
'Sorry, but you're our ace in the hole,' Glinn replied.

'And why is that?'

'You're the only one of us who has actually been in Chile. You've got more experience in situations like this. In the very remote chance that events play out along an unexpected path, we need your instincts.'

'Great. I don't think I'm being properly compensated for taking such a risk.'

'Oh yes you are.' Lloyd's voice sounded testy. 'Look, Eli. What if they want to board her anyway?'

'We've prepared a special reception room for the occasion.'

'Reception room? The last thing we want is them hanging about.'

'The room will not encourage any lingering. If they do come aboard, they will be escorted to the forward tankwashing control room. It's not a very comfortable place. We've fitted it with some metal chairs — not enough — and a Formica table. The heat's been turned off. We've painted parts of the deck with a chemical wash smelling faintly of excrement and vomit.'

Lloyd's laugh, amplified and metallic, rang across the bridge. 'Eli, God forbid you should ever direct a war. But what if they want to see the bridge?'

'We have a strategy for that as well. Trust me, Palmer, when we get through with the customs people in Puerto Williams, it will be highly unlikely they will want to come aboard, and even less likely they will want to see the bridge.' He turned. 'Dr. McFarlane, from now on you speak no Spanish. Just follow my lead. Let me and Captain Britton do all the talking.'

There was a momentary silence. 'You said that was our first problem,' Lloyd spoke up at last. 'Is there another one?'

'There's an errand we must run while we're in Puerto Williams.'

'Dare I ask what that might be?'

'I'm planning to engage the services of a man named John Puppup. We'll have to find him and get him on board.' Lloyd groaned. 'Eli, I'm beginning to think you enjoy springing these surprises on me. Who is John Puppup, and why do we need him?'

'He's half Yaghan, half English.'

'And what the hell is a Yaghan?'

'The Yaghan Indians were the original inhabitants of the Cape Horn islands. They are now extinct. Only a few mestizos are left. Puppup is old, perhaps seventy. He basically witnessed the extinction of his people. He's the last to retain some local Indian knowledge.'

The overhead speaker fell silent a moment. Then it cracked back into life. 'Eli, this scheme sounds half- baked. You said you planned to engage his services? Does he know about this?'

'Not yet.'

'What if he says no?'

'When we get to him, he won't be in any condition to say no. Besides, haven't you heard of the time-honored naval tradition of 'impressment'?'

Lloyd groaned. 'So now we're going to add kidnapping to our list of crimes.'

'This is a high-stakes game,' said Glinn. 'You knew it when we began. Puppup will go home a rich man. We will have no trouble from that quarter. The only trouble will be locating him and getting him aboard.'

'Any more surprises?'

'At customs, Dr. McFarlane and myself will present counterfeit passports. This is the path with the highest certainty of success, although it entails some minor breaking of Chilean law.'

'Wait a minute,' McFarlane said. 'Traveling with fake passports is breaking American law.'

'It will never be known. I have arranged for the passport records to be lost in transit between Puerto Williams and Punta Arenas. We will retain your real passports, of course, which have been marked with the correct visas, arrival, and departure stamps. Or so it will seem.'

He looked around, as if asking for objections. There were none. The chief officer was at the helm, steering the ship impassively. Captain Britton was looking at Glinn. Her eyes were wide, but she remained silent.

'Very well,' Lloyd said. 'But I have to tell you, Eli, this scheme of yours makes me very nervous. I want an immediate update when you get back from customs.'

The speaker abruptly went dead. Britton nodded to Victor Howell, who disappeared into the radio room. 'Everyone who goes into port is going to have to look the part,' Glinn said. 'Dr. McFarlane can go as he is' — Glinn gave him a rather dismissive once-over — 'but Captain Britton will need to be several degrees less formal.'

'You said we'll have fake passports,' McFarlane said. 'I assume we'll have fake names to go with them?'

'Correct. You'll be Dr. Sam Widmanstatten.'


There was a short silence. 'And yourself?' Britton asked.

For the first time McFarlane could remember, Glinn laughed — a low, small sound that seemed to be mostly breath.

'Call me Ishmael,' he said.


July 12, 9:30 A.M.

THE FOLLOWING day, the great ship Rolvaag lay at rest in the Goree Roads, a broad channel between three islands rising out of the Pacific. A chill sunlight bathed the scene in sharp relief. McFarlane stood at the rail of the Rolvaag's launch, a small decrepit vessel almost as rust-stained as its parent, and stared at the tanker as they slowly pulled away. It looked even bigger from sea level. Far above, on the fantail, he could see Amira, swaddled in a parka three sizes too large. 'Hey, boss!' she cried faintly as she waved, 'don't come back with the clap!'

The boat swung around in the chop and turned toward the desolate landscape of Isla Navarino. It was the southernmost inhabited landmass on earth. Unlike the mountainous coast they had passed the prior afternoon, the eastern flanks of Navarino were low and monotonous: a frozen, snowcovered swamp descending to broad shingled beaches pounded by Pacific rollers. There was no sign of human life. Puerto Williams lay some twenty miles up the Beagle Channel, in protected waters. McFarlane shivered, drawing his own parka more tightly around him. Spending time on Isla Desolacion — remote even by the standards of this godforsaken place — was one thing. But hanging around a Chilean harbor made him nervous. A thousand miles north of here there were still plenty of people who would remember his face — and would be happy to acquaint him with the business end of a cattle prod. There was always a chance, however small, that one of them would now be stationed down here.

There was a movement by his side as Glinn joined him at the rail. The man was wearing a greasy quilted jacket, several layers of soiled woolen shirts, and an orange watchcap. He clutched a battered briefcase in one hand. His face, fastidiously clean-shaven under normal conditions, had been allowed to roughen. A bent cigarette dangled from his lips, and McFarlane could see he was actually smoking it, inhaling and exhaling with every indication of pleasure.

'I don't believe we've met,' McFarlane said.

'I'm Eli Ishmael, chief mining engineer.'

'Well, Mr. Mining Engineer, if I didn't know better I'd say you were actually enjoying yourself.'

Glinn pulled the cigarette from his mouth, gazed at it a moment, then tossed it toward the frozen seascape. 'Enjoyment is not necessarily incompatible with success.'

McFarlane gestured at his shabby clothes. 'Where'd you get all this, anyhow? You look like you've been stoking coal.'

'A couple of costume consultants flew in from Hollywood while the ship was being fitted,' Glinn answered. 'We've got a few sea lockers full, enough to cover any contingency.'

'Let's hope it doesn't come to that. So what exactly are our marching orders?'

'It's very simple. Our job is to introduce ourselves at customs, handle any questions about the mining

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