She set her lips to the hollow of his throat and placed a warm, wet kiss in that delectable spot. “I thought you were exhausted,” he whispered.

She silenced him with another kiss, this one on the lips. Pressing herself closer, Dorothea felt an aching twist of desire settle over her. Carter reached down and drew her knee up, then positioned her on her side, facing him.

She could see the raw desire in his eyes, but it was mixed with tenderness. Dorothea sighed. He did care for her. The knowledge gave her hope that one day his heart would open completely and he would come to love her as much as she loved him.

The thought fueled the excitement in her breast. Her exhaustion disappeared as passion curled and knotted within her. Dorothea could not keep still. Her hands roved sensually over Carter’s naked shoulders and chest, his muscles rippling beneath her fingers.

Wantonly she molded herself closer, raising her nightgown so she could savor the hard, hot feel of his body against her flesh. Twining her arms around his neck, she leaned in and whispered, “May I have a kiss?”

She didn’t need to ask twice. His mouth descended, his lips clinging to hers with frantic desire. It seemed as if all the passion he held within had finally burst and come flooding out.

She moaned in his mouth and leveraged herself up, brushing her breast against the edge of his jaw. Breaking their kiss, he impatiently shoved her nightgown out of the way, seizing the budding nipple between his lips. His tongue circled the delicate peak languidly, then he pulled it into his mouth, sucking hard.

Desire, hot and heavy, spiraled through her body. She reached down, fumbling between their bodies until she found her prize, the thick, stiff shaft of his penis. Lovingly she caressed the satiny hardness, then reached lower, delving into the springy tufts of hair covering his heavy testicles.

“I want you now,” she whispered in his ear, rubbing herself suggestively against him. “Please?”

Dorothea rolled onto her back and drew up her knees. Carter grinned and crawled over her. Eyes locked, he entered her swiftly, forcefully. The room echoed with her sharp exhalation.

“Christ. Did I hurt you?”

“No, no,” she choked. “It’s fine. It’s more than fine. It’s wonderful.”

To emphasize her point, Dorothea rocked herself forward. Carter sighed heavily and closed his eyes. Her hands slid down to the taut muscles of his buttocks and she pulled him closer. The heat of his body surrounded her and the longing deep inside her rose to meet it.

She heard the bed creak in a deliberate, steady rhythm as he thrust forward. At her urging, he increased the pace, working faster, cramming himself deep inside. She felt every thrust, every sensation. It was glorious. In this moment they were more than husband and wife. They were lovers, joined in body, in heart, in spirit.

She felt his hand slid down to her hip, twisting its way between their joined bodies, his long fingers searching until he found her core. He stroked her moist, sensitive folds while his penis continued to thrust deep and hard inside her.

Their mating took on a new urgency and the world around her disappeared as the tremors within her began. She tangled her hands in his hair and cried out, clinging to him as her body rode a wave of pure, intense ecstasy.

She reached completion first, but Carter soon followed. She let out a soft sob of emotion and wrapped herself even tighter around him as he shuddered violently, spilling his warm, wet seed deep inside her.

They lay entwined for a long time afterward, Dorothea curled on her side, her head nestled on Carter’s shoulder, his arms wrapped around her. Her mind drifted on a pleasant, hopeful haze as she contemplated their future. Surely if she could cobble enough of these moments together the emotional intimacy she craved so desperately would develop?

“It’s been a good day,” he whispered.

“Indeed. A memorable one.” She smiled. “Happiness may be ever fleeting, but at this precise moment in time, I feel it deeply.”

“As do I.”

And with those comforting words, Dorothea fell into a deep, dreamless sleep.

It was a festive atmosphere the following morning around the breakfast table. Emma had risen early and gotten a second look at the newborn twins. She reported that Gwendolyn had spent a peaceful night, while Jason had spent his time scuttling between his wife’s chamber and the nursery. According to Emma, they were all planning on sleeping in, well, at least until the twins decided they were ready for their next feeding.

Lord Fairhurst had sent word to his wife and parents, as well as his sister, Lady Meredith, and they were expected to arrive after lunch. As Dorothea consulted with the cook over the menus for the next few days, a message arrived for Carter.

“It’s from my father,” Carter explained after he read the missive. “He requests my immediate presence in London on a matter of grave importance.”

“Do you think he has taken sick?” Dorothea asked worriedly. Though she still had a somewhat adversarial relationship with her father-in-law, she did not wish him ill.

“He mentions nothing of his health,” Carter answered. “This appears to be some sort of family emergency.”

Dorothea hastily scribbled a few notes on the menu she was consulting. “I can be ready to leave within the hour.”

Carter shook his head. “There is no need for you to rush away. I know you wish to spend more time with your family. I will ride to Town and see my father and then hopefully return before nightfall.”

Dorothea caught his wrist and met his gaze. “Are you certain?”

“I am. Besides, it will be faster traveling on horseback than in the carriage.”

“Then, may I beg a favor?”

His eyes brightened with interest and she found herself blushing. “In my haste to get here yesterday, I forgot to bring Gwendolyn’s gift from Ravenswood. There is a hat box from Mrs. Jenkins’s millinery in my room. Would you kindly bring it back with you when you return?”

Carter blinked. “You can’t mean that overly decorated bonnet that resembled a bowl of fruit?”

“The very same. I believe my sister deserves a hearty laugh after all she has endured.”

Carter laughingly agreed, then left to make the arrangements for his departure.

Though the mood of the household was jubilant, Dorothea felt an odd sense of melancholy once Carter had gone. Knowing Gwendolyn and the babies were sleeping, Dorothea decided to take a stroll outdoors and enjoy the morning sunshine.

She followed several marked paths through the formal section of the gardens, then ventured down to the parkland. It was cool and comforting. She emerged from a shaded section of hedgerows and squinted against the sudden brightness of sunlight. It was then she noticed a figure in the distance walking purposefully toward her. A male figure. Carter?

Her heart lifted at the notion and she quickened her step. “Major Roddington?” Dorothea questioned as she drew nearer and caught a glimpse of the gentleman’s face. “Goodness, this is a surprise.”

“A pleasant one, I hope.”

“Yes, of course.” She smiled in welcome, though her mind still registered shock. What in heaven’s name was he doing here? “Is there something specific that brings you to this area?”

He smiled, a crooked, mirthless grin. “Why, I am here to see you.”

“Oh?” His odd manner, as well as his words, brought a queasy sensation to her stomach. She did not remember ever telling him specifically where Gwendolyn and Jason lived, nor did she tell him that she was coming here to visit them. Obviously he had followed her. But why? “Shall we go up to the house and partake of some refreshments?” she suggested.

Her nerve endings tingling, Dorothea stepped forward, but the major swiftly moved to block her path. “There’s no need to disturb your sister’s household. We have sufficient privacy here.”

“Nonsense. We shall be far more comfortable sitting in front of a warm fire.”

All trace of the major’s smile vanished. “I’m afraid I really must insist that we not go up to the house.”

Dorothea’s initial instinct was to turn around and flee, but astonishment held her paralyzed. He was not overtly threatening, yet his strange behavior seemed so out of character, so unlike the kind, even-tempered, gallant gentleman she knew. She shifted her puzzled gaze to his face and he quickly looked away, but not before she caught the expression of uncertainty in his eyes.

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