Saint Peter sat at the jasper gate,When Stephen M. White arrived in state.'Admit me.' 'With pleasure,' Peter said,Pleased to observe that the man was dead;'That's what I'm here for. Kindly showYour ticket, my lord, and in you go.'White stared in blank surprise. Said he'I run this place—just turn that key.''Yes?' said the Saint; and Stephen heardWith pain the inflection of that word.But, mastering his emotion, heRemarked: 'My friend, you're too d—— free;'I'm Stephen M., by thunder, White!'And, 'Yes?' the guardian said, with quiteThe self-same irritating stressDistinguishing his former yes.And still demurely as a mouseHe twirled the key to that Upper House.Then Stephen, seeing his bluster vainAdmittance to those halls to gain,Said, neighborly: 'Pray tell me. Pete,Does any one contest my seat?'The Saint replied: 'Nay, nay, not so;But you voted always wrong below:'Whate'er the question, clear and highYou're voice rang: 'I,' 'I,' ever 'I.''Now indignation fired the heartOf that insulted immortal part.'Die, wretch!' he cried, with blanching lip,And made a motion to his hip,With purpose murderous and hearty,To draw the Democratic party!He felt his fingers vainly slideUpon his unappareled hide(The dead arise from their 'silent tents'But not their late habiliments)Then wailed—the briefest of his speeches:'I've left it in my other breeches!'
Come, Stanford, let us sit at ease And talk as old friends do.You talk of anything you please, And I will talk of you.You recently have said, I hear, That you would like to goTo serve as Senator. That's queer! Have you told William Stow?Once when the Legislature said: 'Go, Stanford, and be great!'You lifted up your Jovian head And everlooked the State.As one made leisurely awake, You lightly rubbed your eyesAnd answered: 'Thank you—please to make A note of my surprise.'But who are they who skulk aside, As to get out of reach,And in their clothing strive to hide Three thousand dollars each?'Not members of your body, sure? No, that can hardly be:All statesmen, I suppose, are pure. What! there are rogues? Dear me!'You added, you'll recall, that though You were surprised and pained,You thought, upon the whole, you'd go, And in that mind remained.Now, what so great a change has wrought That you so frankly speakOf 'seeking' honors once unsought Because you 'scorned to seek'?Do you not fear the grave reproof In good Creed Haymond's eye?Will Stephen Gage not stand aloof And pass you coldly by?O, fear you not that Vrooman's lich Will rise from earth and pointAt you a scornful finger which May lack, perchance, a joint?Go, Stanford, where the violets grow,