Scannell, Vernon, Argument of Kings, London, 1987

Scott, Desmond, Typhoon Pilot, London, 1982

Seaman, Mark (ed.), Operation Foxley: The British Plan to Kill Hitler, Kew, 1998

Sheffield, Gary, ‘Dead Cows and Tigers: Some Aspects of the Experience of the British Soldier in Normandy, 1944’, in John Buckley (ed.), The Normandy Campaign 1944, London, 2006

Shulman, Milton, Defeat in the West, London, 1986

Speidel, Hans, We Defended Normandy, London, 1951

Sprot, Aidan, Swifter Than Eagles, Edinburgh, 1998

Stagg, J. M., Forecast for Overlord, London, 1971

Tombs, Robert and Isabelle, That Sweet Enemy, London, 2006

Tout, Ken, Tank! 40 Hours of Battle, August, 1944, London, 1985

Virgili, Fabrice, Shorn Women: Gender and Punishment in Liberation France, Oxford, 2002

Vogel, Detlef,and Wette, Wolfram(eds.), Andere Helme — Andere Menschen? Heimaterfahrung und Frontalltag im Zweiten Weltkrieg, Essen, 1995

Watts, J. C., Surgeon at War, London, 1955

Weigley, Russell F., Eisenhower’s Lieutenants, New York, 1981

Whistler, Laurence, The Laughter and the Urn: The Life of Rex Whistler, London, 1985

Wilmot, Chester, The Struggle for Europe, London, 1952

Zetterling, Niklas, Normandy 1944: German Military Organization, Combat Power and Organizatonal Effectiveness, Winnipeg, 2000

Zuehlke, Mark, Juno Beach: Canada’s D-Day Victory, June 6, 1944, Vancouver, 2005

A more detailed bibliography is available at www.antonybeevor.com.



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It was still light because they were operating on double British summertime.


‘Axis Sally’ was the name given by the US forces to Mildred Gillars (1900-1988), a failed American actress originally from Portland, Maine, who had moved to Germany in 1935 and become an announcer on Radio Berlin. She broadcast music as well as Nazi propaganda designed to undermine Allied morale. She was tried for treason in 1949 and served twelve years in prison.


Rommel also wanted to abandon Italy and withdraw troops from the south of France and the west coast to reinforce the Channel, but this was rejected by Fuhrer headquarters.


French civilian casualties reached 15,000 killed and 19,000 injured in 1944 before the invasion.

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