They’re fine. Even the one you had to knock out is still all right. They wonder what’s the matter with you.

They aren’t the only ones.

Rayal projected amusement. You’re fine. Recovering

faster than I expected. You’d better be fine. I’ve stayed alive fifteen damnable years longer than I wanted to, waiting for you.

In his surprise, Teray could not form a coherent thought.

Surprised, young one? It doesn’t matter. As long as you’re good enough to succeed me, nothing else matters.

But why would you wait for me? You had chosen Coransee.

Coransee had chosen himself.

But he said…

That’s right He said. Of course, he could have succeeded me. No doubt he would have if you hadn’t killed him.

But you didn’t want him to ?

He wasn’t good enough, young one.

He was stronger than I am.

That’s not surprising. He was stronger than I would be alone?though I never let him know it. But the strength was all he had. That healing ability that your Amber found in you was all but missing in him. She’s not the only healer who’s tried to teach him.

But why would healing ability be that important to a Patternmaster?

The healing part of it isn’t. It’s the way a healer can kill. The way Amber taught you. Without that method just now, you would

have killed at least three of the people you just took power from. Three out of ten. You would have been punching holes in Clayarks, wasting strength that wasn’t yours to waste. Imagine killing thirty per cent of the Patternists in even an average-size


Teray winced away from the idea. Why didn’t you tell me? Why didn’t you tell him? If he understood, he might not have had to die.

I wouldn’t have sacrificed one of Jansee’s sons if he hadn’t had to die. Do you really think anyone could have talked him out of wanting the Pattern?

You could have, perhaps.

Young one, me least of all. Think! The only thing that kept him from attacking me outright to take the Pattern was the belief that it would come to him without a struggle if he waited a little longer.

Could he have taken it?

Very possibly.

Teray sighed, feeling the strength flowing back into his body. He could have opened his eyes if he had wanted to and seen Amber next to him waiting.

I will never gather the strength of the Pattern in my mind again, sent Rayal. It would kill me. When the need arises next, young one, the Pattern will be yours. That will kill me, too, but at least I’ll die alone?not take thousands of people with me.

But you can’t just give it to me. Others will contest….

I will give it to you. You’d win it anyway, if there was anyone better than you around, I wouldn’t have chosen you. And once you have it, with your health and strength, those who contest will be no mote to you than that girl Rain. Remember that and treat them gently. Your only real opponent is dead.

But another healer… a better healer…

You’ve got a better healer sitting next to you. And she?ll always be a better healer. You won’t ever surpass her in healing skill. And she won’t ever surpass you in strength. There are plenty of better healers, but no stronger healers. And no weaker healer could survive what you just survived. You have the right combination of abilities.

Teray sighed, opened his eyes, and sat up. He looked at Amber and she nodded slightly.

“I’m receiving too,” she said. “He wants me to know.”

Teray addressed Rayal. You couldn’t have kept Coransee from killing me, could you?

No. Not unless I fought him. He had already made up his mind about you?and from his point of view, he was right You were definitely a danger to him even though at first you didn’t want to be. I didn’t dare fight him. There was too much chance of his winning. So it was all up to you

And you couldn’t very well tell me without taking the chance of also telling him. Teray shook his head. You’ve been bluffing everyone for a long time, Lord.

Only for the past couple of years. Only since I’ve become so weak and sick that taking strength from any but the most compatible of my people would have killed me.

Still a long time to bluff people who might have read any slip in your thoughts.

A long, wearying time, the old man agreed. Hurry and get here. You have no idea how tired I am.


About Octavia E. Butler

OCTAVIA E. BUTLER writes: “I am a 53-year-old writer who can remember being a 10-year-old writer and who expects someday to be an 80-year-old writer. I’m also

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