?No!? my prisoners screamed together.
?It can sting people to death! Kill it!?
?There?s no need to kill me!? I said. I tried consciously to sound the way Nikanj did when it both frightened Humans and got them to cooperate. ?I don?t want to hurt you, but if you shoot me, I may lose control and kill several of you before I die.?
?I mean you no harm.?
Again the curse, and it was, unmistakably, a curse. ?Four-arms!?
And from someone else. ?They strike like snakes!?
?I didn?t come to strike anyone,? I said. ?I mean you no harm.?
?What do you want here!? one of them demanded.
I hesitated and someone else answered for me.
?Isn?t it obvious what the thing wants? The prisoners, that?s what! It?s come for them!?
?I?ve come for them,? I agreed softly.
People began to look uncertain. I was reaching them?probably more with my scent than with anything I was saying. All I had to do was keep them here a little longer. They might go in and get Jesusa and TomAs for me. The two in my hands would probably do that now if I asked it of them. But I still needed them?for just a while longer.
?If you kill me,? I said, ?my people will find out about it. And those who shoot me will never live on a planet or know freedom again. Ask your elders. They remember.?
People began to look at one another doubtfully. Some of them lowered their guns and stood not knowing what to do. There had always been a fear among Humans that we could read their thoughts. No doubt that was why they had feared letting even one of their people go down into the lowland forest. Most had never understood that it was their bodies we read?inside and out. And if we were alert and competent?more so than I had been with Santos?their bodies kept few secrets.
?Who will speak for you?? I asked the crowd. If they had been Oankali or construct, I would never have asked such a question. I could have made my case to anyone, and the people would have joined person-to-person or through their town organisms, and there would have been a consensus.
But these people were Human. I had to find their leaders.
Two males stepped forward out of the crowd.
?Elders?? I asked.
One of them nodded. The other only stared at me in obvious disgust.
?I mean no harm,? I said. ?Harm will only be done if you shoot me. Do you accept that??
?Perhaps,? the one who had nodded said.
I shrugged. ?Examine your own memories.? And I kept quiet and left them to their memories. Meanwhile, without drawing attention to the gesture, I took my hands from the two men in front of me. They didn?t move.
?Why do you want Jesusa and TomAs?? demanded the disgusted elder.
?They are my mates.?
There was a sudden rush of surprised muttering from the people. I heard disbelief and questioning, threats and cursing, honor and disgust.
?Why should you be surprised?? I asked. ?Why did you think I wanted them? Why else would I be willing to risk your killing me?? I paused, but no one spoke. ?We care for our mates as deeply as you do for yours,? I said.
?It would be better for them to be killed than to be given to you,? the disgusted elder said.
?Your people almost destroyed themselves,? I said, ?and you still haven?t had enough killing??
?Your people want to kill us!? someone said from the crowd.
I spoke into renewed muttering. ?My people are coming here, but they won?t kill. They didn?t kill your elders. They plucked them out of the ashes of their war, healed them, mated with those who were willing, and let the others go. If my people were killers, you wouldn?t be here.? I paused to let them think, then I continued. ?And there wouldn?t be a Human colony on the planet Mars where Humans live and breed totally free of us. The Humans there are healthy and thriving. Any Human who wants to join them will be given healing, restored fertility if necessary, and transported.?
What happened next was totally irrational, yet somehow, later, I felt that I should have anticipated it.
The disgusted elder?s face twisted with anger and revulsion. He cursed me, called on his god to damn me. Then he fired his gun.
One of the two Human guards whom I had held, and then released, jumped between the elder?s gun and me.
An instant later, the guard lay dying and the two elders struggled for possession of the disgusted one?s rifle.
I saw the murderous elder subdued by his companion and two deformed young people. Then I was on the floor beside the injured man. ?Keep them off me,? I told the remaining guard. ?His heart is damaged. I can save him, but only if they let me alone.?
I paid no more attention to what they did. The injured guard needed all my attention. By the definition of most