The little man had his back to the warehouse wall, inching around like he was on a ledge twenty floors up. Clear he didn’t know what he was doing.

Time to take him out.

Buddy was behind him in an instant, one arm around his neck and his other hand over his mouth. He was tempted to administer a choke hold, tempted to take the choke hold too far.

He said quietly in Dale Lundy’s ear, “Make a sound and I will kill you. Do you understand?”

A quick nod, his eyes bugging out.

He dragged Lundy backwards, off his feet—the guy was as light as a feather. Dragged him under a tamarisk tree. The salt cedar’s boughs trailed almost to the ground, affording him all the privacy he needed.

He had Lundy cuffed and on his stomach, one knee pressed into his back. Thinking about how much he’d like to pound his head into the pavement, crack it like an egg.

“Where is she?” he demanded.

“I don’t know—“

“Don’t fuck with me. Where is she?” Pressing his knee harder.

“She’s in there.”


“It wasn’t my fault. I tried to save her, but he got her anyway, I tried, I tried …” Blubbering. New blue Keds skating in the dirt.

Buddy fighting panic now—who got her? “Is she hurt?”

“I don’t know—I don’t think so. She looked okay when he took her in there.”

“How long ago was that?”

“Two, three hours ago? I can’t remember—it could be longer than that.”

“Who is he?”

“Dark Moondancer.”

He shook Lundy until he rattled. “Are you playing games with me? Because if you are—“

“No no no! Dark Moondancer. That’s his name. It’s the truth, I swear to God, it’s his nick. He took her away from me, all I ever wanted was for her and me to—”

“Shut up!” He heard the savagery in his own voice. Out of control. Gritted his teeth, tamped down his revulsion. His voice quiet. “If you don’t shut the fuck up about that I’ll kill you.” He took a deep breath. “Tell me about Dark Moondancer.”

“I don’t know him really, except from the Internet. He … he and I have had transactions over the years. He knew I was in town and he wanted to … to meet Summer.”

Buddy gave him a hard slap to the head. “Go on.”

“He’s evil. He likes torture. That’s why I refused to let him meet Summer. I wanted to protect her.”

“What are you saying? He’s torturing my daughter in there?”

Lundy gasped. “Your daughter?”

“Answer the question.”

“Oh God. Ohmygod, I’m dead. Oh God, please don’t hurt me!”

His voice hopeless.

Buddy felt something crack in his heart.

Laura stared, taking in everything at once, but unable to completely assimilate it. Breaking it down object by object, things she could name. A gas can on the floor. A trouble light. Extension cords. A video camera. A work table. Tools arrayed neatly on the table’s pristine surface —pliers, a vise, an electric drill, a staple gun. The tool cabinet was like the one her father owned, candy-apple red. The kind you got at Sears.

Shackles bolted to the walls. Meat hooks dangling from the ceiling. A machine that looked custom-made, padded, something you’d see in a gym, but with shackles, chains, and pulleys at each end. A modern-day rack? Photos tacked to the wall, eight-by-tens of the hell he had committed on young women and girls—she counted three different women, photographed from all angles. Tied up, eyes bulging with fear. Before and After shots.

Digital photos of Jessica Parris after death.

A place for Let’s Go People! to unwind.

Laura took it in, trying to stay clinical. She almost lost it as she stared at the mattress on the floor, though, soaked through with old bloodstains. So many reds, browns and blacks they formed a hard, shiny slick.

Mickey prodded her deeper into the room.

“You two girls know each other?” asked Galaz.

When Laura finally looked at Summer, she felt both relief and revulsion.

The girl was bolted to one wall, huddled down as far as she could get, but her arms were held high above her head. Wearing a little girl’s dress.

Unhurt, physically. But how did you face something like this without losing a grip on your soul?

Twelve years old

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