copyrights as profitable rents, and the Renunciators, who saw tight licensing of ideas as tool to control “progress.” Advisers for both factions reached consensus-to seek legislation ending all expiration dates on patents. Intellectual property should be forever.
A side bonus: that might help corral some sci-tech types into joining the alliance.
Hamish noted that those giving papers seemed jittery-perhaps due to boffin drugs they sniffed, popped, or sorbed through skin patches. Out in the world, they might be discreet, but here among peers they spoke openly of the latest mind-accelerating substances. Was that what kept them agitated? Or was it lack of World Mesh access from this closed and secret conference?
Of course, the people in this room weren’t “top.” The greatest members of the Fifth Estate kept their distance from the superrich, and especially from Tenskwatawa’s movement. Still, the very idea of technocracy always offended Hamish. And it would surely never happen now. Ironically thanks to methods that these experts were concocting, for their employers in the First Estate.
Hamish listened and took mental notes-half for the sake of the Movement but also as grist for future stories- two goals that pulled, deliciously, in opposite directions. For, while he approved of these proposals in real life-(they might save the world)-he couldn’t help also coming up with great ways to set them in tales of villainy! “Ambient persuasion” and “personality tomography” were euphemisms for mind-control-a dark vein that he had mined in novels, films, and games like
So? Some of this stuff was just too cool not to portray in his next tech-bashing tale. Used by some enemy conspiracy-a government agency, or cabal of eco-nuts-instead of allies of the Prophet. Such was the art of fiction. Pick an authority figure as the nearly omnipotent bad guy-the choice depended on your grudges-but anti-authority had been the ongoing theme ever since the invention of Hollywood.
His hand ached from scribbling ideas on the permitted pad of old-fashioned paper.
Alas, even Wriggles, the mini-ai in his earring, was shut down by some kind of high-tech jamming system.
Around eleven, during a ten-minute break, Hamish was returning from the profligately perfumed men’s room when a conference manager announced the next talk: “Eugenic Refinement of Bloodlines and the Enhancement of Nobility.”
The title struck Hamish as creepy and-if truth be told-sort-of quasi-Nazi. Others in the audience seemed to agree, as dozens drifted away to get coffee or converse in antechambers. The speaker stepped toward the podium, but Hamish was watching Tenskwatawa, along with two key aides, join Rupert Glaucus-Worthington at a side exit, along with Yevgeny Bogolomov, Helena duPont-Vonessen, and other top moguls. Rupert, in particular, had a distracted, worried demeanor. Something weighed heavily on the old man.
Hamish took a swift scan of the auditorium and saw that all the top people in both factions were leaving, or had already left.
… only to stop as the Prophet, sharp-eyed, glanced his way. With a simple head shake and apologetic smile, Tenskwatawa told Hamish-
Hamish sat down heavily as the eugenics talk was delivered-appropriately, it seemed-by a frumpy little man with an Austrian accent. But Hamish felt too stunned and hurt to pay much heed.
So, here he belonged, among the other boffins. Not just any entertainer, but a master of mass communications, he should find the topics fascinating and have much to contribute. Yet, Hamish found it hard to focus as the speaker droned on.
“… so we see from these data that one consistent failure mode, leading to the downfall of noble houses in Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Americas, across all recorded millennia, was adherence to foolish patterns of marriage and reproduction!
“Of course, arranged marriages often helped seal family alliances-useful in the short term. But it led to calamitous narrowing of aristocratic gene pools! How often were the accomplishments of brilliant rulers frittered by their dullard sons?
“Observe, the effects of inbreeding on just three royal houses, the Hohenzollerns, Hapsburgs, and Romanovs. Monarchs who were certifiably inferior in both intelligence and temperament ignited half a century of agony! Hundreds of millions dead, the ruin of all three houses, and aristocracy discredited for several wasted generations, till memory of that horror faded at last.”
Hamish scanned some of the technical graphics, bobbing over both speaker and audience like blimps filled with charts and animated data. Apparently, the little scholar’s point was similar to the Hindi sociologist-only his notion of “meritocracy” extended to the noble bloodlines themselves.
“Then there is the problem of
Hamish twitched as a soft tingle stroked his ear. He quashed an impulse to suddenly sit up. Keeping still, he subvocalized a question in the confines of his throat, with closed mouth.
The tingling went away… then returned, stronger. Yet, the voice of his aissistant remained silent. Perhaps the suppressor field that jammed mesh-communications in the Glaucus-Worthington mansion had sputtered, allowing personal devices to wake a little-enough to be irritating.
Hamish reached up to remove the earring-
– when the tingle became a low, grating sound… that swelled into a mutter… then gathered into words.
That wasn’t Wriggles.
Hamish barely hesitated. He was already leaning forward. One lazy sweep of a hand was enough to comply.
Hamish thought about how someone might surreptitiously overcome the jamming. Perhaps with a directional maser, aimed line-of-sight at his earring? But detectors in the auditorium should spot scattered reflections. Unless… they were using some kind of off-band, induced-resonance effect, causing the earring to vibrate… Or else, might it be a recording, inserted earlier?
He shook his head. Technological speculations weren’t important. What mattered was-could this be some sort of loyalty test?
The speaker meanwhile kept talking about aristocratic breeding. “… All these problems could be solved by choosing mates from among the most brilliant and accomplished commoners. By combining this with scientifically planned recombination and reinforcement, the top caste can benefit by producing dynamic and talented offspring! Let me emphasize, for our new friends the renunciation movement, this can be done without genetic meddling! Though, of course there would still have to be prenatal…”