were Tehrani businessmen but I know a SAVAK man when I see one. Do you want the false papers?” “No. Tear them up.” The squat man turned back to Erikki and Azadeh. “So it is that enemies of the People will be smoked out and done with.” She did not reply. Their own IDs were in the grubby hand. What if our papers are also considered false? Insha’Allah!

When the squat man finished scrutinizing the IDs he stared at Erikki. Then at her. “You claim you’re Azadeh Gorgon Yok… Yokkonen - his wife?” “Yes.”

“Good.” He stuffed their IDs in his pocket and jerked a thumb at the meadow. “Tell him to drive over there. We will search your car.”

“But th - ”

“Do it. NOW!” The squat man climbed onto the fender, his boots scratching the paintwork. “What’s that?” he asked, pointing to the blue cross on a white background that was painted on the roof.

“It’s the Finnish flag,” Azadeh said. “My husband’s Finnish.” “Why is it there?”

“It pleases him to have it there.”

The squat man spat, then pointed again toward the meadow. “Hurry up! Over there.” When they were in an empty spot, the crowd following them, he slid off. “Out. I want to search your car for arms and contraband.” Azadeh said, “We have no guns or contr - ”

“Out! And you, woman, you hold your tongue!” The crones in the crowd hissed approvingly. Angrily he jerked a thumb at the two bodies left crumpled in the trampled slush. “The People’s justice is quick and final and don’t forget it.” He stabbed a finger at Erikki. “Tell your monster husband what I said - if he is your husband.”

“Erikki, he says, the People’s … the People’s justice is quick and final and don’t forget it. Be careful, my darling. We, we have to get out of the car - they want to search the car.”

“All right. But slide over and come out my side.” Towering above the crowd, Erikki got out. Protectively, he put his arm around her, men, women, and some children crowding them, giving them little space. The stench of unwashed bodies was overpowering. He could feel her trembling, as much as she tried to hide it. Together they watched the squat man and others clambering into their spotless car, muddy boots on the seats. Others unlocked the rear door, carelessly removing and scattering their possessions, grubby hands reaching into pockets, opening everything - his bags and her bags. Then one of the men held up her filmy underclothes and night things to catcalls and jeers. The crones muttered their disapproval. One of them reached out and touched her hair. Azadeh backed away but those behind her would not give her room. At once Erikki moved his bulk to help but the mass of the crowd did not move though those nearby cried out, almost crushed by him, their cries infuriating the others who moved closer, threateningly, shouting at him. Suddenly Erikki knew truly, for the first time, he could not protect Azadeh. He knew he could kill a dozen of them before they overpowered and killed him, but that would not protect her.

The realization shattered him.

His legs felt weak and he had an overpowering wish to urinate and the smell of his own fear choked him and he fought the panic that pervaded him. Dully he watched their possessions being defiled. Men were staggering away with their vital cans of gasoline without which he could never make Tehran as all gas stations were struck and closed. He tried to force his legs into motion but they would not work, nor would his mouth. Then one of the crones shouted at Azadeh who numbly shook her head and men took up the cry, jostling him and jostling her, men closing on him, their fetid smell filling his nostrils, his ears clogged with the Farsi.

His arm was still around her, and in the noise she looked up and he saw her terror but could not hear what she said. Again he tried to ease more room for the two of them but again he failed. Desperately he tried to contain the soaring, claustrophobic, panic-savagery and need to fight beginning to overwhelm him, knowing that once he began it would start the riot that would destroy her. But he could not stop himself and lashed out blindly with his free elbow as a thickset peasant woman with strange, enraged eyes pushed though the cordon and thrust the chador into Azadeh’s chest, spitting out a paroxysm of Farsi at her, diverting attention from the man who had collapsed behind him, and now lay under their feet, his chest caved in from Erikki’s blow.

The crowd was shouting at her and at him, clearly telling her to put on the chador, Azadeh crying out, “No, no, leave me alone…” completely disoriented. In her whole life she had never been threatened like this, never been in a crowd like this, never experienced such closeness of peasants, or such hostility.

