the table for cheating. It was poor Frank’s bad luck the fella was mayor of the town. Frank made a run for it, but a posse chased him down and trapped him by the banks of the Navasota. He hollered out to them from the trees that he was willing to let bygones be bygones. “I’ll forget about the ninety dollars the son of a bitch cheated off me if you fellas’ll forget about taking me in,” he told them. “Fair’s fair.” Those were his last words before they gunned him down. They buried him there beside the river. That’s how I heard it.

Jim Newman had us roaming the Richland bottoms in search of mavericks—me, Wes, Simp, Joe O, and Tim Calloway. You didn’t get much breeze through there in summer and it was hot as blazes. We’d work our mounts through the brush and scare out all the cows we could handle. Then we’d herd them up near whatever clearing we’d made our camp on that day, and the next morning two of us would drive them back to the camp at Pisga while the rest of us hunted up some more.

Early one morning, just after Joe O and Tim had left for Pisga with another bunch of longhorns, Simp went off to the creek to get water to make more coffee. A minute later he comes running back, all excited. He flings my blanket over the fire and soaks it with the pot of water he’s just dipped, snuffing the fire without raising too much smoke. But all I can think about just then is that he’s ruined my blanket and I start to give him hell for it, but he hushes me up with a finger to his lips. Wes was seeing to the horses, and Simp gives a low bird whistle and waves for him to come over.

He tells us there’s soldiers coming by way of the creek. They’re only about a hundred yards downstream, he says, but they’re coming slow and lazy and probably just doing some routine patrolling. He figures they must of been camped pretty near us last night. His eyes were just dancing, he was so excited about what was coming.

“How many?” Wes wants to know. Simp says three. I’m ready to mount up bareback and get the hell going in the other direction. I hadn’t done a thing to the Yanks since killing some of them in Tennessee before they tore up my legs pretty good with grapeshot. I’d been walking like an old man ever since, but hell, I counted myself lucky to be walking at all. I didn’t want to give them any more reason or chance to do me worse than they already had.

But Simp and Wes are already checking their loads and talking about how to set the ambush. They quick decide to lay for them in the heavy stand of willows at the creek bend about thirty yards downstream. As they start out, Simp takes a look back at me, so I hurry over to my saddle and slide my Henry rifle out of its sheath and head out after them.

Listen. Ever since Tennessee—at a place called Franklin, where I got wounded so bad—I never could stand the sound of close-by shooting. I’m not exaggerating when I say it froze me up to hear a gun go off anywhere near me—large or small gun, either one. Hell, it still does, I ain’t ashamed to admit it, not anymore. And if the shooting went on for more than a round or two, I’d start shuddering like a cottonwood in a stiff breeze. Sometimes it was so bad I’d have to grit my teeth and hold tight to something solid to keep from hollering like a crazy man. It was something nobody around Pisga knew about me except for Jim Newman, who was a good man and who I was sure I could count on to keep it to himself. It wasn’t an easy thing to hide, but I knew that if the boys found out about it I’d never hear the end of it. I would of constantly been made to suffer and look the fool for their entertainment. It’s what happened to me when I got back home to Nacogdoches. It’s why I left there.

But what could I do now except go with Wes and Simp? It was the thing I’d been most afraid of—that the Yanks would catch up to them while I was with them, there’d be a fight, and I’d be seen to be a coward. Simp glanced back at me again as we made our way into the trees, but I couldn’t tell a thing from his face. I was feeling so damned scared I thought sure I was going to dirty my britches.

Just as we reached the creek bend, Simp and Wes suddenly stopped and took cover. I dropped on my belly behind a big rock and peeked around it real careful. My heart was pounding something awful and I couldn’t hardly catch my breath.

Then there they were. Just up ahead and coming at a walk alongside the creek. It was six of them. Damn Simp and his three. They were coming closer and closer and I couldn’t understand what him and Wes were waiting for. Part of me was praying for them to let the soldiers ride on by—and part of me was terrified that if they let the Yanks get any closer they’d sense right where we were. They’d smell us out. And all I’d do is lay there paralyzed while they killed us.

