Joe stormed into the hall of the station, shouting, ‘You better not have Petey Grant in here for your sake,’ even though he could see Petey sitting there as pale as death, wringing his big hands.

‘What’s it to do with you?’ asked Richie.

Joe said hi to Petey, then ushered Richie back into the hall.

‘What the hell is going on here?’ said Joe. ‘What are you doing questioning Petey without a responsible adult present? Are you nuts? It’s illegal.’

‘No it’s not. He’s not under arrest. And it’s none of your business anyway,’ said Richie.

‘I’m making it my business,’ said Joe.

‘Make it your business all you like,’ said Richie. ‘I did nothing wrong, the guy wasn’t being arrested. I just wanted to have a little word with him.’

‘Why the hell didn’t you do that at the school?

You’re terrifying him,’ said Joe. ‘It’s written all over his face. A guy like that. I’ve talked with him. He knows nothing about Katie.’

‘Oh, well, the great American detective has spoken. We can all go home now, case closed.’

‘What the hell is that supposed to mean? I’m just telling you you’re going about this the wrong way.’

‘And I’m telling you – stay the fuck out of things you don’t understand, right?’

‘Do you have a fucking clue what you’re doing?’ asked Joe, raising his voice. ‘Petey Grant, for Christ’s sake! The guy is harmless. I know Petey Grant, Richie—’

‘We’ve all known Petey Grant a hell of a lot longer than you and—’

‘And WHAT? What deep dark secret do you know about him that I don’t?’

‘He knows something. He’s not all there, he—’

‘Is that the term? A shitty twist of fate is why Petey’s where he’s at. You know what happened? Yeah, I’m not surprised you don’t. The kid didn’t get enough oxygen at birth.’ He threw his hands up. ‘That’s it. There’s your big secret.’

‘So what? That doesn’t mean he couldn’t—’

‘Oh, come on, Richie. You know damn well that Petey Grant wouldn’t hurt a fly. I had to tell him what a hooker was for Christ’s sake. You think a guy like that…you saw Katie. You honestly think Petey Grant—’

‘Look, he fancied her—’

‘You could lock up half the guys in Mountcannon for that,’ said Joe. ‘This is bullshit, this is total bullshit. There’s probably some fucking psycho out there and who are you looking at? Petey! Have you ever worked a serious crime in your life?’

‘You arrogant prick,’ said Richie. He stopped himself inches from Joe.

‘Don’t even try it,’ said Joe. Richie stood in front of him, fuming. His face was crimson. Veins pulsed at his temples. He had a few inches on Joe, but none of his composure. He was all rough edges and rage. Joe went back in to Petey.

‘Right,’ he said to Richie who had followed him in. ‘Ask him your questions. If he’s only helping you out, there’s nothing to stop me being here. Isn’t that right, Petey?’

‘Actually, Mr Lucchesi, would you mind if I did this on my own?’

Joe opened his mouth, then stopped. ‘Uh, sure, Petey. If you’re sure you’re OK. You’re not under any pressure here, are you?’

‘No. I’m fine.’

‘OK. Well, I guess I’ll leave you to it then.’

‘Thanks,’ said Richie. ‘I appreciate it.’

Joe walked past him and out the door.

‘OK. I’m going to ask you again,’ said Richie. ‘Do you know anything about all this?’

Petey took a deep breath. ‘Sort of.’

Richie shifted in his seat.

Petey looked up. ‘I met Katie on the Friday night.’

‘What do you mean you met her?’

‘I bumped into her,’ said Petey. ‘She was crying.’ He looked down, then straight back at Richie. ‘She said she had a fight with Shaun.’

Richie smiled.


Stinger’s Creek, North Central Texas, 1986

Ashley Ames stood at her bedroom mirror deciding whether or not she had finished her makeup. It was subtle on her pale skin; blush, mascara and a slick of frosted lipstick. She emptied her cosmetic bag and ran her fingers over the products. She found what she was looking for, a black eyeliner she barely knew how to use. She uncapped it and leaned in to the glass. Her nine-year-old sister Luanne lay behind her on the bed.

When she was finished, Ashley turned to her, holding a hairbrush up to her mouth: ‘Today, Ashley Ames is modelling a hot-pink off-the-shoulder top with a butt-length grey sweatshirt-skirt, complemented by a pair of classic white Keds. Or today, Ashley Ames meets her man in a hot-pink off-the-shoulder shirt with a mid-thigh ruffle skirt worn with black high-heel ankle boots.’

Luanne continued. ‘Could her hair be any higher, could her eyeliner be any heavier—’

‘Shut up, Lu,’ said Ashley. ‘So, what am I wearing?’

‘The ruffles,’ said Luanne. ‘But Daddy’s gonna freak.’


‘It’s kinda slutty,’ said Luanne.

‘Like you’d know.’ Ashley wriggled into the skirt, zipping it at her side. A small roll of flesh slipped over the band. She turned and patted herself on the butt.

‘Bask in my glory, Lu, bask in my glory.’

She sat on the bed and zipped up her boots over her chubby calves, tilting her legs to the side. She grabbed her bag, threw in some makeup and walked tall to the door. As she walked into the living room, Westley Ames lowered his newspaper.

‘I don’t know, Ash, honey,’ he said, shaking his head.

‘You don’t know what, Daddy?’

‘If they’re the right clothes for a young lady, if they’re saying the right thing.’

‘What do you think they’re saying, Daddy?’

‘Don’t you challenge me like that, Ashley.’

‘I’m sorry, Daddy. It’s just everyone…I mean, it’s not like I’m the only one, I like my clothes, they’re not saying anything to anyone.’

‘And what’s all that black around your eyes?’ he said.

‘It’s eyeliner, Daddy, no big deal.’

‘And who is this young man, anyway?’ said Westley.

‘Donnie Riggs, Daddy. You know Donnie.’

‘I know of Donnie, Ashley, I do not know Donnie and neither do you. We can only pray he’s nothing like his father, because if I so much as catch a whiff of alcohol on your breath when you come home, you’ll never see the outside world again. Do you hear me, Ashley?’

‘It’s the middle of the day, Daddy. And you know I’d never drink,’ she said and turned to walk out of the room, smiling.

Donnie Riggs sat on the kerb between two cars, a block away from Ashley’s house. He flicked his cigarette butt on the road and stood up, smoothing down his dirty jeans. His legs were shaky and his face was hot. He didn’t want to look Westley Ames in the eye today.

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