looked behind him at the handful of Devils pulling up the rear, every face greeting him with kinship and comradery. Nick had never experienced anything like it, and as much as he hated to admit it, he was beginning to enjoy being a Devil. He even wondered if this was why so many people loved team sports, this sense of coming together under one banner against a common foe.
The forest changed as they continued their downward track through the gray and dying trees. The land turned ashen and soggy underfoot. The fog thickened, clinging to the ground. The trees seemed to shrink, to wither, bending beneath their own weight, their jagged limbs clawing the sky like drowning men.
After about an hour’s march, a tangy burning smell assailed Nick’s nostrils.
Peter gestured the Devils to him, and they gathered around. He put a finger to his lips and whispered: “We must be silent. Follow my hand signals. Stay close.”
Nick’s heart sped up and he had to force himself to slow his breathing.
Peter raised a hand and they halted. He slipped up ahead, surveying the terrain before waving the Devils to follow. Silently, they pushed through a mesh of undergrowth until they could see down a steep slope into a valley. Peter signaled to stay low.
Between the rolling waves of low-lying clouds, Nick scanned the burned and ravaged land. His blood went cold, there below them—
He glanced at Peter. Peter’s face was grim as he took in every movement.
PETER TOOK IN a deep breath.
Peter realized he was grinding his teeth, and took in a deep breath, letting it out slowly. Now wasn’t the time for maybes and what-ifs; he must stay focused. One way or another, they had to stop these demons.
Peter signaled them back. They gathered in a small ravine. Peter squatted on his haunches and they followed his example.
“We’re after the oil,” Peter said in a hushed tone. “Whisperwood isn’t a typical forest even by Avalon standards. Most of the trees are living beings, each with its own spirit. They see and hear and even whisper to one another.”
“They can’t have much oil left, not after all these years. They must be desperate, to be using the last of their reserves. If we knock over those barrels and dump their oil, it’ll put an end to the burning of Whisperwood.
“We don’t have enough Devils to push through that many Flesh-eaters, so this is what we’re going to do. We’re going to draw them away from the oil with an attack by a main force and send in a small squad to knock over the barrels.
“The Captain knows our tricks. He’ll not be easily fooled. We have to make this a real assault, or he won’t give chase. He knows we’ve the advantage in the forest, and will be reluctant to follow us into the woods. So we’ll have to take the fight to the edge of the fields. Try to draw the Flesh-eaters in. Hit and run, hit and run, avoid a full engagement at all cost. We won’t be able to do much damage and neither will they, and that’s what I want. Remember, all that matters is that we distract them long enough for the squad to dart in, get past whatever guard is left, and knock over those barrels.
“Sekeu, you’re in charge of the squad. Redbone, Abraham, Leroy, and Nick, go with Sekeu.”
Peter caught the anxious looks on Leroy’s and Nick’s faces. He looked them square in the eye and smiled confidently.
Nick and Leroy still looked unsure, but they both nodded.
“Good. Sekeu, take your group and circle around to the east side of the clearing. Wait under cover until you hear us attack. We’ll come in from the west side. You know the drill: get in and out as fast as you can.
“Danny, Cricket, you’re coming with me.” Cricket also looked nervous, but Danny looked absolutely petrified. Peter caught his hands trembling and thought the boy might start crying at any moment.
“Danny, Cricket, you’re going to do fine. Your role is simply to make our numbers look more impressive. Hang back, make a lot of noise, and stay well clear of the combat. Think you can do that?”
They both agreed, but Danny still looked petrified.
“Remember, our goal is to draw them away from the barrels. As soon as the barrels are knocked over, we all run into the forest. If anyone from either party gets separated, we meet back here. You can see this outcropping of red boulders from just about anywhere in the valley.”
Peter stood up and let a wicked smile slide across his face. “Time to play.”
The Devils grinned back. “Time to play.”
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