the door was shut, he went closer. “You asked to see me, Ahmed?”
“Yes, Highness, please excuse me that I could not…could not come to you.” Ahmed’s voice was phlegmy, and he spoke with difficulty. “The Tbilisi man you want… the Soviet… he sent a message for you. It’s … it’s under the drawer… he taped it under the drawer there.” With an effort he pointed to the small bureau.
Hakim’s excitement picked up. Awkwardly he felt underneath the drawer. The adhesive bandages strapping him made bending difficult. He found the small square of folded paper and it came away easily. “Who brought it and when?” “It was today… sometime today…I’m not sure, I think it was this afternoon. I don’t know. The man wore a doctor’s coat and glasses but he wasn’t a doctor. An Azerbaijani, perhaps a Turk, I’ve never seen him before. He spoke Turkish - all he said was, ‘This is for Hakim Khan, from a friend in Tbilisi. Understand?’ I fold him yes and he left as quickly as he arrived. For a long time I thought he was a dream….”
The message was scrawled in writing Hakim did not recognize: “Many, many congratulations on your inheritance, may you live as long and be as productive as your predecessor. Yes, I would like to meet urgently too. But here, not there. Sorry. Whenever you’re ready I would be honored to receive you, with pomp or in privacy, whatever you want. We should be friends, there’s much to accomplish and we have many interests in common. Please tell Robert Armstrong and Hashemi Fazir that Yazernov is buried in the Russian Cemetery at Jaleh and he looks forward to seeing them when convenient.” There was no signature.
Greatly disappointed, he went back to the bed and offered the paper to Ahmed. “What do you make of that?”
Ahmed did not have the strength to take it. “Sorry, Highness, please hold it so I can read it.” After reading it, he said, “It’s not Mzytryk’s writing, I’d… I’d recognize his writing but it… I believe it genuine. He would have transmitted it to… to underlings to bring here.”
“Who’s Yazernov and what does that mean?” “I don’t know. It’s a code… it’s a code they’d understand.” “It is an invitation to a meeting, or a threat. Which?” “I don’t know, Highness. I would guess a meet - ” A spasm of pain went through him. He cursed in his own language.
“Is Mzytryk aware that both the last times they were in ambush? Aware that Abdollah Khan had betrayed him?”
“I… I don’t know, Highness. I told you he was cunning and the Khan your father very… very careful in his dealings.” The effort of talking and concentrating was taking much of Ahmed’s strength. “That Mzytryk knows they are in contact with you… that both of them are here now, means nothing, his spies abound. You’re Khan and of course… of course you know you’re… you’re spied on by all kinds of men, most of them evil, who report to their superiors - most of them even more evil.” A smile went over his face and Hakim pondered its meaning. “But then, you know all about hiding your true purpose, Highness. Not once… not once did Abdollah Khan suspect how brilliant you are, not once. If… if he’d known one hundredth part of who you really are… really are, he would have never banished you but made you… made you heir and chief counselor.”
“He would have had me strangled.” Not for a millionth of a second was Hakim Khan tempted to tell Ahmed that he had sent the assassins whom Erikki had killed, or about the poison attempt that had also failed. “A week ago he would have ordered me mutilated, and you would have done it happily.” Ahmed looked up at him, eyes deep-set and filled with death. “How do you know so much?”
“The Will of God.”
The ebb had begun. Both men knew it. Hakim said, “Colonel Fazir showed me a telex about Erikki.” He told Ahmed the contents. “Now I have no Mzytryk to barter with, not immediately. I can give Erikki to Fazir or help him escape. Either way my sister is committed to stay here and cannot go with him. What is your advice?”
“For you it is safer to give the Infidel to the colonel as a pishkesh and pretend to her there’s nothing you can do to prevent the… the arrest. In truth there isn’t if the colonel wants it that way. He of the Knife… he will resist and so he will be killed. Then you can promise her secretly to the Tbilisi… But never give her to him, then you will control… then you may control him…but I doubt it.”
“And if He of the Knife ‘happens’ to escape?”
“If the colonel allowed it… he will require payment.”
