only one of a hundred different explorations into this problem. The human race will surmount this.
Not without change. Edenism will change, they will surely have to rethink their attitude to religion.
I doubt it. They’ll see the beyond as justifying their stance that spirituality is a null concept, everything has a natural explanation however bizarre. Laton telling them they won’t be caught in the beyond will simply reinforce their position.
Then what do you propose?
I’m not sure. Perhaps nothing except for a clean start in a new star system. After that we’ll see what happens.
Ah. Now I think I understand the urge for you to have and keep this child. You intend to found a new culture. A people who have affinity, but outside the context of Edenism.
That’s very grand: founding a culture. I’m not sure my ambition extends to that.