anyone seriously since.”

“Really? His reputation is as such a Don Juan.”

“Oh, yeah. And he is, don’t get me wrong. But I don’t think all these casual relationships are what he really wants. He’s like a nomad, wandering the earth. He’s never around for family birthdays or holidays. He just gives a hundred percent to his job.” She squinted her eyes. “Lessa Lawrence… Wait a minute. Aren’t you the one who fired him?”

Uh-oh. “Yes. I was…well, not happy with what happened to my father.”

“Rick felt bad about your dad. I remember him talking about it. But I don’t think he had much to do with it, if that makes you feel any better. He told us that they were going to fire him whether or not he took over.”

“I’m not sure of the details,” Lessa said. She didn’t want to get into this with his sister, that was certain.

“I bet you can find out. A lot of the board members are still there, right?”

They were and Lessa had done her best to check Rick’s story. The board members she had spoken to had all told her the same thing. If Rick hadn’t been there, they wouldn’t have fired her father. “I would like to believe that he didn’t have much to do with it,” Lessa said. “But the truth of the matter is that he didn’t stop it either.”

“Did he have the power to stop it?” his sister asked. “From what I remember, they had already made their decision by the time they told him.” She took Lessa’s hand. “In any case, please don’t hold it against him. I know he didn’t want to hurt your father, or you, for that matter. He was numb back then, still reeling from Karen’s death. Maybe he shouldn’t have taken the job, but we all make mistakes, don’t we? I’ve made my share.” She leaned forward and said conspiratorially, “I was married before. It didn’t work out, though. Have you ever been married?”

“Me?” Lessa laughed. “No.”

“What’s so funny?”

Why was she laughing? Because she had not even had a serious boyfriend. She couldn’t very well go from not dating to getting married. “The concept of me having a serious boyfriend is funny, I guess.”

“You and Rick sound like you’re perfect for each other.”

“I’m not like Rick,” she said quickly. “I have the opposite situation. I rarely date.”

“But you’re dating Rick.”

“Am I? I don’t think so.”

“You’re dating. You’re here, aren’t you? I would bet you that he cares about you more than he’s admitted. He never brings anyone to meet us.”

“But we have to go to Florida-”

“Mumbo jumbo. He’s had other meetings and inconvenient family obligations. He still never brought anyone.”

There was a banging on the door. “Susan?”

“That’s my husband,” she said, her eyes lighting up. “Isn’t he cute? Have you met him?”

“Yes. He seems very nice.”

“Susan?” they heard again. “What in the world are you doing?”

She smiled and grabbed Lessa’s hand. “Come on. Let me introduce you to the rest of the family.”

Rick sat at the table, nervously looking around for Lessa. He had a feeling she was in trouble, and his fears were confirmed when he saw her arm in arm with his sister. He watched as Susan took Lessa’s hand and proceeded to lead her smack into a group of cousins, introducing them one by one.

Rick’s younger brother saw the interaction and laughed. “We’re all intrigued by your mystery woman. Why didn’t you tell us you were bringing someone?”

“Because I didn’t realize it until this morning. And besides, she’s not a date. She’s a coworker.”

“Sure,” he said sarcastically. “This is me, Russell, your brother. I don’t need the party line. Now, how long have you been seeing her?”

“She’s the chairman of the board.”

“Kind of young to be chairman of the board.”

“My sentiments exactly.”

“She’s beautiful. And smart. And rich.” Russell glanced at Rick again. “And she’s not yours?”

“I already answered that question.”

“So…you don’t mind if I ask her to dance?”

“No,” Rick said, his jaw tightening.

Susan came over, pulling Lessa by the hand. “Lessa and I were just getting acquainted.”

“I think it’s my turn,” Russell said. He smiled at Lessa and said, “Would you like to dance?”

“I’d love to,” Lessa said, accepting his arm.

As his brother led her to the dance floor and the two began moving to the music, Rick couldn’t help but notice the way Lessa was smiling at Russell, as if she were actually enjoying herself. And his brother… Well, hell, he looked like he couldn’t be happier. And why wouldn’t he be? Rick remembered the way it felt to hold Lessa in his arms, to have her delicate arms wrapped around his neck. The way her breasts had felt against his chest.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw his sister looking at him suspiciously. “Nice wedding,” he said.

“I hope you like it,” she replied. “It’s my last one.”

“I don’t know,” he teased. “Seems a shame to stop. You’re just getting the hang of it. This was so much better than the first one.”

“Very funny. But it’s your turn next.”

He laughed. “I don’t think so.”

They were quiet for a moment as he continued to watch his brother dance with Lessa. What the hell were they whispering in each other’s ears?

“She’s a beautiful woman,” Susan said.

“What? Oh, yes. Attractive.”

“She certainly caught Russell’s eye.”

“So it appears.”

The music changed tempo, slowing down considerably. But instead of leaving the dance floor, Russell pulled Lessa close and rested his cheek against hers.

“Just a coworker, huh?” Susan said, motioning toward Rick’s fists.

What was he doing? He relaxed his fists. He had no reason to be jealous. Lessa Lawrence was not his and never would be. “More than just a coworker. She’s chairman of Lawrence Enterprises.”

“Hmm,” Susan said, smiling.

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“It sounds like you’ve got a Hepburn-Tracy thing going on. An office love affair.”

“You’re wrong.”

“I know you. And I can see the way you’re looking at her. You can’t stop thinking about her, right? And I assume you’ve…held hands, so to speak.”

“Look,” he said. “I can guarantee this relationship is not going to go anyplace. She’s arranged to give me half her stock in the company once this takeover threat is aborted. What she doesn’t know is that I’ll then own more than her.”

“So you’re going to fire her?” Susan asked. There was no mistaking the horror in her voice.

He paused. That was what he was going to do, right? “Yes.”

“Rick,” she said, shaking her head, “it’s Christmas.”

“Look, if there was any other way… But there’s not.” He had gone over it every which way. The truth of the matter was that he had no choice.

“But you care about her. I can see it in your eyes. Why can’t you work together?”

“It’s complicated.” He didn’t want to discuss it anymore.

“This is so typical of you. Dating someone that you think is safe. You only like relationships that come with automatic brakes. Did it ever occur to you to get rid of the brakes? Maybe you could have the ride of your life.”

“I think you better lay off the champagne,” Rick said.

She rolled her eyes and shook her head, frustrated. After a pause, she asked, “Are you going to Mom and Dad’s for Christmas?” Every year his sister attempted to get him to come home.

Вы читаете Mistletoe Maneuvers
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