Hardy stepped up to the intercom. “Do your best, Mr. Ho. Without you, we don’t get home. Control out.” He turned back to Mitchell. “Get going.” His face softened and he said, “Get them away from my boat, mister.”

Jerry answered, “Aye, aye, sir,” as he left control and headed below. Foster was up to his elbows in the preset panel, calling for tools, but Jerry didn’t need the Senior Chief to launch the Manta.

They had already started the sequence by the time he got to the torpedo room. He rushed through the procedure, as familiar to him now as getting out of bed in the morning. By all his indications, the Manta had come through the attack without a scratch. There was one bad moment when Jerry fretted about how well the docking skirt and latches had weathered the shock, but the display showed them all releasing, and the Manta automatically lifted off and away from its dock.

With the UUV now clear, Jerry suddenly found himself at a complete loss about what to do next. He’d been so focused on the launch he hadn’t thought about tactics.

Lead them away from Memphis. All right. I can do that. He ordered the Manta to turn west, back toward the trench, and punched the speed to fifteen knots. He also enabled the Manta’s simulator mode. A set of transducers in the vehicle would emit the acoustic signature of a Los Angeles-class sub. The Manta wouldn’t be quiet at that speed, and combined with the simulator mode, he hoped it would attract the attention of the Russian pursuers.

To help get their attention, he also sent a command sending the Manta to shallow depth. The surface wake would show a live contact leaving the scene of their latest attack at a brisk pace. Hopefully, they’d be busy repositioning for another attack and wouldn’t notice Memphis creeping in the general direction of away.

But was it working? It had only taken a few moments to send the commands. How long before he knew if the Russians were fooled? He was afraid that the way they’d find out it wasn’t working was another battering.

He felt like waving a flag or broadcasting insulting Russian phrases. Instead, he told control what he’d done. Hardy came on the line. “I’m taking Memphis northeast at a creep and we’re hugging the bottom. Will you turn north once you’re in the trench?”

“Yessir. I’m going to stay noisy, drop a countermeasure if they attack, and then break away.”

“Approved, but don’t break away too quickly. I want them to have a solid contact, so that everybody is completely focused on you.”

“Aye, aye, sir.” Jerry started to mention the range limit on the acoustic modem, but held his fire. Hardy knew about it and reminding him wouldn’t help. It was Jerry’s job to figure out what to do.

He checked the nav display and adjusted the Manta’s course slightly. He wanted it to pass through the buoy field Memphis had encountered. He also sent the Manta deeper, not because it would make him easier to find, but because that’s what a real sub would do.

He checked the battery gauge and tried to do the math. Fifteen knots wasn’t flat out, but it would burn more of the Manta’s battery endurance than he’d like. Every minute he spent at fifteen knots now was good for eight or ten at creep speed.

But dammit, he had to know if it was working or not? Where were those four patrol boats that had attacked them earlier? He requested control to ask sonar for their status.

“U-bay, sonar. We’re on the line with you now. The four boats are astern of us, maneuvering and pinging. Our guess is they’re executing a search pattern at the site of our last attack. We think those were S3V depth charges, by the way. There was no torpedo noise at all before the explosions. They’re dropped from an aircraft, probably a Bear or a May patrol plane. They’re also passive homing, so we’ve got to stay quiet.”

“Sonar, U-bay aye. And if the Manta makes too much noise, it will be an easy target for them.” Jerry then added, “Thanks for the update.”

Now centered in the trench, Jerry turned the Manta in a complete circle before heading north, trying to create a “knuckle” in the water. A mass of disturbed water, a knuckle could reflect active sonar pulses. Normally subs made gentle turns so they wouldn’t create a knuckle, but not this time. He’d hang lights on it if he could.

Jerry also reduced the Manta’s speed to five knots, both to save the battery and because that’s what a real sub would do.

“Conn, U-bay. How many of those depth charges does a plane carry?”

The control room talker said, “U-bay, conn. Wait one.” A minute later he relayed, “If depends on the sonobuoy and torpedo loadout. A Bear Foxtrot can carry up to twelve. A May can carry ten.”

“Conn, U-bay aye. Thanks.” And that’s per airplane. Wonderful.

Hardy came on again. “Mr. Mitchell, I’m turning Memphis to zero three zero now.”

“Yessir. How long will it take before we know if this is working or not?” Jerry hated to ask, but the question nagged at him.

“As long as they don’t attack Memphis, it’s working, mister. Just keep doing what you’re doing. I’m sure you can make it work.”

Jerry was so surprised he didn’t answer. Hardy, encouraging him? Now he was really worried.

“Conn, sonar. More explosions to the west. They might be more ranging charges.” As sonar made its report, the Manta’s sonar display also showed the sound spike. It showed a detonation ahead and to starboard of the Manta. He fed the bearing from the Manta’s detection to control, where they plotted both lines on the chart.

The talker sounded almost happy. “U-Bay, conn. Plot confirms the explosions are in the trench, and the strength is right for an echo-ranging charge.”

Jerry felt relieved for Memphis, but paternal concern for the UUV. Anything that could hurt Memphis would kill the Manta very quickly, which would end its job as a decoy. It would also deprive the American taxpayers of several millions of dollars’ worth of high-tech prototype. And the wreckage would be in shallow water, easily recoverable.

Time to wiggle, he decided. Jerry turned the Manta toward the last explosion and changed his depth, bringing the Manta up. That should make it easier to distinguish from the seabed.

Another ranging charge showed up on the Manta’s display and sonar also reported the blast. This one was behind and to starboard, but Jerry turned the Manta to port, as if he was trying to get away from the spot. He also told the Manta to go deeper, but not all the way to the bottom.

A third charge followed in quick succession, this time ahead of the Manta, and Jerry increased speed to eight knots. The idea was to convince them they had a live target, but not to actually become one. And the longer it took, the better.

“U-bay, conn. The tracking party thinks the patrol boats are headed west, toward the trench and the Manta. The Captain’s increasing speed to six knots, but says you’re supposed to keep them busy as long as you can.”

“U-bay, conn aye.” A fourth charge exploded to the aft of the Manta, but close aboard, to judge by the signal strength on the display. He was trying to figure out which way to zig when the passive sonar picked up a new sound.

“Conn, sonar, I’ve got a torpedo in the water to our west!” Jerry had never seen a torpedo on the Manta’s passive display, but instantly agreed with the sonar operator’s call. It was a perfect drop from the Russians’ point of view, ahead and to port. As the torpedo turned to starboard to begin its search pattern, the Manta would be dead ahead.

Jerry told the Manta to release an ADC Mk 3 torpedo countermeasure, then kicked the UUV hard to port. He was already at eight knots, not enough to get out of the area quick enough, so he ordered the Manta to maximum, twenty knots, quickly computing how long he could head west across the trench at that speed.

His one advantage was the maneuverability of the Manta. It was as maneuverable as a torpedo, and if he could get behind the torpedo and stay there, the weapon would never pick him up. Of course, as soon as this one ran out of fuel, they’d drop another, but first he had to live through this one.

He watched the torpedo’s bearing on the Manta’s display, trying to guess its course and how far it was from the vehicle. As quickly as he could, Jerry slowed the UUV and turned it toward the torpedo, attempting to stay behind its seeker cone.

Along with the noise of the torpedo’s engine, he could also detect the active seeker, pinging at high frequency. The rate of the pinging was important, because as long as the pings were widely spaced, the weapon was in search mode. If the ping rate increased, that meant the torpedo had found something and was taking a harder look.

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