They were close enough for me to see the white scar running through the point rider’s red beard when Wes suddenly jumped out from behind a tree and fired square into his surprised face and knocked him out of the saddle. The others jerked their mounts around, yelling “Ambush, ambush!” and trying to double back. Wes’s Colt and Simp’s Sharps fired at the same time and another Yank fell off his horse and went rolling into the creek. I couldn’t move and I couldn’t stop watching. My throat was as tight as if somebody was choking me with both hands.

Wes’s pistol cracked again and a horse went down screaming. The rider landed on his feet like a cat and grabbed hold of a loose horse bolting by him and somehow managed to drape himself across the saddle, holding on for dear life, his legs flapping and his head bouncing up and down as the animal hightailed back the way they came. The wounded horse on the ground was screaming and kicking every which way, trying to get to its feet, but it wasn’t going to make it.

All the Yanks were putting spurs to their mounts now and boom-pow!—Simp and Wes shot together again and blood flew off a soldier’s neck and he slumped forward but stayed in the saddle as his horse hit full gallop. Wes ran out for a clearer shot and fired twice more just as Simp got off another round himself.

“Got him!” Simp hollers. “You see the blood pop up where I got that one in the leg?”

“Bullshit!” Wes hollers. “That was one of mine hit that leg!”

The wounded horse was still making a hell of a ruckus, and Wes went over to it and put it out of its misery. While he was doing that, Simp started scalping. That’s when I was finally able to look away.

I’d been gripping my Henry so tight my hands hurt.

After a while I looked back and saw Simp stripping the Yanks of their guns and ammunition and going through their pockets. Their scalps hung from his belt and were dripping on his pants and boots. Wes was standing off a ways, rolling a smoke and paying him no mind. Up to now neither of them had looked my way. I sat on the rock I’d hid behind and felt lower than a dog.

Then Simp moseyed over to me, working the lever on one of the Yankee Spencer carbines. “I got to admit this bluebelly rifle is damn nice,” he said. “Ain’t got the punch of my Sharps, but it’ll hold seven rounds, so you don’t got to load and lock for every shot. And .56 caliber will make a big enough hole in a fella to let the moon shine through. What you think, Lenny? You think I ought to switch?”

The casual way he was talking, I knew he knew. I lifted my face to look him in the eyes, but there wasn’t any scorn or mean humor in them—and no pity either, which some was full of for me back in Nacogdoches and which I hated even more than the scorn and the ridicule. He was looking at me like a friend.

“Jim told us, Lenny,” he says softly. “He thought it best we knew. Hell, brother, any man who wore the gray and got tore up by cannonfire while he was killing Yankees can’t ever be nothing but a hero to us, don’t you know that? Me and Wes, Lenny, we’re proud to know you.” I guess my face probably got as red as his, then both of us just grinned and looked away. “Well, hell,” he said, “let’s catch that other Yank horse and get the hell back to Pisga.”

And that was it. They neither one said another word about it, not to me. If they said anything about it to anybody else, I never knew of it, but I know damn well they didn’t. You won’t find two men in a thousand like them. Not in ten thousand.

By the following evening they were both of them long gone out of Pisga, and I never saw either one again. I believe Wes laid low with kin in Hillsboro for a while before he went to Towash and got in that trouble everybody heard about.

As for Simp, I heard he rode with a band of Kluxers for a time before telling them it was a waste of time to go nigger-spooking and barn-burning when there were still so damn many bluebellies in Texas to kill. The Klan was out to avenge all of Dixie, but Simp was mostly interested in getting even for his own kin. Then I heard he’d taken up with a cut-nose Cheyenne squaw that had tits like whiskey jugs and an ass like a mule. They said she would of been pretty but for that cut nose, which is what a Cheyenne brave did to a cheating wife before kicking her out to fend for herself. A jawhawker brought her into a Fort Worth saloon on the end of a rawhide leash, and for some

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