then settling between her thighs. His fingers coaxed and teased until she lifted herself toward him, begging for more. He answered her silent plea by pressing the heel of his hand against her core. She moaned and rocked against him, her breath coming loud and fast.

She ran her palms frantically over the strong muscles of his back. His skin was smooth and so hot it nearly burned. She felt her body lift itself toward him as she strained to bring herself closer. He kissed her lips hungrily, possessively, at the same time he slipped a finger between the damp folds of her womanhood.

“Carter,” she moaned, tossing her head back against the pillows.

He trailed a line of kisses down her throat, across her breasts and belly, then settled his mouth against the honey curls that hid her womanly secrets.

Dorothea sat up in the bed. “Whatever are you doing?” she asked breathlessly.

“I’m kissing you.”

Carter slowly pressed her shoulders back against the mattress. She reluctantly complied, but when he lowered his head again, her entire body contracted in shock.

It was too much! Too wicked, too intimate, too embarrassing. His breath touched her first and then she felt his fingers moving through her golden curls, opening the soft pink lips of her womanhood.

At the first wet stroke of his tongue she bit her lip to keep from screaming, but then he gently sucked the aching, sensitive bud of flesh where the most intense sensations were gathered. All thoughts of embarrassment fled.

She strained and quivered and arched herself off the mattress, feeling the tension build. Then suddenly, it was gone.

“Wait. No, don’t stop,” she cried between frantic pants for breath. “I’m nearly there.”

“I think it will be better if you reach your climax with me inside you,” he insisted, settling himself above her.

She shivered in heated anticipation as he lowered his hips. He rubbed his cock against her inner thigh, and her excitement spilled over the edge. She moaned and stretched her legs wider, encouraging his possession.

She could feel the thick, round head of his penis start to push inside her in a slow, patient rhythm. There was no pain this time, only a sense of fullness, a sense of completion. Dorothea opened her eyes and was transfixed by the sight of him. His chest shiny with sweat, the muscles in his shoulders and arms flexed and bulging, the passion and intensity in his eyes all consuming. It was the most magnificent thing she had ever seen.

“Deeper,” she moaned, locking her legs around him. “Faster.”

He groaned and thrust forward, then drew back and shoved his entire length deep inside her. She rose to meet him, pushing her hips up off the mattress. The gesture seemed to make him lose control and he rode her harder and faster.

She felt her climax inching closer. He thrust once more, deep and hard, and her limbs stiffened as they started shaking with pleasure. Her inner muscles clenched as he continued to push her higher and higher, triggering his own peak. He shook and spasmed his release and she felt his warm, wet seed invade her welcoming body.

His head fell to the pillow beside hers. He was heavy and hard, but she didn’t mind the crushing weight. She could hear his panting breath, as loud and rapid as her own. Then she felt the mattress dip and realized he had slid to her side, but was still close enough she could feel the heat and strength of his body.

“Are you all right?” he asked solemnly. “Was there any pain?”

She closed her eyes, hardly knowing what to say. Pain? Not a bit. She was floating, caught in a rapture of emotions she could not define or understand. She snaked her arm out until she found his hand. Gripping it tightly, she twined her fingers between his, never wanting to let go.

I love you. The words rose from her heart and hovered on her lips, the utter truth of them slamming into her with breath-stealing force. She loved him. The extraordinary certainty of it wrapped firmly around her heart. That was why their lovemaking had been so extraordinary tonight.

Partly Carter’s skill, of course, and partly her determination to have this aspect of their life be a pleasant one, but mainly it was the engaging of her heart. That was the true difference between tonight and their wedding night.

She was attracted to him, trusted him, but most importantly, she loved him. Her love had allowed her to hold nothing back, to give of herself completely and with wanton abandonment.

“There was no pain,” she finally answered.

“Good. Very good.” He brushed the hair from her eyes, then gazed at her for a long moment, his expression tender.

“Is it always like this?” she whispered. “I mean, when one isn’t a virgin?”

“No, hardly ever, really.” Carter bent his arm, rested his elbow on the mattress, and propped his head on his open palm. “The attraction between us is strong, yet tonight it flared with an unexpected heat.” He shook his head ruefully. “’Tis unlike anything I’ve ever experienced.”

Dorothea’s chest tightened with emotion. Unlike anything he had ever experienced. She liked the sound of that, liked it very much indeed.

The declaration of love hung on her lips, but she clamped them shut. She was not ready yet to speak of it. The emotions were too new, too intense, too profound to voice. It was too precious to reveal. The practical side of her nature, a small element at most times, was screaming at her loudly now, warning her to be cautious. It was too soon, too new to test this fragile love.

And greatly fearing to do anything else, Dorothea heeded that inner voice.

Over the next week, their relationship changed. It was as if a dam of sensuality and sexual freedom had burst and they were simply unable to keep their hands off each other. All it took was a look from Carter, a dark, sensual look, and Dorothea was on fire. She melted quickly at the caress of his hands; the pressure of his lips on any part of her body instantly filled her with longing. A longing for the physical fulfillment, but more desperately a longing for love. For Carter’s love.

There were times when she felt on the verge of revealing her emotions, of proclaiming her love and devotion. Of shouting it out loudly when they rode together about the estate. Of whispering it softly in his ear when they reclined on the rocks at the lake, their fishing poles bobbing in the water.

Oddly, every moment seemed like the perfect time, but when the words bubbled to the surface, as they so often did, something held her back. Something in the depths of his eyes. A hesitation, a fear almost. As if he knew what she wanted to say and he was desperate to keep her from uttering those words. Because he feared them? Because he did not understand them? Because he did not return them?

She didn’t know the reason, so she kept her love hidden, locked away. And though a joyous feeling, it also made her vulnerable, for it frightened her, knowing how her heart would shatter if Carter rejected her love.

Oh, what a foolish, naive young woman she had been when she came to London, believing that a marriage without love was an acceptable, even preferable one. She knew better now.

But she stubbornly refused to think beyond that point. It stood to reason that if she could fall in love with Carter, than he could fall in love with her. In moments of weakness, she toyed with the idea of trying to force the issue, but a voice of reason always held her back.

True love, lasting love, required complete honesty. And the truth was that she wanted to be loved for herself, rather than what someone wanted her to be.

“We return to London tomorrow,” Carter announced at breakfast.

There was quiet as Dorothea contemplated the slice of half-eaten toast on her dish. Why did they have to leave? Things were going so very well between them, weren’t they? Was he growing bored with her? Tired of her exclusive company? “I shall instruct Sarah to pack my trunks.”

“Excellent. I’d like to get an early start.” Carter cleared his throat. “I think it would be best if Lancelot stays behind. A young dog of his breed needs a large area to run and play.”

Dorothea sipped her hot chocolate. “There are plenty of parks in Town. I’m sure I can find a patch of green for him to frolic.”

“And no doubt get trampled by a horse. Really, Dorothea, it’s for his safety. We’ll return in a few weeks, once the Season has officially ended.”

Dorothea felt a lump of emotion clog her throat, but she swallowed it down. She was upset at having to leave the puppy behind, but she comforted herself with the knowledge that it would only be for a short time. “If you think it best, then he will stay here.”

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