“Which is?”
“Mzytryk. Now or sometime… sometime in the future. While He of the Knife lives, Highness, she will never divorce him - forget the saboteur, he was another lifetime - and when the two years are… are over she will go to him, that is if… if he allows her to… to stay here. I doubt if even Your Highness…” Ahmed’s eyes closed and a tremor went through him. “What happened with Bayazid and the bandits? Ahmed…”
Ahmed did not hear him. He was seeing the steppes now, the vast plains of his homeland and ancestors, the seas of grass from whence his forebears came forth to ride near the cloak of Genghis Khan, and then that of the grandson Kubla Khan and his brother Hulagu Khan who came down into Persia to erect mountains of skulls of those who opposed him. Here in the golden lands since ancient times, Ahmed thought, lands of wine and warmth and wealth and women of great doe-eyed beauty and sensuality, prized since ancient times like Azadeh… ah, now I will never take her like she should be taken, dragged off by the hair as spoils of war, shoved across a saddle to be bedded and tamed on the skins of wolves …
From a long way off he heard himself say, “Please, Highness, I would beg a favor, I would like to be buried in my own land and in our own fashion…” Then I can live forever with the spirits of my fathers, he thought, the lovely space beckoning him.
“Ahmed, what happened with Bayazid and the bandits when you landed?” With an effort Ahmed came back. “They weren’t Kurds, just tribesmen pretending to be Kurds and He of the Knife killed them all, Highness, with very great brutality,” he said with strange formality. “In his madness he killed them all - with knife and gun and hands and feet and teeth, all except Bayazid who, because of his oath to you, would not come against him.” “He left him alive?” Hakim was incredulous.
“Yes, God give him peace. He… put a gun in my hand and held the Bayazid near the gun and I…” The voice trailed away, waves of grass beckoning as far as eyes could see…”
“You killed him?”
“Oh, yes, looking… looking into his eyes.” Anger came into Ahmed’s voice. “The son of a… a dog shot me in the back, twice, without honor, the son of a dog, so he died without honor and without… without manhood, the son of a dog.” The bloodless lips smiled and he closed his eyes. He was dying fast now, his words imperceptible. “I took vengeance.”
Hakim said quickly, “Ahmed, what haven’t you told me that I need to know?” “Nothing …” In a little while his eyes opened and Hakim saw into the pit. “There is no… no other God but God and…” A little blood seeped out of the side of his mouth. “.. .I made you Kh …” The last of the word died with him.
Hakim was uncomfortable under the frozen stare.
“Doctor!” he called out.
At once the man came in, and the guard. The doctor closed his eyes. “As God wills. What should we do with the body, Highness?”
“What do you usually do with bodies?” Hakim moved his crutches and walked away, the guard followed. So, Ahmed, he was thinking, so now you’re dead and I’m alone, cut from the past and obliged to no one. Made me Khan? Is that what you were going to say? Did you know there were spy holes in that room too?
A smile touched him. Then hardened. Now for Colonel Fazir, and Erikki, “He of the Knife” as you called him.
AT THE PALACE: 6:48 P.M. In the failing light Erikki was carefully repairing one of the bullet holes in the plastic windshield of the 212 with clear tape. It was difficult with his arm in a sling but his hand was strong and the forearm wound shallow - no sign of infection. His ear was heavily taped, part of his hair shaved away for cleanliness, and he was mending fast. His appetite was good. The hours of talk that he had had with Azadeh had given him a measure of peace.
That’s all it is, he thought, it’s only a measure, not enough to forgive the killings or the danger that I am. So be it. That’s what gods made me and that’s what I am. Yes, but what about Ross and what about Azadeh? And why does she keep the kookri so close by her: “It was his gift to you, Erikki, to you and to me.”
“It’s unlucky to give a man a knife without taking money, at once, just a token, in return. When I see him I will give him money and accept his gift.” Once again he pressed Engine Start. Once again the engine caught, choked, and died. What about Ross and Azadeh?
He sat back on the edge of the cockpit and looked at the sky. The sky did not answer him. Nor the sunset.