Pendergast downshifted, negotiating a sharp bend in the road. 'Helen was having an egg cream while she waited for the auto club.'

'Yeah. So?'

'So: egg creams are a Yankee weakness I was never able to cure her of. You seldom find them outside of New York and parts of New England.'

'Go on.'

'There are--or were--only three places within driving distance of New Orleans that served egg creams. Helen sought them all out; she was always driving to one or another. Occasionally I went along. In any case, using the map just now, I inferred--based on the day of the week, the time of day, and Helen's proclivity for driving too fast-- Picayune to be the obvious choice of the three.'

D'Agosta nodded. It seemed simple, once explained. 'So what's with the ninety-five percent?'

'It's just possible that she stopped earlier that morning, for some other reason. Or was stopped--she attracted speeding tickets by the bushel.'

Picayune, Mississippi, was a neat town of low frame houses just over the Louisiana border. A sign at the town line proclaimed it a PRECIOUS COIN IN THE PURSE OF THE SOUTH, and another displayed pictures of the floats from the previous year's Krewe of Roses Parade. D'Agosta looked around curiously as they passed down the quiet, leafy streets. Pendergast slowed as they rumbled into the commercial district.

'Things have changed a bit,' he said, glancing left and right. 'That Internet cafe is of course new. So is that Creole restaurant. That little place offering crawfish po'boys, however, is familiar.'

'You used to come here with Helen?'

'Not with Helen. I passed through the town several times in later years. There's an FBI training camp a few miles from here. Ah--this must be it.'

Pendergast turned a corner onto a quiet street and pulled over to the curb. The street was residential except for the closest structure, a one-story cinder-block building set well back from the road and surrounded by a parking lot of cracked and heaving blacktop. A leaning sign on the building front advertised Jake's Yankee Chowhouse, but it was faded and peeling and the restaurant had obviously been closed for years. The windows in the rear section had muslin curtains, however, and a satellite dish was fixed to the cement wall: clearly the building served as residence as well.

'Let's see if we can't do this the easy way,' Pendergast murmured. He pursed his lips, examining the street a moment longer. Then he began revving the Porsche with long jabs of his right foot. The big engine roared to life, louder and louder with each depression of the accelerator, leaves blowing out from beneath the car, until the vehicle's frame vibrated as violently as a passenger jet.

'My God!' D'Agosta yelled over the noise. 'Do you want to wake the dead?'

The FBI agent kept it up another fifteen seconds, until at least a dozen heads were poking out of windows and doors up and down the street. 'No,' he replied, easing off at last and letting the engine rumble back into an idle. 'I believe the living will suffice.' He made a quick survey of the faces now staring at them. 'Too young,' he said of one, shaking his head, 'and that one, poor fellow, is clearly too stupid... Ah: now that one is a possibility. Come on, Vincent.' Getting out of the car, he strolled down the street to the third house on the left, where a man of about sixty wearing a yellowing T-shirt stood on the front steps, staring at them with a frown. He clutched a television remote in one meaty paw, a beer in the other.

D'Agosta suddenly understood why Pendergast had taken his wife's Porsche for this particular road trip.

'Excuse me, sir,' Pendergast said as he approached the house. 'I wonder if you'd mind telling me if, by chance, you recognize the vehicle we--'

'Blow it out your ass,' the man said, turning and going back inside his house, slamming the door.

D'Agosta hoisted up his pants and licked his lips. 'Want me to go drag the fat fuck back out?'

Pendergast shook his head. 'No need, Vincent.' He turned back, regarding the restaurant. An old, heavyset woman in a flimsy housedress had come out of the kitchen and stood on the porch, flanked by a brace of plastic pink flamingos. She had a magazine in one hand and a cigarillo in the other, and she peered at them through old- fashioned teardrop glasses. 'We may have flushed out just the partridge I was after.'

They walked back to the old parking lot and the kitchen door of Jake's. The woman watched their approach with complete taciturnity, with no visible change of expression.

'Good afternoon, ma'am,' Pendergast said with a slight bow.

'Afternoon yourself,' she replied.

'Do you, by chance, own this fine establishment?'

'I might,' she said, taking a deep drag on the cigarillo. D'Agosta noticed it had a white plastic holder.

Pendergast waved at the Spyder. 'And is there any chance you recognize this vehicle?'

She looked away from them, peering at the car through her grimy glasses. Then she looked back. 'I might,' she repeated.

There was a silence. D'Agosta heard a window slam shut, and a door.

'Why, how remiss of me,' Pendergast said suddenly. 'Taking up your valuable time like this uncompensated.' As if by magic, a twenty-dollar bill appeared in his hand. He held it out to the woman. To D'Agosta's surprise, she plucked it from his fingers and stuffed it down her withered but still ample cleavage.

'I saw that car three times,' the woman said. 'My son was crazy about them foreign sporty jobs. He worked the soda fountain. He passed away in a car crash on the outskirts of town a few years back. Anyhow, the first time it showed up he just about went nuts. Made everybody drop whatever they were doing and take a look.'

'Do you remember the driver?'

'A young woman. Pretty thing, too.'

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