time he came around again, he saw them at the side of the building, a big man holding Summer’s arm, the man opening the door and ushering her inside.

Dark Moondancer.

The GEO was shaking from the air conditioner. He needed to do something, but what?

He did have options. He could make an anonymous call to the police and let them rescue her.

But he didn’t want to give Summer up. She had the potential to be The One, and he could not let her go without a fight. The best thing to do was retreat and think about this. Wait until dark, when at least he’d have a chance to sneak up on them.

He only hoped she’d be alive by then.


Laura jotted down the words Julie Marr, A&B towing, Dark Moondancer, and Mickey Harmon.

Mickey Harmon worked for Dynever Security, Jay Ramsey’s Internet security company. Jay had mentioned they’d grown up together. Jay might know something, either about Dark Moondancer or about Barry Fruchtendler’s suspicions.

She called the Ramsey house and got Freddy, who gave her his number at Dynever Security.

“I heard about that girl,” Jay said when he answered. “If I can help in any way …”

“Maybe you can,” she said. “You know Mickey Harmon pretty well?”

“We’ve been friends since we were in fifth grade.”

“Did you ever play a game called Dark Moondancer?”

“Dark Moondancer?”

“It was a role-playing game.”

“I know what Dark Moondancer is.” It was not her imagination; his voice sounded strained. “What’s this about Mickey?”

“Were you aware that the police considered him a suspect in the Julie Marr abduction?”

“Oh that.” He sounded relieved. “For a while there, they really went after him. But Mickey wouldn’t—“

She waited.

“Wouldn’t what?”

“Do you mind if I call you back? I’ve got someone in my office.”

“Sure,” she said, but he’d already hung up.

Thinking he sounded spooked and wondering why.

Galaz caught her eye. She waved at him and held up the evidence list, pantomiming that she’d get to it now.

When she took the list over to Galaz, he and Richie Lockhart were laughing about something.

“What’s so funny?”

Galaz said, “You missed all the excitement around here.”


“While you were in Florida. Victor got a message from his mistress. Her plumbing went crazy and she was knee-deep in water, panicked that the water was almost up to her mattress.”

“You remember the mattress he bought?” Richie said. “Top of the line, twenty-five hundred dollars?”

Galaz said, “He took out of here like a bat out of hell.”

“When was this?”

“Couple days ago. Richie swears he took the message down right.”

Richie looked at her, wide eyes innocent. “My espanol isn’t that good, but I thought that was what she said.”

Galaz said, “You should’ve seen Victor when he got back. He was running around the squad bay screaming for Richie’s blood.”

Laura’s cell phone vibrated. She sneaked a look at the number flashing on the screen: Jay Ramsey.

“Jay?” she said, turning her back so she could hear.

“We need to talk,” Ramsey said. He sounded as if he were speaking from the bottom of a well. “I’ll be done here in an hour and a half. Why don’t I meet you at the farm in two hours. Say, six thirty? I’ll leave the gate open.”

“Six thirty, I’ll be there.”

He hung up.

That strange quality to his voice.

“What was that?” Galaz asked, his voice hopeful. “A break?”

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