106. William Irwin Thompson, The American Replacement of Nature (New York: Doubleday, 1991), 123.
107. Roszak, The Cult of Information, 113.
108. Jay Bolter, Turing's Man (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1984), 74.
109. Regis, Great Mambo Chicken, 153.
110. Hoeller, Freedom, 165.
111. Time, Special Issue, 148, no. 14 (Fall 1996): 29.
112. Marshall McLuhan and Quentin Fiore, War and Peace in the Global Village (New York: Bantam, 1968), 18.
113. P. D. Ouspensky, In Search of the Miraculous {New York: Har-court, Brace EWorld, 1949), 47.
114. Ibid., 59.
115. Stewart Lamont, Religion Inc.: The Church of Scientology {London: Harrap, 1986), 28.
116. Ibid., 28.
117. Jon Atack, A Piece of Blue Sky (New York: Lyle Stuart, 1990), 157.
118. http://www.demon.co.uk/castle/xenu/xenu.html
119. Lowell D. Streiker, Mind-Bending (New York: Doubleday, 1984), 80.
120. The Lama Foundation, „Cookbook for a Sacred Life', in Be Here Now (San Cristobal, N. M.: Lama Foundation, Year of the Earth Monkey), 1.
121. Cited in Douglas Rushkoff, Cybcria (San Francisco: Harper-San Francisco, 1994), 67.
122. „What Does Being a Buddhist Mean to You?' Tricycle 6, no. 1 (Fall 1996): 41.
123. Timothy Leary, Ralph Metzner, and Richard Alpert, The Psychedelic Experience (reprint, New York: Citadel Underground, 1995), 61.
124. Jay Stevens, Storming Heaven (New York: Harper & Row, 1987), 248–249.
125. Dery, Escape Velocity, 29.
126. TonySchwartz, WhatReally Matters (New York: Bantam, 1996), 150.
127. Ibid., 154–155.
128. Fuller, Mesmerism and the American Cure of Souls, 87.
129. Charles T. Tart, Waking Up (Boston: Shambhala, 1987), 23.
130. John C. Lilly, The Center of the Cyclone (New York: Bantam, 1972), XV.
131. Ibid., 9.
132. Timothy Leary, Exo-Psychology (Los Angeles: Starseed/Peace Press, 1977), 104.
133. Ibid., 114.
134. http://www.factory.Org/nettime/archive/l 140.html
135. Dery, Escape Velocity, 22.
136. Robert Pirsig, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance (New York: Bantam, 1974), 16.
137. Cited in Roszak, The Cult of Information, 148.
138. Dery, Escape Velocity, 33.
139. Kevin Kelly, Out of Control (Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley, 1994), 127.
140. McLuhan and Fiore, War and Peace, 83.
141. Jacques Ellul, The Technological Society (New York: Knopf, 1964), 423.
142. Cited in Florman, The Existential Pleasures of Engineering, 54.
143. McLuhan and Fiore, War and Peace, 25.
144. Ibid., 72.
145. Cited in William A. Covino, Magic, Rhetoric, and Literacy (Albany, N.Y.: SUNY Press, 1994), 23.
146. William A. Covino, Magic, Rhetoric, and Literacy (Albany, N. Y.: SUNY Press, 1994), 8.
147. Michel de Certeau, The Practice of Everyday Life, trans. Steven Rendall (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1984), XXIV.
148. Т. М. Luhrmann, Persuasions of the Witch's Craft (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1989), 106.
149. Margot Adler, Drawing Down the Moon (Boston: Beacon, 1986), 397.
150. Cited in Robert Anton Wilson, Cosmic Trigger (Phoenix: Falcon Press, 1977), 18.
151. Ronald Grimes, Beginnings in Ritual Studies (Washington, DC: University Press of America, 1982), 54.
152. Interview with author, September 1996.
153. Interview with author, October 1994.
154. Philip K. Dick, The Shifting Realities of Philip K. Dick, ed. Lawrence Sutin (New York: Pantheon, 1995), 183.
155. William Gibson, Ncuromanccr (New York: Ace Books, 1984), 51.
156. Margaret Wertheim, „The Medieval Return of Cyberspace', in The Virtual Dimension, ed. John Beckmann (New York: Princeton Architectural Press, forthcoming).
157. William Gibson, Mona Lisa Overdrive (New York: Bantam, 1988), 13.
158. James Burke and Robert Ornstein, The Axemaker's Gift (New York: Grosset/Putnam, 1995), 281.
159. Ibid., 308.
160. Cited in Dery, Escape Velocity, 55.
161. Wertheim, „The Medieval Return of Cyberspace'.
162. William Gibson, Count Zero (New York: Ace, 1986), 119.
163. Interview with author, May 1989.
164. Ed Morales, „Circle of Fire', Village Voice, March 19, 1996, 37.
165. Yates, The Art of Memory, 47.
166. http://www.pathfinder.com/time/magazine/1997/dom/ 970519/tech.the_man_who-i. html
167. Yates, The Art of Memory, 17.
168. Ibid., 2.
169. Hermetka, 41.
170. Peter J. French, John Dee (London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1972), 71.
171. Jay David Bolter, Writing Space (Hillsdale, N. J.: Erlbaum, 1991), 60.
172. Bolter, Turing's Man, 164.
173. http://marlowe.wimsey.com/~rshand/streams/gnosis/cyber.html
174. Umberto Eco, Travels in Hyperreality, trans. William Weaver (New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1986), 82.
175. J. R. R. Tolkien, „On Fairy Stories', in The Tolkien Reader (New York: Ballantine, 1966), 37.
176. Ibid., 10.
177. Gary Gygax et al., Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Player's Handbook, 2nd ed. (Lake Geneva, Wis.: TSR, 1995), 10.
178. Steven Levy, Hackers (New York: Dell, 1984), 141.
179. Julian Dibbell, My Tiny life (New York: Owl Books, forthcoming).
180. http://www.csd.uwo.ca/~pete/Infocom/Articles/lebling.html
181. Dante, Inferno, trans. Alien Mandelbaum (New York: Quality Paperbook Book Club, 1980), canto 1, line 1.
182. Yates, The Art of Memory, 95.
183. http://www.ilt.columbia.edu/projects/dante/
184. Levy, Hackers, 141.
185. Sherry Turkic, The Second Self (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1984), 80.
186. Angus Fletcher, Allegory (Ithaca, N. Y.: Cornell University Press, 1964), 3.
187. Theodor Holm Nelson, „The Right Way to Think About Software Design', in The Art of Human- Computer Interface, ed. Brenda Laurel (Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley, 1990), 241.
188. Alan Kay, „User Interface: A Personal View', in The Art of Human-Computer Interface Design, ed. Brenda Laurel (Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley, 1990), 199.
189. Thompson, The American Replacement of Nature, 41.
190. Vernor Vinge, TrucNamcs… and Other Dangers (New York: Baen Books, 1987), 81.