and the occasional lantern lit within a distant window.

“Do you know of the blight?” Nasim asked.

“I know of the blight, and I know of you.”

“I was not aware the news had traveled so far.”

Sukharam shrugged. “Even at the orphanage the word of the Aramahn comes.”

“Then perhaps you’ve heard what I go to do.”

“ Neh ”-he sounded ashamed-“I have not.”

“I wish to heal the wound that festers in our world. Those who go to Ghayavand will be three. I am the first, Rabiah the second, and you, I hope, will be the third.”

“And yet you said I owe you nothing.”

“That is true, Sukharam. I would not press this upon you. If I did, we would be doomed before we ever left for the island.” The road became more steep, their breathing more labored. “I will tell you more, Sukharam, son of Dahanan, and then you will have a choice-to stay or to go-but I hope that whatever you decide that you will keep this between only us. Much depends on it.”

“I will,” Sukharam said quickly. “Of course I will.”

“Do not make this promise lightly.”

This time, Sukharam took longer before responding. “I do not.”

They reached the top of the hill, and Nasim paused, waving one hand to indicate their surroundings. To the west lay Trevitze, calm and quiet, and beyond it the dark and imposing peaks of the Sitalyas. To the east was the Sea of Tabriz, her waters distinguishable only by the blackness that lay beneath the subtle blanket of stars.

“If you have heard of me, then you have heard about the conflict on Khalakovo, but I wonder if you’ve heard anything close to the truth. Perhaps you’ve heard that I started the war by killing Stasa Bolgravya. Perhaps you’ve heard that I ended the war by killing Soroush Wahad al Gatha. Perhaps you’ve heard that I killed hundreds, or that I saved all.”

“I’ve heard those, and others.”

“As have I, but now you will hear the truth, or enough of it to make your decision.” Nasim paused. He had told his story only to one other, Rabiah, and it had been one of the most difficult things he’d ever done-it felt as though sharing this was giving away too much of himself-but if he were to ask so much of Sukharam, he would first grant him the truth. “Three hundred years ago there were three arqesh, as powerful and as learned as there ever were. They were known as the Al-Aqim. Do you know of them?”

“I do not.”

“The first was Khamal Cyphar al Maladhin. The others were Sariya Quljan al Vehayeh and Muqallad Bakshazhd al Dananir. The three of them had hoped to bring Erahm to indaraqiram. Do you know of this, Sukharam?”

His shoulders slumped and his gaze fell away as he answered. “I remember my mother speaking that word, but I know not what it means.”

“Surely you know of vashaqiram…”

He stood straighter at this. “It is the perfect mind. The perfect soul.”

Nasim, surprisingly, felt a flash of pride. “What vashaqiram is to our selves, indaraqiram is to the worlds, both Erahm and Adhiya. It is what every Aramahn hopes to bring about, a state of perfection not just in ourselves, but the two worlds that were split by the fates so many eons ago. The Al-Aqim tried to bring indaraqiram about using the Atalayina, a stone of immense power and insight, but the world was not ready, and they did little more than tear a rift between this world and the next. After the ritual, they became trapped on the island.”

“How? And by whom?”

In the darkness, Nasim smiled, pleased that even after his life in the orphanage there still laid within Sukharam the soul of one who questioned, who challenged. “That isn’t known, but they were left alone on the island, just the three of them, to heal what they had torn. They failed in this, but they had great hope in the beginning. They had used a stone, the Atalayina. Do you know of it?”

“I know that it was made from the tears of the Fates.”

“So some say. Others say it was used to craft Erahm from the stuff of Adhiya. Others still say it is the fourth fate, cast down by the other three as punishment for creating the world. Whatever its origins, the Al-Aqim tried to bend the Atalayina to their will. It would not, however, be used thus, and it shattered into three pieces.”

He gave Sukharam a moment to think about this. The sounds of the waves breaking on the rocks to the east was the only sound.

“We go, Sukharam, the three of us-you, me, and Rabiah-to find the pieces of the Atalayina and to make it whole.”

“Can it be made whole? The Al-Aqim must have tried.”

“They did not. They felt as though the fates were punishing them. They felt as though a riddle had been posed with the three pieces of this stone as the clues. They felt that they had to find a way, through searching themselves, through meditation, to close the rift with the broken pieces of the Atalayina the fates had seen fit to grant them.”

Sukharam thought on this for a moment, but then he turned to Nasim. He seemed severe under the pale light of the moon. “How can you know these things?”

“Because I remember them. I was Khamal, and he granted me memories of his life. He, like the others, was trapped, and he came to believe that the only way to truly be free, to escape the shackles that had been placed on them and to try again, was to leave. To retain what he had learned in his next life- my life-and return to Ghayavand.”

“He killed himself?”

“He was killed, by the others.”

“But why? If he wanted to return, if he had planned to do so, would he not simply kill himself?”

It was a taboo thing they spoke of. The Aramahn did not take lives, others or their own, and it was a credit to Sukharam that he could speak of it at all. Sadly, though, it was probably a result of the distance he’d had from his own culture since finding himself at the orphanage.

“Do you remember things from your past lives?” Nasim asked him.

“I… Of course not. Not directly. That isn’t-”

“But it might be, mightn’t it? Do we not one day hope to remember more and more, so that we can reach vashaqiram?”

“Of course, but-”

“Khamal did so. He found a way, and his fate was so entwined with the others that he needed them to send him off. He could not do it on his own.”

“So the others agreed to it?”

“They did not.”

A rustle in the grass drew Sukharam’s attention-a vole, perhaps. “I don’t understand.”

“Neither do I,” Nasim replied. “I remember some, but much is still closed to me. The ritual Khamal had hoped to complete did not go as he planned. Muqallad and Sariya, at the end, tried to stop him, and to a degree they succeeded. I was reborn halfway between Erahm and Adhiya. I could… I could see both worlds…”

Nasim stopped. Even years after the ritual on Oshtoyets, even years after Fahroz had helped him to regain himself, images of that time returned to him. The lights of Adhiya, the sounds of Erahm, the touch of a human hand and the caress of a hezhan.

“Are you well, kuadim?”

Nasim focused on that which lay around him, the wind and the high clouds, barely visible against the star- filled sky. These things grounded him, but the title Sukharam had granted him helped as well. Kuadim, Sukharam had said-teacher, mentor, father, and many more things wrapped up into one.

“I am well.” Nasim breathed deeply of the chill night air. “There are times still when I become lost. But I have long since returned to myself, and the memories of Khamal come to me, more and more.”

“What of the others, Muqallad and Sariya? Will they not be lying in wait?”

“They woke when I was brought to Ghayavand five years ago, but it is my hope that they fell back under Khamal’s spell, and that we will be able to do what we need before they awaken fully.”

“But you know not?”

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