It came as no surprise to Travers. He had been sure, when eventually she was found, Alice would be dead.


Calvin didn’t get back to the rooming-house until after eight o’clock. The auditors had worked late, and he had been obliged to hang around until they finally decided to leave the rest of the work until the following day.

He opened the front door silently. He could hear the familiar sound of the television and guessed that Major Hardy and Miss Pearson had settled down to their evening soporific entertainment.

He had had a snack dinner with the auditors and he was now feeling relaxed. He moved quietly up the stairs to his room. Closing the door, he took off his coat, ripped off his tie and sank into the armchair.

He was pleased that his nerves were so steady. It had been an anxious day, but he had weathered it, and now, he began to wonder what progress Easton had made.

When Easton had called on him, Calvin had quickly realised that this man needn’t worry him. He had expected much sterner opposition. The sight of the short, fat, balding agent had done much to calm Calvin’s jumping nerves and restore his confidence. But he was aware that although Easton appeared inefficient, Ken Travers had to be reckoned with. This young man was smart, alert and ambitious. He would be the one to watch.

Calvin lit a cigarette. Then he reached out, opened the closet by him and took out the bottle of whisky. It was empty.

For a long moment he stared at the bottle, his face suddenly vicious, his eyes glaring. This morning it had been almost full. He could guess who had been drinking his liquor.

‘She’s got to go,’ he said, half aloud. ‘I can’t afford to let her live, the drunken bitch. Why wait? I’ll get rid of her tonight. With all that whisky inside her, they’ll think she had a fainting fit and drowned herself. I’ll do it tonight.’

He got slowly to his feet and walked across the room to the communicating door. He opened the door and walked into Kit’s room.

Kit was lying on the bed. She had on a blue nylon wrap that had fallen open to show her long, slim legs. She half raised her head to look at him.

‘Hello, murderer,’ she said. ‘I’m surprised you want to see me. How do you like living with yourself now?’

He came in and shut the door, then moving to the foot of the bed, he stared at her.

‘What’s bothering you?’ she asked, her brown eyes glittering unnaturally. ‘Not your conscience, I’m sure.’

‘Did you see Easton?’ Calvin asked in a deceptively mild voice.

‘I did. He’s not worrying you, is he? A fat, lecherous fool. All he could think about and stare at was my body.’

‘Sure?’ Calvin’s thin lips twisted into a sneer. ‘I admit he isn’t much, but maybe he was thinking a drunk is an easy lay.’

Her face tightened with sudden fury.

‘What do you want? Say what you want and get out!’

‘I’ve found a replacement for Alice,’ Calvin said, moving to an armchair and sitting down. ‘I thought you would be interested.’

She half raised herself, resting her weight on her arm.

‘Why should I be? What new devilment is going on in that filthy mind of yours?’

Calvin smiled his charming smile.

‘You haven’t seen Iris today?’

She stiffened, her eyes narrowing.

‘What do you mean?’

‘She came to the bank this morning. She’s worried about you. She says you have been avoiding her recently.’

Kit swung her legs off the bed and sat up. Her eyes were pools of fear and anger.

‘I won’t have you discussing me with Iris!’ she said shrilly. ‘Do you understand?’

‘You can’t stop us,’ Calvin said. ‘She’s working for me as from tomorrow. She’s replacing Alice.’

Kit stared at him, her face turning the colour of tallow.

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