“How about that?”
“You went through the CIA or the National Security Agency or something?”
“No, a reference librarian up St. Charles. She could find the street address of the caveman who invented the wheel.”
Clete was sitting in a chair by the window, his hat crown-down on Dana’s desk. He put his hand inside his shirt and scratched a place on his shoulder. “What happened to Karl Engels?”
“My reference friend went through a bunch of German veterans’ organizations and found some records on a Karl Engels who was stationed in Paris until late 1943. And that’s it.”
“Why’d you have all this interest in the Luger?”
“It started out as routine. We found information in Golightly’s computer that indicated he was mixed up with Dupree in a stolen-painting scam of some kind. The more I thought about the possible connection between the Luger and Alexis Dupree, the more I thought about something my wife had told me.”
“Told you what?”
“We’d met Alexis Dupree two or three times at social functions. Everybody had heard about his work in the French underground. My wife is from Wiesbaden. She speaks both German and French and teaches in the language department at Tulane. She heard Dupree speaking German to someone. She said his German was perfect. She went up to him and spoke to him in French. She said he had an accent, a bad one, and it was obvious that French was not his first language.”
“You think Karl Engels is Dupree?”
“That’s anybody’s guess.”
Clete picked up his hat and smoothed the brim. He looked through the glass at the squad room and all the cops at their desks. “I need to get something off my chest,” he said. “Out there, I’m the Invisible Man or the spit on the sidewalk, take your choice. I’ve got no beef about y’all’s attitude toward me. I took money from the Giacanos. I also did security for a mobbed-up guy out west. I haven’t helped matters by knocking around a couple of your detectives. But I never braced a cop who was on the square, not in New Orleans or anywhere else.”
Dana started to interrupt, but Clete stopped him. “Hear me out. I deserved to get fired and probably worse. Dave Robicheaux didn’t. Y’all treated him rotten, and you’ve never owned up to it.”
“I didn’t hear Dave complain.”
“That’s because he’s stand-up. And because he’s stand-up doesn’t make y’all right.”
“I want to talk with you about something else,” Dana said. “About the night Waylon Grimes and Bix Golightly got smoked.”
“What about it?”
“I think you called in the shots-fired.”
“What makes you think that?”
“I listened to the tape. Did you have a pencil between your teeth?”
“What did you want to tell me?” Clete asked.
“Maybe there was more than one shooter involved.”
“Say that again.”
“Bix Golightly got it with a. 22. So did Waylon Grimes. But the rounds didn’t come from the same gun. Here’s the rest of it. Whoever popped Frankie Giacano in the Baton Rouge bus depot used the same gun that killed Waylon Grimes.”
Clete had been preparing to leave Dana’s office, but he leaned back in his chair and stared out the window at the fronds of the palm trees rattling in the wind, without seeming to see them. “So two killers were working together. What’s the big deal in that?”
“Maybe they were, maybe not. The coroner says Waylon Grimes was dead at least an hour before Golightly died. Grimes got it in his apartment. Golightly got it in his van. Why would two killers be hanging around for an hour to clip Golightly? How would they know he’d be at Grimes’s apartment? I think Golightly was followed.”
“What was the motivation on the Golightly hit?”
“He was in the rackets for forty years. He had a sheet for statutory rape and child molestation in Texas and Florida. He did smash-and-grabs on old people and paid his whores in counterfeit. There’s nothing this guy didn’t do. The real question is how he survived as long as he did. You were at the Golightly hit, weren’t you?”
“I was in the vicinity.”
“Are you going to tell me what you saw?”
“What difference does it make? I’ve got zero credibility with both the department and the DA’s office.”
“What if I could get you back in?”
“In the department, with a shield?”
“It could happen.”
“See you around.”
“That’s all you have to say?”
“No, I owe you one.”
When Clete walked outside into the mix of shadow and sunlight on the buildings, he thought he could hear music from the clubs on Bourbon and smell the salt air off the Gulf and the coffee in Cafe du Monde and the flowers blooming on the balconies along Royal. Or maybe it was all in his imagination. Either way, it was a grand afternoon, one that presaged an even better evening and access to all the fruits the world had to offer.
Clete had called Gretchen the same afternoon and told her he was in New Orleans and would not be back in New Iberia until Thursday morning.
“Did you find out anything about the Luger?” she asked.
“Yeah, the guy who owned it was SS and stationed in Paris in 1943,” Clete said. “That’s as far as I got. You going to be okay till I get back?”
“Take it to the bank,” she replied.
But when she went to bed that night with her cell phone under her pillow, she didn’t feel like taking anything to the bank. Her dreams made her frown in her sleep, as though a hot red light were shining through her eyelids. She woke and opened the door and looked outside, although she wasn’t sure why. The trees above the cottage were thrashing in the wind, and lightning snapped across the heavens, the thunder so loud that the surface of the bayou trembled as though the earth were shaking.
It was 12:14 A.M. when her cell phone vibrated under the pillow. She sat on the side of the mattress and opened the phone and placed it against her ear, knowing that only one person would call her at this hour. “Raymond?” she said.
“You’re close. Call me Raymond’s successor. I’m talking to Caruso, right?” an unfamiliar voice said.
“No, you’re talking to Gretchen Horowitz.”
“I’ve seen you around Key West. When we get our business out of the way, I’d like to hook up with you.”
“I hope you’re imitating a jerk. Because if you’re not, you’ve got a real problem. Where’s Raymond?”
“Swimming to Havana.”
“Did you hurt Raymond?”
“Me? I don’t hurt anybody. I make phone calls. If I was you, I’d listen and stop asking questions.”
“I didn’t catch your name.”
“You don’t sound like a Marco. How about I call you asshole instead?”
“We’ll talk about that in a minute. We’ve got another job for you.”
“I told Raymond, and now I’ll tell you. I’m in the antique business full-time.”
“Wrong. You’re in the life, and that’s where you’re gonna stay. You’ve got three targets. Guess who they are.”
She had left the blinds open, and she could see the leaves of the live oaks flickering against the sky and hear thunder rumbling in the south. Across the bayou a large, thick-haired dog had wound its chain around an iron pole and was trying to run to its doghouse, clanging the chain taut each time it tried. The dog was wet and trembling with fear. Gretchen cleared her throat before she spoke. “I think you’ve got a hearing problem,” she said. “I’m out. I wish I’d never been in. But I’m out. That means don’t push your luck.”