difficult for me, kuadim.”
“There’s a time and place for humility, Sukharam, but it isn’t now, and it isn’t here.” Nasim began unwrapping the scarf around his face. He squinted from the sudden brightness. “Earth and water are sympathetic. They won’t wish to bond with one another, but you must act as the arbitrator. You must coax them.”
Nasim smiled. “Make them see reason.”
“Forgive me, kuadim, but they aren’t children.”
Nasim opened his thick outer robe, allowing the chill mountain wind to cool the overheated skin of his chest. “I know, but they’re self-centered just the same. They must be made aware of one another, which is difficult, but once they are they will cooperate.”
Sukharam seemed doubtful. He flexed his hands while considering the granite beneath him. He licked his lips, and he tried.
No sooner had he closed his eyes than Nasim could feel the drawing of a jalahezhan, no doubt the same one he’d communed with moments ago. He tried to draw a vanahezhan as well, but the one nearest was rigid, uninterested.
Through Rabiah, Nasim had found that he could not only control spirits through others, he could draw them near as well, so that Rabiah, or now, Sukharam, could commune with them. He did this now, hoping only to draw the vanahezhan’s eye so that Sukharam could do the rest.
Deep below the surface of the earth, he felt a rumbling. The earth shook. The stones near his feet skittered. Nearby, a snowbank, twenty feet high if it was one, collapsed, revealing a long swath of an escarpment that was striated with layers the color of bistre and coal. Rubble fell away, but the clumps of stone and rubble were caught by a sudden uplift of snow. Soon the rock and snow and ice were swirling, but unlike the funnel Sukharam had created moments ago, these swirled in a tight column.
The column pulled tighter and tighter, slowing, compressing, glinting beneath the sun, until at last it came to rest. It looked like a monolith of rock and crystal, but Nasim could tell that it was held by the two hezhan, which were now entwined so inextricably that he had difficulty telling them apart.
But then a crack rent the air.
The earth bulged at the base of the pillar.
Nasim could feel the vanahezhan, closer than he had felt any spirit since Oshtoyets, when five elders had been drawn by Soroush into the material world.
He tried to prevent the vanahezhan from approaching, but it shrugged him away.
Sukharam had overextended. He’d allowed the spirit too close, and now it had seized him.
Nasim began to run toward Sukharam. “Fight it!”
The vanahezhan was crossing.
“Sukharam,” Nasim cried, “fight it!”
The pillar of rock and ice crumbled as the ground continued to rise. A low rumbling, like the opening of an ancient and massive door, emanated from the mound that was pulling itself upright. The hezhan unfurled its four arms, piercing sounds of snapping and cracking rending the calm of the snow-filled landscape.
The vanahezhan took one lumbering step forward. It was ungainly. It looked as though it would topple and fall and break apart, but it didn’t. It took another step as Nasim reached Sukharam. As soon as Nasim had grabbed him by the elbow, however, Sukharam crumpled to the ground, unconscious, as the pounding of the vanahezhan’s monolithic feet brought it nearer and nearer.
Nasim faced the hezhan, knowing he would never get Sukharam away in time. Sukharam was unconscious, which left Nasim unable to touch Adhiya. But the hezhan itself had a connection to the spirit world. He used this to push the hezhan away, push it back toward the rift that had allowed it to slip into Erahm. The vanahezhan would not be moved, however. It stood resolute, immovable.
Until Rabiah joined him. He couldn’t see her-he could see nothing but the hulking beast standing before him- but her imprint was unmistakable. Together they pushed, harder and more desperate, as the hezhan took another ungainly step toward Nasim.
It spread its arms, groaning, its eyes twinkling in the dark depths of its head.
But its hold on the material world was not so sure as it had thought. Rabiah and Nasim drove it slowly but surely toward the rift.
Then, without warning, it fell to pieces in a rush of crumbling stone as if it had been rotting from within for eons and had just now succumbed to the pressures of time.
Rabiah closed the rift-at least as much as she was able-and soon, the only thing Nasim could hear on the mountainside was the huff of his own breathing. As he stared at the mound of stone, gouts of his exhaled breath were swept away by the mountain air. Rabiah was transfixed, both of them afraid for a moment to move.
Rabiah was the first to recover. “Nasim, we must go.”
Nasim barely heard her. By the fates above, he had nearly killed Sukharam by pushing him to do something he wasn’t ready for.
“Nasim, we must go!”
Nasim looked to Rabiah, then Sukharam. “He’s in no condition-”
“There’s a skiff approaching.” She glanced over her right shoulder, southeast toward Trevitze. “It’s Ushai. I sensed her while I was taking breath. She’s leagues away still, but she’s coming fast.”
“How could she have found us?” Nasim asked.
Rabiah shrugged. “I don’t know.”
Nasim glanced in the same direction as Rabiah had, expecting to see Ushai sweeping in at any moment. Where would they go now? And how by the name of the fates would they throw Ushai off their scent? She was altogether too good at finding them. Desperation started to rise within him like the swelling sea, but then he came to a decision, one he probably should have made before now.
“Get the skiff ready,” he said.
Rabiah nodded and ran.
Nasim kneeled next to Sukharam and levered him around his shoulders, picking him up and moving across the snow as quickly as he was able.
By the time he reached the skiff, his legs and chest burning from the exertion, Rabiah had the sail unfurled and the reins in her hands.
“Where will we go?” she asked.
Nasim set Sukharam in to the confines of the skiff as gently as he could. “We go to Ghayavand,” he said as he slipped over the edge and collapsed between two of the thwarts.
The skiff lifted, and Rabiah summoned the wind to point them southward, away from Ushai’s incoming path. “We’re not ready.”
“We have no choice.”
“We’re not ready,” she repeated.
“We must be ready!” Nasim said. “Don’t you see? The hezhan. The crossing. There’s a rift, even here in the mountains of Yrstanla. The wasting has covered whole swaths of the continent to the south. It won’t be long before the same happens here. The rifts grow more frequent. They grow wider. Hezhan will start crossing soon, Rabiah. On their own, with no help from anyone. And when they do, they’ll feed, on the Aramahn, on the Landed, on the Maharraht. On children and fathers and mothers. They won’t care.”
From her position at the sails, Rabiah looked down at him. She was strong, but she was scared as well. Months ago, Ghayavand had seemed like a fool’s dream, but now it was real. It was there before both of them. She opened her mouth to speak, but Nasim talked over her.
“It’s time,” he said. “I’ve found the two of you at last. We are three, as were the Al-Aqim, as are the fates. As are the pieces of the Atalayina. We go to Ghayavand, daughter of Aahtel, and we go now.”
The wind picked up, and Rabiah harnessed it well. She looked down at him again while guiding them with strong and steady hands. She licked her lips. But then she nodded. “We go to Ghayavand.”