narrow wooden shaft of a paintbrush. There were smears of bright red on the tunic that matched the still-wet color on the brush.

“Hi, there,” Erin said. “Is Rudy around? Or Jim?”

“Everyone’s in the back,” the man said, “but if you wanted in on the session, you should’ve been here two hours ago.”

“That’s okay, we’re not here to paint. We’ve just got a couple of questions for the boys.”


“Won’t take but a minute,” Erin said, and pushed past him. He let them go.

Erin led the way down a dark corridor lined with canvases, squares of painted Masonite and bent-wire sculptures.

“Did you think his cigarette smelled funny?” Tricia whispered.

“Hilarious,” Erin said.

They passed through a kitchen whose sink was home to a stack of dishes crusted with the residue of a month’s meals. The door to the back yard was open and Tricia saw five or six easels set up in a circle around a pair of models, a man straddling a tall bar stool and a woman sprawled backwards at his feet, one arm outstretched in front of her as though to ward off a blow.

The man in the tunic followed them out, took his place at the yard’s one empty easel, tamped out his cigarette, slipped the butt behind one ear, and resumed painting.

Tricia followed Erin around the perimeter, glancing at each canvas as they passed. On the first, the man was a cowboy on a rearing horse, the woman a squaw about to be trampled. The next showed an eight-foot-tall metal man shooting bolts from his eyes and a spacewoman in a gold jumpsuit returning fire with her ray gun. The third showed a German soldier in a First World War uniform leaping into a trench; the woman was a resolute doughboy this time, bayonet fixed to spit the Boche when he landed. Each showed the pair from a different angle, of course, depending on where the painter was standing; no editor, art director, or reader would ever know the paintings came from a single sitting. But meanwhile the painters got to split one modeling fee, Tricia supposed.

Erin stopped, finally, beside a bear of a man in a denim smock, the pocket in the front erupting with a profusion of brushes, palette knives, and other implements. He dabbled the wide fan brush he was using in a jar of water, stuck it in the apron pocket, and said without turning, “Afternoon, Erin. What brings you to the hinterlands?”

“You know I always like seeing you, Rudy,” Erin said. She looked over his canvas, which showed the woman on a heart-shaped mattress, naked and quite a bit bustier than the model was in life. The man in his picture was at the top of a stepladder, training a movie camera downwards. “Nice work. Is this for Charley?”

“He wishes,” Rudy said. “I’ll get five times as much for it from Hefner.”

“Fair enough. Rudy, listen, there’s someone I need to find, a model. I thought you might know where she is. Stella Dane?”

“Stella Dane,” Rudy said, scratching his chin with a thick and discolored fingernail. “Stella Dane. I remember her—I think. Was she the one I used on The Big Blade? Or was she Death Rides the Rails?”

Erin pulled out the cover of Death Stalks a Bride. “I don’t know those two, but here’s one Bob Maguire did of her.”

“Oh, yeah, her. Sure. I painted her two, three times. We had her here for a session like this once. Jim, you remember Stella Dane?” A man across the way looked up, blinked twice, shrugged.

Tricia crossed to his easel, showed him her copy of the cover.

“Oh, sure, the tall girl,” Jim said. “With the feet. She had these unusally long feet.”

“Do you know where we could find her?” Erin said. “It’s important.”

“No idea,” Jim said. And Rudy nodded.

“Let me see that,” one of the other painters said, and Tricia brought the cover around to him. “Yeah, right— Stella. Isn’t she the one who was talking the whole time about how she wanted to be in television? How she was really an actress and a singer and I don’t know what-all else. Like maybe one of us would pull a record contract out of his back pocket if she kept talking about it. You remember Norm made her pose with a cigarette in her mouth just to shut her up?”

A couple of the others nodded.

“Any idea where she is now?” Tricia said


Tricia looked around the circle, saw heads shaking. Then a small voice said, “Excuse me?” They all looked down. From where she was lying on the ground, propped on one elbow, the squaw/spacewoman/doughboy said, “I think I know where she is.”

“Keep your mouth closed, honey,” one of the painters said. “I’m working on your face.”

But Tricia darted over to the woman.

“Hey,” the painter said, “get out of there, you’re lousing up the pose.”

“Just one second,” Tricia said. Then, to the model, “Stella Dane, right? This girl?” She showed her the cover.

“Yeah, that’s her,” the model said. “I saw her just the other day.”

“Where was this?” Tricia said.

“At the fights,” she said. “In the basement at the Stars Club.”

“She was in the audience?” Tricia said.

“No,” the model said. “She was in the ring.”

It took them a bit more than an hour to get back to Times Square and from there it was a short walk west to the Stars Club, a squat building in the shadow of the piers. It stood a scant quarter mile south of the Sun and though it was supposed to be independently owned, Tricia knew from the newspaper articles she’d read that Sal Nicolazzo was involved behind the scenes. He hadn’t really gone out of his way to hide the connection—he also had a piece of one of the city’s last remaining ten-cent-a-ticket dance halls, and a year ago he’d renamed it the Moon.

The doorman stationed outside the front door of the Stars looked like the least likely man in New York to be found wearing a top hat, but a top hat was what he was wearing. Beneath it he sported the crumpled face and cauliflower ears of a boxer who’d taken one too many trips to the mat. His fighting days looked to have ended around the time of Carnera, if not Dempsey, and he glared at anyone entering the building as though nursing a deep resentment that boxing attendance hadn’t come to a halt the day he left the sport.

The lineup advertised on a card beside the door promoted three afternoon fights, the first already underway, Mick “the Brahmin Brawler” Brody against Jerry “the Jackhammer” Lamar. After that it was Norman “the Mountain” Peakes against Steve Curtis, who had no nickname, apparently, and then the headline bout, featuring former middleweight champ Bobo “the Hawaiian Swede” Olson, fresh out of a short-lived retirement, against Ramy “the Chemist” Farid. Those were the fights in the main arena on the ground floor. In a box at the bottom of the card there was also a mention of an exhibition bout in the basement, pitting a fighter called the Houston Hurricane against one called the Colorado Kid. Those two fighters conspicuously were identified only by their nicknames, not by name and not with photos. According to the girl out in Brooklyn there was a reason for it—the Houston Hurricane was one of the cover models from Death Stalks a Bride, and not the one in overalls.

“I’m surprised they let women box,” Tricia said.

“They who? The boxing commissioner doesn’t; the city of New York doesn’t. But a lot of things go on behind closed doors that they don’t allow.”

Tricia aimed a thumb at the ex-pug, who was letting a well-dressed couple enter. “Looks like an open door to me.”

“Just try getting past our friend there if he thinks you’re an undercover cop, or an inspector.”

“And what exactly is he going to think we are?”

“The two of us?” Erin said, putting one arm around Tricia’s waist. “He’s going to think we’re girls who like watching other girls hit each other.”

Erin tugged at Tricia to get her moving and whispered, “Put a little sex in it.” The advice was superfluous; it didn’t take guidance on Erin’s part to make Tricia do the things that got heads swiveling. It wasn’t something Tricia turned on and it wasn’t something she could turn off. Cars that would’ve honked angrily at your typical New York

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