“Put it on, harlot…”

“In the Name of God, put on the chador…”

“Not in the Name of God, woman, in the name of the People …” “God is Great, obey the word…”

“Piss on God, in the name of the revolution…”

“Cover your hair, whore and daughter of a whore…”

“Obey the Prophet whose Name be praised…”

The shouting increased and the jostling, their feet trampling the dying man on the ground, then someone tore at Erikki’s arm that was around Azadeh and she felt his other hand go for the big knife and she screamed out, “Don’t, don’t, Erikki, they’ll kill you…”

In panic she pushed the peasant woman away and fought the chador into place, calling out repeatedly, “Allah-u Akbarrr,” and this mollified those nearby somewhat, their jeers subsiding, though people at the back shoved forward to see better, crushing others against the Range Rover. In the melee Erikki and Azadeh gained a little more space around them though they were still trapped on all sides. She did not look up at him, just clutched him, shivering like a frozen puppy, enveloped in the coarse shroud. A roar of laughter as one of the men held her bra against his chest and minced around. The vandalism went on until, suddenly, Erikki sensed a newness surrounding them. The squat man and his followers had stopped and they were looking fixedly toward Qazvin. As he watched he saw them begin to melt into the crowd. In seconds they had vanished. Other men near the roadblock were getting into cars and heading off down the Tehran road, picking up speed. Now villagers also stared toward the city, then others, until the whole crowd was transfixed. Approaching up the road, through the snarled lines of traffic, was another mob of men, mullahs at their head. Some of the mullahs and many of the men were armed. “Allah-u Akbar,” they shouted, “God and Khomeiniiiii!” then broke into a run, charging the roadblock. A few shots rang out, the fire was returned from the roadblock, the opposing forces clashed with staves, stones, iron bars, and some guns. Everyone else scattered. Villagers rushed for the protection of their homes, drivers and passengers fled from their cars for the ditches or lay on the ground. The cries and countercries and shots and noise and screams of this minor skirmish snapped Erikki’s paralysis. He shoved Azadeh toward their car, hastily picking up the nearest of their scattered possessions, throwing them into the back, and slammed the rear door. Half a dozen of the villagers began scavenging too but he shoved them out of the way, jumped into the driver’s seat and gunned the engine, jerked the car into reverse, then ahead, then roared off across the meadow, paralleling the road. Just ahead and to the right he saw the squat man with three of his followers getting into a car and remembered that the man still had their papers. For a split second he considered stopping but instantly rejected the thought and held course for the trees that skirted the road. But then he saw the squat man pull the machine gun off his shoulder, aim, and fire. The burst was a little high and Erikki’s maddened reflexes swung the wheel over and shoved his foot on the accelerator as he charged the gun. Their massive bumper rammed the man against the car broadside, crushing him and it, the machine gun firing until the magazine was spent, bullets howling off metal, splaying through the windshield, the Range Rover now a battering ram. Berserk, Erikki backed off then charged again, overturning the wreckage, killing them, and he would have got out and continued the carnage with his bare hands but then, in the rearview mirror, he saw men running for him and so he reversed and fled.

The Range Rover was built for this sort of terrain, its snow tires gripping the surface of the rough ground. In a moment they were in the trees and safe from capture, and he turned for the road, shifted into low, locked both differentials and clambered over the deep joub, ripping the barbed-wire fence apart. Once on the road he unlocked the differentials, changed gear, and whirled away.

Only when he was well away did the blood clear from his eyes. Aghast, he remembered the howl of the bullets spraying the car, and that Azadeh was with him. In panic he looked across at her. But she was all right though paralyzed with fear and hunched down in the seat, hanging on with both hands to the side, bullet holes in the glass and roof nearby, but all right though he did not recognize her for a moment, saw just an Iranian face made ugly by the chador - like any one of the tens of thousands they had all seen in the mobs.

“Oh, Azadeh,” he gasped, then reached over and pulled her to him, driving with one hand. In a moment he slowed and pulled over to the side and held her to him as the sobs tore her. He did not notice that the fuel gauge read near empty, or that the traffic was building up, or the hostile looks of the passersby, or that many cars

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