“I’m going to bed now, Jari. You can leave now and I’m not to be disturbed, Jari, by anyone for any reason. We’ll talk at breakfast.” “But, Princess, I’ll sleep in the chair and b - ”
Sharazad stamped her foot, vexed. “Good night! And I am not to be disturbed!” Loudly she locked the door after her, even louder she kicked off her shoes, then, very quietly, changed quickly. Now the veil and chador. Cautiously she opened the French doors to the balcony and slipped out. Stairs went down to a patio garden and from there a passageway led to a back door. She eased off the bolts. The hinges creaked. Then she was out into the alley and had wedged the door shut. As she hurried away, her chador billowed out behind her like a great black wing.
In the reception room, Zarah glanced at her watch and walked over to Meshang. “Darling, would you like dinner to be served now?” “In a moment, can’t you see His Excellency and I are busy?” Zarah sighed, then went off to talk to a friend, but stopped as she saw the doorkeeper come in anxiously, look around the room for Meshang, then hurry over to him and whisper. Blood drained out of Meshang’s face. Daranoush Farazan gasped. She rushed over to them. “What on earth is it?” Meshang’s mouth worked but no sound came out. In the sudden hush, the frightened servant blurted out, “Green Bands’re here, Highness, Green Bands with a… with a mullah. They want to see His Excellency at once.” In the great silence everyone remembered Paknouri’s arrest and Jared’s summons and all the other arrests, executions, and rumors of more terror, more komitehs, jails filled with friends and customers and relations. Daranoush was almost spitting with rage that he was here in this house at this time, wanting to rend his clothes because he had foolishly agreed to ally himself with the Bakravan family, already damned because of Jared’s usury - the same usury that all bazaari moneylenders were guilty of but Jared was caught! Son of a burnt father and I’ve agreed publicly to the marriage and agreed in private to participate in Meshang’s plans, plans I can see now oh God protect me that are dangerously modem, dangerously Western, and clearly against the Imam’s dictates and wishes! Son of a burnt father, there must be a back way out of this house of the damned. Four Green Bands and the mullah were in the reception room the servant had shown them into, sitting cross-legged and leaning against the silk cushions. They had taken off their shoes and left them beside the door. The youths were wide-eyed at the richness of their surroundings, their guns on the carpets beside them. The mullah wore fine robes and a fine white turban and was an imposing man in his sixties with a white beard and heavy dark eyebrows, a strong face and dark eyes.
The door opened. Meshang tottered into the room like an automaton. He was pasty, and his head ached with the strength of his terror. “Greetings… greetings, Excellency…”
“Greetings. You are Excellency Meshang Bakravan?” Meshang nodded mutely. “Ah, then again greetings and peace be with you, Excellency, please excuse me that I arrive so late but I am the mullah Sayani and I come from the komiteh. We have just discovered about Excellency Jared Bakravan and I have come to tell you that though it was God’s will, His Excellency was never condemned according to the law, was mistakenly shot, his property mistakenly appropriated, and that it will all be returned at once.”
Meshang gaped at him, speechless.
“Islamic government is committed to uphold God’s law.” The mullah’s brow darkened as he continued: “God knows we cannot control all zealots or simpleminded, misguided people. God knows there are some who through zeal make errors. And God knows too there are many who use the revolution for evil, hiding under the cloak of ‘patriot,’ many who twist Islam for their filthy purposes, many who will not obey the word of God, many who scheme to bring us into disrepute, even many who falsely wear the turban, many who do not merit the turban, even some ayatollahs, even them, but with the help of God we will tear off their turbans, cleanse Islam, and stamp out the evil, whoever they are…”
The words were not reaching Meshang. His mind was exploding with hope. “He… my father… I get our… property back?”
“Our Islamic government is the government of law. Sovereignty belongs to God alone. The law of Islam has absolute authority over everyone - including the Islamic government. Even the Most Noble Messenger, upon whom be peace, was subject to the law that God alone revealed, alone expounded by the tongue of the Koran.” The mullah got up. “It was the Will of God but Excellency Jared Bakravan was not judged according to the law.”
