way. He looked as forlorn as David.
‘‘I thought I would come see what you guys were
doing,’’ said Izzy. ‘‘Evie’s at one of her meetings. I
heard about Rikki’s confession.’’
‘‘Come in and sit down,’’ said Diane. ‘‘We just or
dered from the restaurant. It should be here in a min
ute. Why don’t you call down for something?’’ ‘‘I had a milk shake on the way over. I might order
me a hamburger.’’ Instead of going to the phone, he
sat down on the sofa.
Diane went over and hugged David. ‘‘I’m here, and
I really think they would have had a hard time killing
me. Many have tried and failed,’’
‘‘Is that supposed to be funny?’’ he said. ‘‘Yes. You mean it wasn’t?’’ she said.
‘‘Not in the least.’’
The moment was interrupted by the arrival of their
dinner. Izzy placed an order for a hamburger and
Diane gave the waiter a tip while the others were
setting the food out on the table.
‘‘I really understand you, David,’’ said Izzy as they
were putting chairs around Diane’s table.
David smiled grimly. ‘‘It was just my turn to tirade.
Jin’s been doing it all day because he missed the
They told Izzy about the reappearance of the ghost
to Jonas Briggs, the archaeologist.
‘‘So he stayed on, did he?’’ said Izzy. ‘‘Can’t say as
I blame him.’’
Izzy was trying to be lighthearted, but Diane could
see he too was feeling stinging anger at Jefferies and
his buddies. All of them, all their eyes looked trou
bled. She understood. To think that there was some
one out there plotting against her, plotting to kill her,
and she didn’t know it, wouldn’t have known it until
it was perhaps too late. How do you guard against
things you don’t know? How do you know to fight
them? It was frightening and infuriating. Diane agreed
with David. It was like the man who massacred their
friends. Just like him.
‘‘So, are we going to find Jefferies’ and Peeks’ kill ers or are we going to call them misdemeanor homi
cides and go after some really bad guys?’’ said Jin. ‘‘Of course we are going to find the killers,’’ said
Diane. ‘‘The city needs some closure on this. We need
to demonstrate that we are not to be messed with.
And we need to put an end to this dirty business. Not
for Jefferies and Peeks, but for all of us. Killing is not
how we solve our problems. That’s the whole point.’’ ‘‘You’re not going to give a speech, are you?’’ said
David. ‘‘Like
Fonda or Gary Cooper.’’
‘‘That was it. That was my speech,’’ said Diane,