
'Flaming datum' A ship that has been hit by a torpedo fired from a submarine. It is the place to begin searching for a submarine, because one is known to be in the area.

George Washington (SSBN-598) First U.S. Navy SSBN class. Essentially Skipjack- class SSNs with a hull insert containing sixteen missile tubes for Polaris missiles. A total of five units were built.

Gertrude Old WW II phrase used to describe any equipment whose function is underwater communications.

Glenard P. Lipscomb (SSN-685) One-of-a-kind experimental U.S. submarine, basically a Sturgeon-class hull with a second-generation turboelectric drive. Fully combat capable.

Goat locker U.S. Navy term for the chief's quarters on a submarine.

GPS Global Positioning System. A constellation of Navstar satellites that can very accurately determine the submarine's location.

Halibut (SSN-587) Originally designed as an SSGN carrying Regulus land attack missiles, she was reconfigured as an SSN when the Polaris program proved to be successful.

Harpoon (UGM-84) U.S. Navy antiship missile, fired from an SSN's torpedo tube.

HE High Explosive.

Head U.S. Navy term for a washroom and toilet.

HF High Frequency.

HMS Dolphin Royal Navy Submarine School.

Holland (SS-1) First U.S. Navy submarine, designed and built by John Holland.

Hot bunking Rotation system whereby two men share a single bunk. While one man is on watch the other is sleeping. When it is time for watch rotation the man coming off watch climbs into a bunk that was just recently vacated and is usually still warm.

Hotel II & III SSBN First-generation Soviet SSBN. These submarines were noisy and extremely unsafe from a radiological standpoint. All have been retired because of their poor safety record and to meet SALT SSBN tube limitations. The Hotel III SSBN was a trial submarine for the SS-N-8 Sawfly SLBM. Approximately nine units were built.

Hunley A Confederate Navy vessel that made history by being the first submarine to sink a surface ship in battle (USS Housatonic). Unfortunately, the Hunley herself also sank in the attack.

HY-80 High-Yield steel, with a yield strength of 80,000 pounds per square inch.

HY-100 High-Yield steel, with a yield strength of 100,000 pounds per square inch.

Kilo SS Latest Russian diesel-electric submarine. The Kilo is a medium-range coastal defense submarine that is being offered on the export market. Using state-of-the-art Russian sensors and torpedoes, the Kilo class compares favorably against older Western designs. Russia has twenty Kilos in their naval order of battle, and approximately fourteen have been sold to various countries.

Lafayette (SSBN-616) Third generation of U.S. Navy SSBNs. Larger and quieter than the Ethan Allen class, the Lafayette class carries the Poseidon C-3 missile. However, twelve units of the Lafayette class were backfitted with the Trident I C-4 system during the 1980s. A total of thirty-one units were built.

LF Low Frequency.

LOFAR LOw-Frequency Analyzing and Recording. Term used to describe the process by which narrowband 'tonals' are displayed on a modern sonar system.

Los Angeles (SSN-688) Admiral Rickover's high-speed submarine design. Most numerous submarine class in the world with a total of sixty-two units to be built. There are three flights with various improvements:* Flight 1: SSNs 688–718. Basic Los Angeles class.* Flight 2: SSNs 719–750. VLS, more powerful reactor core.* Flight 3: SSNs 751–773. AN/BSY-1, bow planes, improved quieting, under-ice capability.

Maneuvering The reactor and propulsion control area located in the engine room. The EOOW stands his watch here.

MEO Marine Engineering Officer. Royal Navy equivalent of the chief engineer; however, an MEO is not eligible for command.

MF Medium Frequency.

MGU Midcourse Guidance Unit. The inertial navigation system used to guide Harpoon and Tomahawk antiship missiles to their targets.

MIDAS MIne Detection and Avoidance Sonar. New mine-hunting sonar on Improved Los Angeles-class SSNs.

Mk 8 (Mark 8) WW II-era straight-running (nonhoming) torpedo used by the Royal Navy up until about the mid-1980s. Two Mk 8s were responsible for the sinking of the Argentinean light cruiser General Belgrano.

Mk 48 (Mods 1–4) Designation of the active homing torpedo used by U.S. SSNs. The various modifications have improvements in wire-guidance capability and allow for deeper depths.

Mk 57 U.S. Navy moored influence mine.

Mk 6 °Captor EnCAPsulated TORpedo mine. A deep-water moored acoustic influence mine containing a Mark 46 lightweight torpedo as the payload.

Mk 67 SLMM Submarine-Launched Mobile Mine. An obsolete Mk 37 electric torpedo that has been converted

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