“It’s… it’s true?”
“Yes, the Will of God, Excellency. Everything will be returned to you. Didn’t your father support us lavishly? How can Islamic government flourish without bazaari help and support, how can we exist without bazaaris to fight the enemies of Islam, the enemies of Iran and the Infidel? …”
OUTSIDE THE BAZAAR: The taxi stopped in the crowded square. Lochart got out and paid the driver as two of a mass of would-be passengers, a woman and a man, fought their way into the space he had vacated. The square was full of people streaming into and out of the mosque and the bazaar and surrounding the street stalls. They paid little attention to him, his uniform and cap giving him free passage. The night was chill and overcast. The wind had picked up again and guttered the flames of the oil lamps of street vendors. Across the square was the street of the Bakravan house and he walked briskly, rounded the corner, and stepped aside to let the mullah Sayani and the Green Bands pass, then went on again.
At the door in the high wall he stopped, took a deep breath, and knocked loudly. Then knocked again. Then again. He heard footsteps, saw an eye behind the spy hole. “Doorkeeper, it’s me, Excellency Captain Lochart,” he called out happily.
The door swung open. “Greetings, Excellency,” the doorkeeper said, still not over the shock of the abrupt arrival and departure of the mullah and Green Bands - bowed out humbly by Excellency Foul Temper himself, he thought in awe, who the very second the door was bolted had jumped up and down like a madman, drummed his feet on the ground, and rushed back silently into the house, and now here’s another apparition, by God, the Infidel who once was married to the betrothed of Excellency Piss. A squall blew dead leaves across the patio. Another pop-eyed servant stood at the open main door. “Greetings, Excellency,” he mumbled, “I’ll… I’ll tell Excellency Meshang you’ve arrived.”
“Wait!” Now Lochart could hear the excited buzz of voices coming from the dining salon, glasses clinking, laughter of a party. “Is my wife in there?” “Your wife?” The servant collected himself with difficulty. “The, er, Her Highness, Captain Excellency, she’s gone to bed.” Lochart’s anxiety soared. “Is she sick?” “She did not appear sick, Excellency, she went just before dinner. I’ll tell Excellency Meshang th - ”
“No need to disturb him and his guests,” he said, delighted with the opportunity of seeing her alone first. “I’ll see her, then come down and announce myself later.”
The servant watched him go up the stairs, two at a time, waited until he was out of sight, then hurried to find Meshang.
Lochart went along a corridor into another. He forced himself to walk, relishing how surprised she would be and so happy and then they would see Meshang and Meshang would listen to the plan. At last he was at their door and turned the handle. When the door did not open, he tapped and called out softly, “Sharazad, it’s me, Tommy.” His spirit sang while he waited. “Sharazad?” Waiting. Knocking. Waiting. Then knocking a little louder. “Sharazad!”
“Oh, hello, Jari,” he said, in his impatience not noticing that she was trembling. “Sharazad, darling, unlock the door, it’s me, Tommy!” “Her Highness said she was not to be disturbed.” “She didn’t mean me, of course not! Oh! She’s taken a sleeping pill?”
“Oh no, Excellency.”
He put all of his attention on her. “What’re you so frightened about?”
“Me? I’m not frightened, Excellency, why should I be frightened?” Something’s wrong, he thought. Impatiently he turned back to the door. “Sharazad!” Waiting waiting waiting. “This is ridiculous!” he muttered. “Sharazad!” Before he knew what he was doing he was hammering on the door. “Open the door, for crissake!”
“What are you doing here?”
It was Meshang, raw with rage. At the far end of the corridor, Lochart saw Zarah come into view and stop. “Good… good evening, Meshang,” he said, his heart pounding, trying to sound reasonable and polite and why the hell doesn’t she open the door and this isn’t the way it’s supposed to happen. “I came back to see my wife.”
“She’s not your wife, she’s divorced, now get out!”
Lochart stared at him blankly. “Of course she’s my wife!” “By God, are you simple? She was your wife. Now leave my house!” “You’re crazy, you can’t divorce her just like that!”