Happiness has not to all the same name: to Youth she is known as the Future; Age knows her as the Dream.
'Who art thou, there in the mire?'
'Intuition. I leaped all the way from where thou standest in fear on the brink of the bog.'
'A great feat, madam; accept the admiration of Reason, sometimes known as Dry-foot.'
In eradicating an evil, it makes a difference whether it is uprooted or rooted up. The difference is in the reformer.
The Audible Sisterhood rightly affirms the equality of the sexes: no man is so base but some woman is base enough to love him.
Having no eyes in the back of the head, we see ourselves on the verge of the outlook. Only he who has accomplished the notable feat of turning about knows himself the central figure in the universe.
Truth is so good a thing that falsehood can not afford to be without it.
If women did the writing of the world, instead of the talking, men would be regarded as the superior sex in beauty, grace and goodness.
Love is a delightful day's journey. At the farther end kiss your companion and say farewell.
Let him who would wish to duplicate his every experience prate of the value of life.
The game of discontent has its rules, and he who disregards them cheats. It is not permitted to you to wish to add another's advantages or possessions to your own; you are permitted only to wish to be another.
The creator and arbiter of beauty is the heart; to the male rattlesnake the female rattlesnake is the loveliest thing in nature.
Thought and emotion dwell apart. When the heart goes into the head there is no dissension; only an eviction.
If you want to read a perfect book there is only one way: write it.
'Where goest thou, Ignorance?'
'To fortify the mind of a maiden against a peril.'
'I am going thy way. My name is Knowledge.'
'Scoundrel! Thou art the peril.'
A prude is one who blushes modestly at the indelicacy of her thoughts and virtuously flies from the temptation of her desires.
The man who is always taking you by the hand is the same who if you were hungry would take you by the cafe.
When a certain sovereign wanted war he threw out a diplomatic intimation; when ready, a diplomat.
If public opinion were determined by a throw of the dice, it would in the long run be half the time right.
The gambling known as business looks with austere disfavor upon the business known as gambling.
A virtuous widow is the most loyal of mortals; she is faithful to that which is neither pleased nor profited by her fidelity.
Of one who was 'foolish' the creators of our language said that he was 'fond.' That we have not definitely reversed the meanings of the words should be set down to the credit of our courtesy.
Rioting gains its end by the power of numbers. To a believer in the wisdom and goodness of majorities it is not permitted to denounce a successful mob.