“He had on tight pants and I had too many margaritas.”

He shook his head. “I’ve been trying to call you for the last two hours.”

“I haven’t had a chance to charge my phone.”

“I thought you were going to go stay with your parents, or Jacqueline. They haven’t seen or heard from you and they had no idea your apartment had been vandalized.”

“Excuse me?” I stood there, glaring at him with my jaw on my chest. “You called them?”

“Let’s go inside and discuss this.” He put his hand under my elbow to lead me away.

I jerked my arm out of his grasp. “You had no right to call my family or tell them my business. Why did you do that?”

He bent toward me, his brows knit, his lips thinned into a straight line. “I had every right. I’m concerned about you. Why didn’t you tell them about the break in?”

“Because I didn’t want to worry them,” I said. “And it wasn’t your place to say anything. You didn’t want to help me when I needed it. Too afraid of people like the Chief of Police and your boss. You can’t get involved when it’s convenient and blow me off when it’s not.”

“Is that what you think I’m doing? Because none of this has been convenient. I care about you and I’m worried about your safety.” He continued to glare at me. “You said you’d let the police look for Axton. Was that a lie?”

I scoffed. “Of course it was. And if you knew me at all, you’d have known that. You just heard what you wanted to hear.”

Dane turned away, watched a few cars drive by, their headlights whizzing past in the dark. He inhaled before glancing back at me. “I think you’re being self-destructive. You’re diving into danger head first and you don’t even care. This Sullivan character could hurt you.”

“Then I better get to Axton before that can happen.”

“I can’t do this anymore. You’re on your own.” He held up his hands.



He turned around and left.

I stood there next to my shabby little apartment building and felt more alone than ever.

Chapter 24

I trudged back inside and made myself a pallet on the floor using one of my new blankets and pillow. I tucked my stun gun under said pillow, pulled another blanket over me, and leaving the light on, instantly fell asleep.

A loud knock at the door woke me. The blankets tangled around my legs as I scrambled up. I was groggy and shaky, but still I grabbed the stun gun, my finger on the trigger.

The knock sounded again. “Who is it?” I yelled.

“Open the door, Rose.”


I pulled on the catering pants and the sweatshirt I’d worn earlier, and with stun gun in hand I unhooked the chain, unlocked the door, and opened it. Sullivan leaned one shoulder against the doorjamb. He slowly appraised me from head to toe, casting a glance at the weapon pointed at his face.

“Are you going to use that on me?”

“I’m definitely thinking about it. If you threaten me or my family one more time, you can count on it.”

He thrust his hand into his pocket. “You called me, remember? Something about your panties? I found it intriguing.”

I glared. “Why didn’t you just break down the door again?”

“Because we’re friends now and breaking in would be rude.” He gave me a charming smile.

I wasn’t charmed.

“You going to invite me inside?”

“Oh yes, by all means.” I stood back, opened the door wider, my right hand tightening around the stun gun. Sullivan walked in and I shut the door behind him, never taking my eyes off him, never turning my back on him.

He glanced around the apartment. “Redecorating?” He looked at the futon shell with a frown and then pointed to the corner where I stood. “Where’s your table?”

“You and your evil minions wrecked it, remember? You know, along with my underwear, my food, my clothes, etc.”

His gold eyes darkened. “You think I did this?”

I actually laughed. “Oh, you are priceless. ‘You think I did this?’” I imitated his deep voice.

“You think I destroyed your things?”

“Oh God, no.” I waved him off with my hand. “You would never.”

He looked me dead in the eye. “I did not do this.”

“Well, not you personally. I wouldn’t expect Thomas Malcolm Sullivan to get his hands dirty. But Henry, on the other hand…”

He narrowed his eyes. “How do you know my name?”

“Well, Rumpelstiltskin, I could tell you…but then I’d have to stun the hell out of you.” I pushed the trigger. A blue current of electricity sizzled, filling the air with the metallic scent of ozone. “Oh, wait, I might enjoy that.”

“You’re welcome to try.” The way he said it was mildly pleasant, but the way his nostrils flared slightly, his jaw clenched and unclenched, told me he was getting pissed.

“I may take you up on that.”

He studied me and I could almost see the wheels turn. “You got my number from Packard Graystone. You called my cell and blocked your ID the other day.”

“And you broke into my apartment and trashed all my possessions. This game of state the obvious is so not fun.”

“I. Did not. Do. This.” He spoke slowly as he advanced toward me.

“So you ordered Henry to do it. It’s still on you.”

“Not true.”

Seemed we were at a stalemate. I wasn’t going to get into an argument of ‘did not’ ‘did too.’ “Why should I believe you?”

Standing in front of me, his chest touching mine, he gave me a wolfish smile and flashed his teeth, completely unconcerned I could zap the crap out of him. “Because if I did it, Rose, I would take credit for it.”

I blinked. Of course he would. He would rub my nose in it and tell me it was another warning, and something worse would happen if I didn’t shape up. Oh my God, I actually believed him.

“What about Henry? He’s capable of this.”

“Henry wouldn’t take a piss unless I told him to.”

“Nice imagery.”

“Who else have you ticked off besides me?”

This could take all night. “I have an ex who’s not happy with me.”

Sullivan walked around the room until he realized there was no place to sit. “Yes, Kevin Wilkins. Your taste in men is terrible.”

“It is beyond creepy that you know so much about my ex-boyfriend.” I tossed the stun gun onto my pallet. It seemed stupid to keep clutching it. I wasn’t going to use it on Sullivan and he knew it. “And what do you know about my taste in men?”

“You’ve been dating Dane Harker.” He made it sound like an accusation.

“That’s none of your business. My life is none of your business.”

“Right now, everything you do is my business. You’re a wild card. Unpredictable. Anyway, Dane Harker is another mistake.” He flicked his hand like he was shooing a fly.

“You don’t know what the hell you’re talking about.”

He walked toward me, stopping just six inches away. “Dane Harker follows the rules. He likes things nice and

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