“Would you like me to go to Pentonville to look for her?” asked Mr. Silver anxiously.

“No, I am sure she is unharmed. But join me in the drawing room for some tea, and tell me how John Tremayne's education progresses.”

They drank tea, and Mr. Silver reported that John was progressing favorably, but both strained their ears for a sound of the return of Miss Chubb. When a footman came in to light candles, Mr. Silver rose to his feet. “With your permission, ma'am,” he said, “I would like to go to Pentonville. I cannot feel easy in my mind. Madame Chubiski is rather shy and unused to London.”

“Shy? Unused to London, perhaps, but I would hardly call Madame Chub… iskishy.

“I can assure you she is too gently bred a lady to be wandering about with a young boy of whom we know very little.”

“Then, by all means go,” cried Felicity.

Evening settled down over London. The parish lamps in the street outside were lit, and still Miss Chubb did not return.

At last Felicity heard the sound of a carriage stopping outside the house and ran out onto the front steps. But it was only Mr. Silver returning alone.

“I found no trace of her, ma'am,” he said, his lined face anxious. “There were two people killed when that wall collapsed, and many more were injured in the rioting.”

“Oh, what shall I do?” cried Felicity. “I cannot just wait here any longer, doing nothing. I know…”

She ran into the house and called for Spinks.

“Tell me,” she said to the butler, “do you know the address of Lord Arthur Bessamy?”

“Yes, ma'am. When you told me to invite him to your rout, I made it my business to find out,” said Spinks. “Lord Arthur lives in Curzon Street at Number 137.”

“That is only around the corner,” said Felicity, going into the drawing room and picking up her hat. Mr. Silver followed her in.

“You cannot go to Lord Arthur's house,” he said severely. “That will not do at all.”

“Abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul,” intoned the butler from the doorway, making them both jump.

“Oh,Spinks! ” said Felicity crossly. “Do behave yourself. I am only going to call on Lord Arthur to enlist his help in finding Madame Chubiski.”

“Then, I shall go,” said Mr. Silver quickly. “For you to call at a gentleman's town house for any reason at all is just not done.”

Mr. Silver departed quickly, and once more Felicity was left to wait.

In ten minutes’ time the tutor returned with Lord Arthur. “You are fortunate, Princess,” said Lord Arthur. “I was just leaving for my club when I received your message. I am sure you have nothing to worry about. Dolph is much more competent than he looks.”

“But you do not understand,” wailed Felicity. “This is not like my companion at all. She may have been struck on the head; she may have been abducted. Dear God, she was simply covered in jewels…”

Lord Arthur studied her distressed face and then said gently, “I see you would feel better if you took some action. Your carriage is outside. Would you like to go back to the Belvedere Tea Gardens yourself and make inquiries? I am prepared to accompany you.”

“Thank you,” said Felicity.

“Then, I shall accompany you as well,” said the tutor firmly. “You cannot go off alone with milord in a closed carriage.”

Lord Arthur nodded, and the three went out into the carriage and set off again in the direction of Pentonville.

“Tell me, Mr. Silver,” said Lord Arthur, “when you were making inquiries for Madame Chubiski, how did you describe her?”

In the light of the carriage lamps, Mr. Silver's scholarly face registered surprise. “Why, my lord, I gave a fair description. I asked if anyone had seen a handsome woman of regal bearing dressed in black velvet.”

Felicity felt she could sense Lord Arthur's amusement. What was there in Mr. Silver's innocent description that he could possibly find funny?

They traveled the rest of the way to Pentonville in silence. When they arrived at the tea gardens, Lord Arthur put a restraining hand on Mr. Silver's sleeve. “Let me try by myself,” he said. “You have already tried. I might have more success.”

Before the tutor could protest, Lord Arthur swung open the carriage door, stepped down, and strolled into the tea gardens. Waiters were still clearing up the mess left by the crowd. He went up to the nearest one and said, “Hey, fellow, I am looking for a missing lady.”

“Better have a good description,” said the waiter sulkily. “All the world and his wife were here today.”

Lord Arthur held up a guinea. “Now, think,” he commanded, “and this guinea will be for you. I seek a squat, somewhat elderly lady wearing a slouch hat like a highwayman, dressed in black velvet, and covered in jeweled brooches and pins. She is accompanied by a tubby, cheerful man.”

“Oh, them,” said the waiter.

“You know them?”

“I seen ‘em with me own eyes,” said the waiter gleefully, reaching for the coin. “I was over at The Black Dog- over there-for a pint of shrub, and there they were, singing their heads off.”

“And when was that?”

“'Bout ten minutes ago.”

Lord Arthur returned to the carriage. “I gather Dolph and Madame Chubiski are in the pub.”

He turned and walked off in the direction of The Black Dog. Felicity and Mr. Silver scrambled out of the carriage and ran after him. They caught up with Lord Arthur just as he opened the door of the tap.

Felicity peered over his arm and let out a gasp. Miss Chubb was standing on a table in the middle of the room, belting out the third verse of “The Gay Hussar.” She had a tankard in her hand and was being accompanied on the fiddle by a ragged Highlander. Dolph was sitting down at the table on which she was standing, looking up at her with rapt attention.

“Disgraceful!” cried Mr. Silver.

“Wait!” commanded Lord Arthur.

Miss Chubb finished her song to wild cheers and shouts and was helped down from the table by Dolph, who gave her a smacking kiss on the cheek.

“Well, Dolph,” said Lord Arthur, strolling forward. “Having fun?”

“Oh, the bestest ever,” said Dolph, peering at them blearily. “Let's have another chorus. Oh, with a tow, row, tow, row…”

“Silence!” roared Mr. Silver. “What have you done to this respectable lady, you… you rake? You have debased her. You have made a spectacle of her. By God, you shall answer to me.”

“I… I… I,” babbled Dolph, goggling at the enraged tutor.

“No one is going to call anyone out,” said Lord Arthur soothingly. “All outside. All home. Come along, Madame Chubiski. Your mistress has been very worried about you.”

“Don't w-want to go home,” hiccupped Miss Chubb. “Less have ‘nother song.”

“We'll sing all you want,” said Felicity gently, “when we get home-you, me, and Mr. Silver. Come along; there's a dear.”

Miss Chubb allowed herself to be led out, grumbling under her breath, “You said I was to have fun. Said everybody mush have fun.”

“Yes, yes,” said Felicity, throwing Lord Arthur an anguished look. What if the drunken Miss Chubb forgot she was companion to a princess?”

But as soon as the carriage moved off, both Miss Chubb and Dolph fell asleep, both snoring loudly, their heads rolling to the motion of the carriage. Felicity had Miss Chubb's full weight pressed against her, which in turn forced her to press against Lord Arthur. He smiled down at her and slid an arm about her shoulders. “There, have you more room now?” he asked, as his pulse leapt at the feel of her body.

“Yes,” whispered Felicity dizzily.

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