
But certain things I’d never give up on wondering about. They were the things that I knew if I stopped thinking on them it’d mean I was finally dead inside, that working with patients on Y4 had, one way or another, finally drained me dry.

The depths of man’s inhumanity to other men—or women, or children, or yes, even vampires to other vampires—was one of these topics. It was illustrated on the walls here, to a horrifying extent. If I ever saw things like these and managed to be quiet inside—it would mean County had won.

Anna stalked around the room, barely glancing at the walls. She kicked over the files, spilling out sheaves of photographs upon the floor, walking across them without looking down. Finally, she returned to me.

“Leave so I may burn this place.”

I shook my head. “No.”

“Burn it!” she said.

“You can’t—there are other people living in this building.”

“Burn it all down to the ground!” she shouted. “Let their blood be a sacrifice to Yuri’s memory!”

I’d only sworn her to my personal safety—I realized now I should have expanded her promise to cover all of the inhabitants inside County lines. What exactly was she? In freeing her, what had I inadvertently set loose?

“Anna, please—” I reached for her shoulder before she could do anything stupid. She whirled beneath me and held me in place with those emberlike eyes. Flames leaped inside my mind, hot and high. “Stop it, Anna.”

She didn’t. The heat increased. And instead of it making me want to run away, like a deer from a forest fire, she wanted me to turn toward it, to go closer. Where was gasoline? Where were matches? This place would be so much better if it were cauterized entirely, ablated like a cancerous spot. Surely this place above all places needed to be excised—and I was a nurse, I knew all about excisions. The flames glittered in my mind like an oncoming migraine, as her will sledgehammered through my brain.

“Stop it!” I clutched my hands to my head, dropping the shirts in a pile. “Stop it right now! You promised!”

The urge to burn things subsided, but didn’t quiet entirely. “Look—we’ll tell the police about things. And then they’ll handle it. There’s good evidence here—they can make other arrests.”

She kicked a stack of photos, sending them fluttering through the air. “They can arrest the servants? And full vampires? What good can your human courts do, when they did not even save me?” she sputtered. She was breathing hard. I didn’t think vampires needed to breathe. But if her huffing and puffing could have blown all the girls down, it would have. She whirled around, with her arms held up, addressing the room at large.

“Why—why did he save them, and not me?” she howled, pointing at the walls. And then she fell to all fours in the middle of the room, creasing the photos there with her knees and fisted hands. All the other lost little girls stared down at her, at the last little girl found.

I knelt beside her. “He was trying to, Anna. You were on his mind—he said your name with his dying breath.”

She grabbed one of the shirts I held and savagely rubbed her eyes with the sleeve. “It should have been him to find me! Not you—him!”

“I know.” I reached out a hand—if she’d been any other human in the world, I would have hugged her just then, but I was scared to. But then she sobbed, a gut-wrenching sound. I’d made noises like that before; I knew what they felt like, what they meant, from the bottom of my heart. I dropped the shirts and wrapped my arms around her before I could talk myself out of it.

She went stiff and quiet, and just when I thought I’d horribly overstepped myself and ruined everything—she collapsed against me and cried, deep and hard, squeezing me tight. I was glad for each and every layer I’d put on under my coat and I prayed for my ribs to hold. I hugged her back until she released me, rocking back and turning away from me to blot at her eyes again with Yuri’s sleeves.

“You are a foolish human. A greater fool than any I have met before. Yuri would have approved of you.” She unzipped her jacket and stuffed several of Yuri’s shirts into it. Then she wiped her nose with the back of one hand, and picked up the final shirt, the one she’d cried upon, and held it out to me. “I will help you.”

I took the shirt as though I was shaking her hand. “Thank you.”

“You are welcome,” she said solemnly, and left the room. I shoved the shirt in my coat pocket and followed.

*   *   *

We walked down the stairs together. It was quiet except for the echoing sound of our steps. It wasn’t usual for places like this to be so quiet. Surely someone here slept with the TV on—and surely these walls were so poorly insulated that we ought to be able to hear it.

“Do you hear that?” Anna asked, just as I’d been making sure I’d heard nothing at all. She fell to a crouch and shot down the stairs.

“Wait!” I shouted, and ran down after her.

A group of ten men met us in the street, their black stockbroker-style suits casting stark outlines against the snow. They didn’t need snow gear—they wouldn’t feel the cold, nor would they care if anyone saw them. They were all alike, vampires or daytimers.

“Help!” I shouted. “Someone—help!” I knew this wasn’t the kind of neighborhood that worked in. No one knew us, it was none of their business, and I was sure one of the vampires here would be able to bend human attention away like so many of them could. Still— “Call 911!”

One of the men advanced.

“I’m a noncombatant! She’s under my protection!” I addressed him, putting myself in front of Anna. I didn’t have my badge on me, but—

She raced around me, up the street, peeling off layers of clothing. She ran three steps at a time up a stoop and then launched herself horizontally at a suited man who clearly wasn’t ready.

Maybe they were so used to thinking of her as weak that they were unprepared. Or maybe she’d gotten better faster than they could have imagined. She flew by the outlier, one hand out, and snatched half his neck from him as she passed. His head lolled to one side, clearly showing the stub of his spine before dust started pouring out of the hole she’d left.

The next one was even faster—guts strewn for an instant, and then many soft popping sounds, as he turned into a suit full of dust.

There were so many of them, and she was awesomely fast—I wondered again what she was. I’d never seen a vampire in action—maybe they were all like this? As she dispatched one after another, I realized I was seeing what she was doing now. She was slowing down. Whatever superstrength homeless blood, a half-empty blood bag, and a century’s worth of rage had given her was waning. Eventually one of them fought back and tossed her on her rear into the snow. I ran forward to where she’d fallen, but she wasn’t there anymore—he’d kicked her like a soccer ball up into the streetlight on the curb. She’d dented its base and recovered, but then five of them were on her.

“Please help! Someone help!” I shouted, and I ran forward, trying to pull the last of them off. He swatted me aside. I fell on my ass in the snow.

He could have killed me—any of them could have. But I didn’t matter to them—why should I, when without her at the tribunal, I was already dead without consequence, and for whatever purposes they wanted me?

A car arrived and their tide shifted course, drawing her toward its opening door. I saw into the backseat—and a face I recognized looked out at me. Stone-gray eyes and, when he saw me, a mocking grin. The vampire who’d first held Anna captive was there for half a second before he pulled back into the darkness of the car like a trapdoor spider. The remaining suits shoved Anna in. The car drove away and those who lived dispersed, running to the ends of the earth like so many ninjas on a late-night cartoon.

I stood up, knocked the ice off my rear, and looked around. Not a single window had opened on the street, not a single blind or curtain was raised, and there were no sirens in the distance. No one had noticed our altercation at all.

The dented street lamp looked like any other street lamp that’d met a buzzed driver. The vampire dust looked like soot in the snow. Yuri’s shirts were dark where they’d absorbed the melting snow, watermarks spreading out like blood. And I was alone, again. I shoved the last shirt, the one Anna had given me, deeper into my pocket, and walked as fast as I could back to the train station.

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