'Would it be possible to photograph the house. I also freelance for Life. It would be a marvellous scoop for me.'
'That you must ask Mr. Kahlenberg. But don't let us stand here in the sun.' Tak moved to the jeep. 'I will take you to the house.'
Gaye and Garry got in the back seat and Tak beside the driver. The Zulu turned the jeep and sped back down the road.
A few minutes later, Gaye and Garry were being ushered into a huge lounge which led through wide french windows to a flower ladened terrace with a big swimming-pool. The luxury of the room stunned Garry who had never seen anything to compare with it and even impressed Gaye who had been in many luxurious homes in her time.
'If you would wait here, I will tell Mr. Kahlenberg of your arrival.'
A Zulu in white drill came in silently.
'Have a drink please while you are waiting,' Tak continued and then went away.
The Zulu went behind the bar and stood waiting.
They asked for two gin and tonics and then moved out on to the terrace.
'I don't like the look of that guy,' Garry said in a low whisper. 'There's something about him . . .'
'Yes. He gives me the creeps. He looks as if he sleeps in a coffin.'
'Don't you think we got in very easily?' Garry went on, pulling up a basket chair for Gaye and then sitting down himself.
'It's my charm.' Gaye smiled. 'I'm irresistible to spooks. The chances are we will be thrown out as soon as Mr. K. hears we have arrived. Tak must be his major-domo or secretary I suppose.'
The Zulu brought the drinks with two plates of delicious looking canapes and silently withdrew.
'What a gorgeous way to live!' Gaye sighed. 'I adore this place. Wouldn't you love to own it?'
Garry sipped his drink, then shook his head.
'Not for me. I like something a bit more rugged. This is too lush.'
'Oh, no!' She helped herself to a cracker covered with caviar. 'I think it is marvellous.'
They had eaten most of the canapes and had finished their drinks before Tak appeared again.
'Mr. Kahlenberg is happy to have you here, Miss Desmond,' he said. 'Unfortunately, he is tied up with a series of long distance calls and other business and won't be free to meet you until tonight. Is it possible for you to stay?'
'You mean . . . stay the night?' Gaye asked, looking up at the pale face.
'Certainly. That is what Mr. Kahlenberg suggests.'
'But I have no clothes with me.'
'That is no problem. We have a number of women secretaries here. One of them will gladly lend you something.'
'How nice! Did you ask him if I could take photographs?'
Tak shook his head.
'I thought it would come better if the request came from you, Miss Desmond.'
'Well, then we will stay the night. It is very kind of Mr. Kahlenberg.'
'It will be his pleasure.' Tak glanced at his watch. 'Lunch will be served in an hour. Perhaps you would care to change?'
As they got to their feet, Tak turned to Garry.
'You too, of course, have no clothes with you, Mr. Edwards?'
'Only what I've got on.'
'That can be arranged.' Tak turned as Miah came out on to the terrace. 'This is Miss Das. She will take care of you both. If you will excuse me now,' and with a stiff little bow, Tak left them.
Miah came forward.