'If no one else saw the car even, let alone the driver, I don't see how they'll ever find him.'

Bill Thorpe was getting restive too. 'And it was nearly a week ago already.'

'They'll go on trying,' said the solicitor. 'They're very persistent.'

'You say,' put in Mrs. Meyton anxiously, 'that all Henrietta will have to do will be to give evidence of identification?'

'That's all, Mrs. Meyton. It won't take very long. The Coroner may want to know if Mrs. Jenkins's sight and hearing were normal. If it seems relevant her doctor could be called in as an expert witness on the point. Otherwise the Coroner will just note what she says.'

' ' 'Write that down,' the King said',' burbled Henrietta hysterically, '' 'and reduce the answer to shillings and pence' '.'

Arbican looked bewildered.

'Alice in Wonderland,' said the Rector as if that explained everything.


There was a sudden stir and a rustle of feet Seven men filed into the room where the inquest was being held and sat toat one side of the dais. Henrietta looked at Arbican.

'The jury, Miss Jenkins.'

She hadn't known there would be a jury.

'There is always a jury when death is caused by a vehicle on a public highway.'

The Rector counted them. 'I thought juries were like apostles…'

Arbican frowned. 'I beg your pardon?'

'Twelve in number.'

'Not for a Coroner's Inquest.'

'So We Are Seven?'

Arbican frowned again. 'We are seven?'

'It's another quotation,' said Mr. Meyton kindly.

Henrietta was the first person to be called. A man handed her a Bible and told her what to say.

'I hearby swear by Almighty God that the evidence I shall give touching the death of Grace Edith Jenkins shall be the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.'

The Coroner picked up his pen. 'Your name?'

She swallowed visibly. 'Henrietta Eleanor Leslie Jenkins.'

'You have seen the body declared to be that of a woman found on the lower road to Belling St. Peter in the village of Larking on Wednesday morning last?'


'A little louder please, Miss Jenkins.'


'And you identify it as that of the said Grace Edith Jenkins?'

'I do.'

'What was your relationship to the deceased?'

She stared at a spot on the wall above and behind the Coroner's head and said faintly, 'Adopted daughter.'

The Coroner twitched his papers. 'I must ask you to speak up. I am aware that this must perforce be a painful occasion to you but an inquest is a public enquiry, and the public have a right, if not a duty, to hear what is said.'

'Adopted daughter.' She said it more firmly this time, as if she herself were more sure.

'Thank you.' His courtesy was automatic, without sarcasm. 'When did you last see deceased alive?'

'Early in January, before I went back to college.' She hesitated. 'I was due home at the end of this month but, of course…' her voice trailed away.

'Quite so.' The Coroner made a further note on his papers. 'That will be all for the time being, Miss Jenkins. I must ask you to remain in the building as you may be recalled later.'

Harry Ford, postman, came next, and deposed how he had come across the body early on Wednesday morning.


Mrs. Callows described how Mrs. Jenkins had got off the last bus with her and Mrs. Perkins.


Then P. C. Hepple related that which he had found.


The Coroner wrote down the width of the carriageway and said, 'And the length of the skid mark?'

Hepple cleared his throat. 'I'm sorry, sir, I'm afraid there wasn't one.'

The Coroner was rather like a rook. An elderly but still spry rook. And very alert. He didn't miss the fact that there was no evidence of the car's brakes being urgently applied. Nor did he comment on it. Henrietta moved a little forward on her chair as if she hadn't quite heard the constable properly but otherwise his statement made no visible impact.

Then a tall thin man was taking the oath with practised ease. He identified himself—though the Coroner must have known him well—as Hector Smithson Dabbe, Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery, Consultant Pathologist to the Berebury Group Hospital Management Committee. Then he gave his evidence.


Henrietta lowered her head as if in defence but she couldn't escape the pathologist's voice while he explained that, in his opinion, the injuries sustained by the body which he was given to understand was that of one Grace Edith Jenkins…

Henrietta noticed the word 'which.' Grace Jenkins was— had been—a person. She wasn't any longer. This man had said 'which' not 'who.'

'… were consistent,' said Dr. Dabbe, 'with her having been run over by a heavy vehicle twice.'

Henrietta felt sick.

The Coroner thanked him and then shuffled his papers into order and looked at the jury. 'I am required by law to adjourn an inquest for fourteen days if I am requested to do so by the Chief Constable on the grounds that a person may be charged with murder, manslaughter or with causing death by reckless or dangerous driving.'

He paused. Someone in the room sneezed into the stillness.

'I have received such a request from the Chief Constable of Calleshire and this inquest is accordingly adjourned for two weeks. No doubt the press will take cognizance of the fact that the police are appealing for witnesses.'

The press—in the person of a ginger-haired cub reporter from The Berebury News—obediently scribbled a note and suddenly it was all over.

Inspector Sloan came up to Henrietta. 'I won't keep you, miss. There's just one thing I must say to you.'


'I know you weren't thinking of it but I must formally ask you not to go abroad before the inquest is resumed.'

She smiled wanly. 'I promise.'

He hesitated. 'May I hazard a guess, miss, that you've never been abroad at all?'

'Never, Inspector. How did you know?'

He didn't answer directly. 'Did you ever want to?'

'Yes, I did. Especially lately. Since I've been at University, I mean. Some friends went on a reading party to France last summer. They asked me to go with them and I should liked to have gone…'

'But Grace Jenkins didn't want you to…' put in Sloan.

'That's right. How did you know?'

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