Great, fun site for the small business owner.
(If you want a shorter version of this url, try http://tinyurl.com/6nvox9.) The
Daniel Pink, before he became famous for such books as
Working Solo is a good site for the small business worker. The first url, above, is a series of questions to help you determine if you have it in you to be an entrepreneur. The second url gives you a whole bunch of resources if you decide
Lots of helpful legal stuff here, about how to form an LLC, and other stuff you’ll really need to know.
www.wwwebtax.com/miscellaneou s/self_employment_tax.htm
Wow. If you’re going to be self-employed, you
Finding clients or customers: With the Internet came globalization. And this changed everything for the self-employed. You now have a much larger market at your disposal where you can sell your skills, knowledge, services, and products, worldwide.
Finding employees or vendors: In this global age if you’re operating on a shoestring, and you need, let us say, to have something printed or produced as inexpensively as possible, you can search for an inexpensive printer, vendor, or manufacturer anywhere in the world, and solicit bids. All you have to do is type in the name of the skill-set you need, plus the word “overseas,” and the word “jobs”—and see what you can find. For example, if you try “overseas cartoonist jobs” this will turn up a list of sites to try.
There are lots of books and magazines that are filled with ideas for home businesses. The best books on home businesses are written by Paul Edwards and Sarah Edwards. Their most recent one (2010) is called
With this research behind you, if you still want to go ahead with the idea of your own business, then the next step would be this: once you’ve decided what kind of business you want to start, you
One job-hunter told me she started a home-based soap business, without ever talking to anyone who had started a similar endeavor, before her. Not surprisingly, her business went belly-up within a year and a half. She falsely then concluded: no one should go into such a business. Ah, but Paula Gibbons created “Paula’s Soaps” very successfully twenty-two years ago in Seattle, Washington.[33]
Starting up your own business outside the home without first listening to the experience of those who have gone before you, and profiting from their mistakes, is just nuts. Yet millions of people do just that, every year. And then they wonder why it didn’t work out. As one woman said to me, “Yes, I knew I was being foolish, but I thought I’d get lucky.” P.S. She didn’t.
But you are wiser. And you intend to do the research I am recommending, I know. All you want is just some guidance as to how to go about picking other people’s brains. Okay, here it is: the key lies in a simple formula:
You have a great idea for starting your own business. But you want to interview others who have started