two ships, the storm, the ice. He examined them intently for thirty minutes, the positions of the two ships changing ever so slightly, his mind intensely concentrated. He closed his eyes, retaining the image of the green dots in his mind. In that simplicity lay a deadly lack of options. Like a chess master, he had played out in his mind each possible sequence of moves. All but one led to one hundred percent probability of failure. And the probability of success on the last option remained exceedingly low. For this last play to succeed, everything would have to happen perfectly — and on top of that, they would need luck. Glinn hated luck. A strategy that required luck was often fatal. And now that which he hated, he needed most of all.
He opened his eyes, focusing immediately on the chart. The green dot representing the
Glinn's radio chirped and he snapped it on.
'Garza here,' came the weakened voice over a wash of static. 'In the tank. There's a lot of radio interference, don't know how long we can talk.'
'Go on.'
'There are welds failing with each roll of the ship.'
'The meteorite's discharge snapped some critical points on the web and weakened others. Also, Rochefort designed the cradle for a maximum thirty-five-degree roll. We're still ten degrees below the limit —' For a moment, the radio cut out. 'But of course the meteorite is two hundred and fifty percent heavier than Rochefort initially anticipated. We might be a bit short on the engineering.'
'How short?'
'Hard to say without —' The radio cut out a second time. 'Still a certain amount of overengineering was built into the design, even beyond double-overage. Stonecipher thinks we might be able to go a long way like this. On the other hand, if some key points go, the rest could fail quickly.'
'I don't like these words `might' and `could.''
'It's impossible to be more precise.'
'So how quickly is `quickly'?'
'We'd have five, ten minutes, maybe. Maybe more.'
'And then?'
'The meteorite will shift. Even a few inches might be fatal, cause hull failure.'
'Reinforce those critical point welds.'
There was a crackling pause. Glinn knew what Garza was thinking about: what happened the last time they welded the cradle.
'Yes, sir,' Garza said finally.
'And keep the salt water off it.'
The only answer was another buzz of static.
The great ship
5:00 P.M.
AT THE rear of the bridge was an observation alcove, a small area sandwiched between the radio room and the chart room. Except for the tall expanse of windows, it was devoid of furniture or decoration. At the windows stood Glinn, binoculars to his eyes, looking aft between the stacks. The snowsquall, a wavering gray line to the north, was passing. It had given them sixty minutes. They needed another twenty. But as the bright moonlight once again lay a carpet of illumination across the raging seas, it became clear that they were not going to get it.
As if on cue, the
Even worse, with another gun the
Vallenar was methodical, not rushed. He was being careful. He knew he had them. Glinn glanced at his gold pocket watch. At four miles, the
'Crossing the Ice Limit, ma'am,' said Howell to Britton.
Glinn glanced down to the sea. Even in the moonlight, he could easily make out the abrupt color change in the water. from a deep green to a clear, almost bluish black. He came to the front of the bridge now, searching the southern horizon with his binoculars. He could see thin patches of brash ice lifting and falling, and as the ship rose he caught a striking glimpse of the ice islands — two low, flat lines of turquoise. He raised his binoculars and examined them more closely. The one to the east was huge, perhaps twenty miles long; the one to the west about five. They rode steady in the water, vast still mesas above the changeable sea — so large that even this violent sea could not raise and lower them. There was a gap between the islands of perhaps a thousand yards.
'No sign of fog,' said Britton, coming up beside him with her own binoculars.
As Glinn continued gazing southward, a terrible feeling, perhaps the most terrible he had ever felt, constricted his solar plexus. The Ice Limit had not brought them cover. If anything, the sky to the south was clearer. The brilliant moonlight, silvering the enormous waves, was like a searchlight across the sea. The Willey Peters, slowly dropping about them, made the landscape as bright as day. There was no place to hide. They were completely vulnerable. It was intolerable, an exquisite pain unique in Glinn's experience.
With supreme self-mastery, he once again raised the binoculars and examined the islands. The
A shell came screaming down past the superstructure, sending up a delicate plume of spray. And another, and another, closing on their position.
He quickly turned to Britton. 'Captain,' he murmured, 'pass between the two islands, staying close to the larger island. Understand me now: as close as you possibly can. Then bring the ship into its lee and heave to.'
Britton had not dropped her binoculars. 'That's going to turn us into a sitting duck as soon as he comes around the island. This is not a viable plan, Eli.'
'It's our only chance,' he answered. 'Trust me.'
A geyser erupted off their port side, and another, the shells once again walking through their position. There was no time to turn, no point in evasive action. Glinn braced himself. Tall columns of water shot up around them, moving closer. There was a brief lull, pregnant and terrible. And then a terrific explosion jerked Glinn from his feet and threw him to the deck. Some of the bridge windows blew out, scattering jeweled shards across the deck and letting in the howling of the wind.
As Glinn lay on the deck, half stunned, he heard — or perhaps felt — a second explosion. And that was when the lights went out.
5:10 P.M.
THE FIRING stopped. Britton, lying amid shards of Plexiglas, instinctively listened for the engines. They were still running, but the vibration was different. Different, and ominous. She rose shakily as the orange emergency lights snapped on. The ship rolled with the terrifying sea, and now the roar of the wind and waves, blasting through the broken windows, filled her ears, along with stinging sheets of salt spray and gusts of subzero air. The storm was now inside the bridge. She staggered over the main console, which was covered with blinking lights, shaking