“Sir,” Bell said, “I must caution that Snow Tiger captain might adopt more aggressive tactics now that he knows he failed to sink us inside the carrier ship and he is not able to maintain quiet flank speed.”
“What do you mean,
“That’s my point, sir. Things haven’t gone his way, and he’s impetuous. He may feel egged on to score a last-ditch victory if he knows by ELF that the North African offensive collapsed…. He might go nuclear here.”
“It’s my duty to state that he may see things differently, Captain. We do not know his current rules of engagement, or his willingness to violate them if given sufficient cause.”
Over the speakers, Jeffrey and his crew heard the echoes and reverb from distant blasts. The Snow Tiger was using its antitorpedo rockets to smash his inbound fish. There were louder blasts when the rocket warheads set off the Mark 88s.
“Assess all units from first salvo intercepted!” Bell said.
“Second salvo has acquired the Snow Tiger!”
“Torpedoes in the water! Eight torpedoes, Series Sixty-fives, inbound.” The German launched another salvo too.
“Captain,” Bell said, “we can’t tell if a Sixty-five is nuclear until it detonates. Our only defense is a nuclear countershot to smash his torpedoes at a safe stand-off distance. If we use nukes for defense, we should for offense also.”
“Sir, with Mohr and his gear aboard, and his honest intent and his equipment’s effectiveness proved now, we dare not let ourselves be destroyed! We’re low on high-explosive ammo. We might run out before the Snow Tiger does. We can’t be sure with her double titanium hull that our conventional Mark Eighty-eights will have the hitting power to stop her even if any get through!”
“XO, I
“Captain, if we
“Sir,” Bell pressed, “remember
Jeffrey’s next salvo was drawing close to the Snow Tiger.
“He’ll just swat them with more antitorpedo rockets, sir! We can’t afford to wait any longer.”
Was Bell right? Did Jeffrey need to go nuclear, before the German captain had a chance to?
“I have my ROEs! Nukes are forbidden!”
“You disobeyed orders before when you thought it was best!”
“How will Saudi Arabia take it when she sees American mushroom clouds so near her shores?
Jeffrey’s high-explosive weapons were very close to the Snow Tiger now.
Jeffrey had an idea, something he’d never thought of before.
“All right, XO! I want to try one more tactic. If it fails we switch to nuclear Mark Eighty-eights.”
“Put our fish into formation as close as you can to line ahead without loosing the wires.” “Line ahead” meant that the units would follow each other, evenly spaced in single file. “Have formation jink in unison each time lead weapon is intercepted.”
Bell, surprised, acknowledged. Torelli issued orders and his technicians worked their joysticks. Explosions began, more antitorpedo rocket warheads and Mark 88 warheads.
“Unit from tube one destroyed!”
Jeffrey waited and watched his chronometer. The next fish would be ten seconds behind the first. Ten seconds passed, then fifteen, then twenty. Another blast.
“Unit from tube two destroyed!”
Jeffrey’s eyes flitted to his chronometer again.
Ten seconds. Twenty seconds. Thirty. A blast.
“Unit from tube three destroyed!”
Jeffrey’s plan was working, so far. Each exploding rocket and torpedo warhead made a giant, persistent disturbance in the water; the Snow Tiger’s sonars getting target data for her rockets were blinded by a wall of bubbles and turbulence. They had to wait for the next jinking fish to charge somewhere through that wall, then acquire it, then launch another rocket — which had to cover some distance to reach the latest inbound weapon.
“Unit from tube four destroyed!”
Each time, Jeffrey put a torpedo closer to the German sub. But would the salvo of seven be large enough to get at least one all the way to the Snow Tiger’s hull?
“Unit from tube five destroyed!”
Jeffrey’s sixth torpedo connected with the Snow Tiger, a direct hit. His seventh hit the German in the same place.
Jeffrey no longer needed wire-guided control on those expended weapons. “Reload tubes one through seven, nuclear Mark Eighty-eights. Preset warhead yields on one and two to maximum.” One kiloton, for offense. “Preset yields on three through seven to minimum.” One one-hundredth kiloton, for defense.
Bell acknowledged, relieved but still troubled. The phone talker said Torelli had the arming tool, and was in the torpedo room.
“Sonar, assess damage of conventional Mark Eighty-eight hits on Snow Tiger.” Sent off to one side and then slowed for a better acoustic-surveillance vantage point, the off-board probe detected a new signature, above the echoes and reverb of all the explosions and the engine noise of the enemy’s 65s still inbound.
“Flooding sounds, Captain!” Milgrom called out. “Mechanical transients! Assess as bilge pumps and an emergency blow!.. Propulsion plant noises have ceased!”
The speakers filled
“It could be fake, sir!” Bell shouted. “That noise could be from their sonar emitters!”
Jeffrey reluctantly acknowledged that Bell was right. It might all be a deception tactic, the German only