wanted to be one hundred per cent sure before I told her anything. I didn’t want her heart to break all over again.

‘Who’s yer one in the black dress? She’s a bit of all right,’ said a familiar voice from behind me.

I turned to see Colin standing there, in a black suit and white shirt.

‘You’re not looking too bad yourself, Colin.’

‘Yeah, I scrub up all right, don’t I?’ He looked really cute.

‘Want to go sit down?’ he said.

‘Yes. I do. These heels are killing me already.’ I’d brought some pumps in my bag, but I refused to surrender this early in the evening. Besides, the heels looked so nice that they were totally worth the pain.

‘Have you got your song sorted?’ asked Colin.

‘Yep. “Have I Told You Lately”, one of Mary’s favourites apparently. Joe is going to call me up when I’ve to sing it.’

‘Joe has gone to a lot of trouble. I know my mam and Lydia went to a lot of fuss, with the decorations and the food and all that. But he really went to town on the personal touches. Oh, and fair play to you for coming.’ Colin smiled at me sympathetically. I’d almost forgotten about Nick. Almost.

‘Well, I couldn’t let Joe down. I hope this won’t be too awkward.’ I glanced over towards Nick.

‘Ah, don’t worry about Nick. He’s busy mingling. His granny has him trapped over there at her table.’

I wished he would talk to me. Even just to say hello. I kept looking over, hoping that he’d catch my eye.

Joe got up on the stage.

‘Good evening, ladies and gentlemen! Now don’t worry, I’m not going to give a speech.’ There was a laugh from the crowd. I think Joe had a reputation for giving speeches that went on forever. ‘I’m just here to announce that we will now be having the first dance.’ This was my cue to go up on stage. ‘The song will be sung by the lovely Miss Jacki King. I would like to invite our birthday girl, Mary, and her husband, Michael, to the floor.’

As soon as the band started to play the intro to ‘Have I Told You Lately’, Mary let out a little squeal of joy. I started to sing.

Joe and Rita joined the Reynolds. Rita smiled at Joe, and he clasped her hand, and put his arm round her waist. Brigid took Pa by the hand, and led him on to the dance floor. He gave her a kiss, and they started to dance. Lydia and Colin followed. Then David and Emily, and then Anne and Carla, and more and more couples until eventually the dance floor was packed with people. I looked at them all embracing each other, dancing together, laughing and smiling. Then I took a deep breath and sang the chorus one last time.

There was a round of applause. I stepped away from the microphone, and walked down the steps. Joe came running over to me.

‘That was beautiful, Jacki,’ he said. ‘Just beautiful. You’re an absolute star.’

‘Thanks, Joe. Thanks for asking me.’

‘What are ya havin’ to drink?’

‘I’m OK. I think I’m just going to go home now. I hope you enjoy the rest of your night.’

‘What did you say?’ said Colin, coming over to join us. ‘No way you’re going home! Nick is stuck talking to all his relatives. You won’t have to talk to him. Come and sit down. I saw them putting candles on the cake – you can’t miss that.’

I smiled at Colin. He was so kind and tuned in to what I was going through.

I wasn’t sure if I could bear to watch Nick any longer. But I also hoped he wouldn’t avoid me forever. Maybe if I stayed, there’d be a chance we could at least talk. ‘Sure… I’ll stay for the birthday cake.’

‘What will ya have then, Jacki?’ asked Joe.

‘She’ll have a Coke,’ said Colin as he guided me towards an empty table.

As we sat down I decided I had to confide some of my thoughts to Colin; he was the only person I could tell.

‘Colin, there’s something we have to talk about.’

‘Does his name begin with N?’

‘Well, actually, it’s sort of got to do with him.’ I lowered my voice. ‘I have a strong suspicion about who Beth’s killer might be.’

‘Wow… go on.’

‘I’ve been doing some investigating and I think that it’s… it’s Michael,’ I said, glancing over in his direction.

Colin leaned back in his chair and laughed. ‘What have you been putting in your Coke, Jacki? Are you crazy? Have you forgotten that he runs a police station? Not to mention that he’s the father of one of our best friends? I get that he’s scary and all, but he’s not a murderer.’

‘I know how it sounds, Colin. Believe me, I wouldn’t say this if I didn’t have good reason.’

Colin looked at me in disbelief.

‘Thanks, Joe, cheers!’ I said as Joe delivered our drinks. He smiled at us as he wandered back to the crowd. I turned back to Colin and lowered my voice.

‘Were you aware that Michael -’ I wasn’t sure how to put this as I hadn’t seen it, only overheard it – ‘that he pushes Mary around?’

Colin’s eyes widened.

‘I’ve overheard them fighting. One day in the shop.’

‘Well, all couples have rows…’

‘I know what I heard, and it wasn’t just talking. But that’s not all. I heard something else that makes me almost certain he did it.’


‘I can’t talk about it here,’ I said.

‘Come on, Jacki, tell me.’

I couldn’t tell him about my conversation with Lydia.

‘What I can tell you is that he doesn’t have an alibi for the night of the murder.’

‘How do you know that?’

‘Mary said it… when they were having the row I overheard.’

‘Really?’ Colin looked less sceptical now. Maybe he was starting to come round. ‘I hope it’s not true. Mary would be devastated.’

‘And Nick.’ It was a bit scary to think that the guy I really liked could be the son of a murderer, but I knew Nick wasn’t anything like him. ‘Thing is,’ I said, ‘I’m pretty sure it’s true, but I’ve no way of proving it. Not yet.’

‘Cake!’ shouted Mary’s daughter, Rosie.

Everyone stood up and sang ‘Happy Birthday’ to Mary, and watched as she blew out the candles and cut the cake. Joe took a picture of her with Michael, Nick and Rosie. They stood in a line with huge smiles on their faces, including Michael. Well, at least he was making a bit of an effort.

‘Say cheese!’ said Joe.

Soon the crowd started to chant ‘Speech, speech, speech,’ so Mary got up on to the stage and took the microphone.

‘I would just like to thank everybody for coming here tonight,’ she said. ‘And especially all my relatives who travelled long distances, and my best friend Lydia Smyth for making me this dress.’

There was a huge round of applause and a few wolf whistles.

‘Thank you to my husband, Michael, and my children, and to all my other friends, especially Brigid and Joe. I hope you all enjoy tonight.’

There was another round of applause and then Joe shouted, ‘Time for the fifty kisses!’

‘Are you going up to give Mary her kiss?’ I asked Colin.

‘I gave her one when she came in!’ he said.

‘I saw you gave her your painting.’

He nodded. ‘Yes, I took it up to her house earlier.’

‘She was delighted with it. I can’t believe you gave it away!’ It was such a beautiful painting. If it were mine, I probably wouldn’t have given it away. But Colin was so talented that I was sure he could paint another one just like it.

‘Well, I knew she’d appreciate it.’

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