there is no need for you to apologize. I'll do what I can to help Dr. Stapleton.'

Gordon disconnected and handed the phone back to Jack.

As Jack took the phone he noticed that Gordon's lip was twitching almost continuously.

The man obviously wasn't entirely comfortable with the situation, but at least he was momentarily mollified.

'In here, ' Gordon said, pointing to the double doors.

The entire group entered the embalming room, which was redolent with the cloying smell of a sickly-sweet deodorant. The space was larger than Jack expected, about the size of the autopsy room where he worked most days. But in contrast to the autopsy room's eight tables, here there were only four, two of which were occupied. The farthest table held a male who was in the process of being embalmed. The nearest held an obese woman.

'Mrs. Davydov is right here, ' Gordon said, pointing to the nearest corpse.

'Right! ' Jack said. He quickly put his satchel down on a nearby wheeled table and pulled it close. After snapping open the bag he looked up at his two friends. They were frozen in place near the door.

Warren was transfixed by the embalming process going on in the end of the room, Flash was staring at his sister. Both their faces had gone slack. Jack could only imagine what they must be feeling.

Jack clapped his hands loudly to keep the situation from deteriorating.

The sound was like a gunshot in the tiled room. Every one was jolted.

Even the two people doing the embalming looked up from their gruesome task. 'Okay! ' Jack said eagerly, as if he relished what he was about to do. 'Let's get this show on the road so these gentlemen can get on with their business. Frank Thomas, can you identify this woman? ' Flash nodded his head.

'It's my sister. Connie Thomas Davydov.'

'Are you absolutely certain? ' Jack asked while he looked down at the deceased's face for the first time. He was immediately surprised by the obvious evidence of trauma. The left eye was purplish and swollen almost shut. The skin over the cheekbone was bruised.

'Dead sure, ' said Flash. He took a step closer and pointed to the swollen eye. 'And the bastard popped her just like he'd done in the past.'

'Let's not jump to conclusions, ' Jack said quickly.

'Remember! The EMTS found her in the bathroom, where she'd collapsed.

A bathroom is a dangerous place to collapse between the sink, tub, and toilet, not to mention the towel racks and the faucets.'

'About a month ago when I had lunch with her, her eye looked just like that, ' Flash said, ignoring Jack.

'She told me he'd punched her. The only reason I didn't go flying out there to beat the shit out of him then was because she made me promise not to do it.'

'Okay, calm down! ' Jack said. Now that he was about to get his samples, he didn't want Flash to gum up the works. To that end he suggested to Flash that it might be best for him to wait outside.

Flash offered no argument, he spun around, banged open both double doors, and left. With a nod from the director, the two funeral home heavies quickly followed.

'This is very difficult for him, ' Jack explained. 'So, it's best we do what we have to do, and get him out of here.' Gordon stepped up to the table while Jack snapped on his latex gloves.

'I hope you're not planning on marring the body in any visible way, ' Gordon warned. 'We have no idea if Mr. Davydov is planning on an open casket or not.'

'All we're going to do is take some body fluids, ' Jack said. He motioned for Warren to come closer and handed him several sample bottles.

He had to make it look as if Warren really was his assistant to justify his intimidating presence. Jack wanted him there because Jack was planning on doing what Gordon had just warned him not to do, namely taking a sample of the bruised facial skin. Of course, he also would have liked samples of brain, liver, kidneys, lung, and fat, if he could have thought of some way to get away with it.

The first thing Jack did was take out his camera. Before Gordon could complain, he took a series of photographs of the body with particular attention to the facial trauma. Jack was careful to position the head for maximum exposure. In the process, he also looked for any subtle signs of strangulation or smothering. There weren't any.

After putting the camera away he completed his rapid but thorough external exam. While he worked, he kept up a verbal description for Warren's benefit. He mentioned that there were no signs of injections other than iatrogenic ones, no trauma other than to the eye and cheek, and no signs of infectious disease.

Next, Jack got out his collection of syringes and began taking body fluid samples. He got blood from the heart, urine from the bladder, vitreous from the eyeballs, and cerebrospinal fluid from the central nervous system. Then he got out the nasogastric tube and got some stomach contents. He worked quickly for fear of being interrupted before he was finished. Warren tried to keep his eyes closed through it all.

The funeral director had moved back against the wall. He stood vigilantly with his arms folded across his chest. It was obvious by his expression and the fact that his lip continued to twitch that he was not enthralled about Jack's efforts, but he stayed silent. At least until Jack's scalpel flashed in the bright fluorescent light.

'Wait! ' Gordon cried when he caught a fleeting view of the knife.

Pushing off the wall he quickly came forward. 'What are you going to do now? '

'It's done, ' Jack said. He straightened up and plopped a wedge of facial tissue and eyelid into a sample bottle. He'd taken the sample with blinding speed.

'But you promised, ' Gordon sputtered. With dismay he looked down at the gap in the skin of Connie's face.

'True, ' Jack said. 'But I realized we're obligated to make sure this swollen eye isn't the result of an infectious process. And with my usual surgical precision I took only the tiniest sample. I've full confidence that you can all but make it disappear with your cosmetic wizardry.'

'This is outrageous! ' Gordon complained. He bent over to study the defect and was dismayed. In his estimation, it was hardly tiny.

Connie's face looked horribly and irrevocably altered.

As rapidly as possible Jack threw all the sample containers, his used supplies, and even his inside-out rubber gloves into the. satchel and snapped it closed. At this point he felt like a bank robber who'd just been given the cash and had to make his getaway. Grabbing Warren by the sleeve of his hooded sweatshirt, he pulled him toward the door.

'Let's make this fast but orderly, ' Jack whispered.

They went through the first set of double doors still hearing Gordon swearing in the background. After clearing the second set of doors, they began looking for Flash. He was nowhere to be seen. Exiting the building, they found him pacing on the front walk.

'Let's go! ' Jack ordered.

The three men walked quickly to the car. Jack wasn't worried they'd be pursued, yet he wanted to get away as soon as possible. He knew he'd pushed Gordon over the edge with the skin sample maneuver.

To a funeral director, disfiguring the face was the worst possible sin.

They piled into the car. Warren got it going, and they headed back toward Prospect Park, driving in silence. It was Flash who finally spoke, 'Well, aren't you guys going to say anything? What did you find?'

'I found out that I'm never going back into a funeral home until I'm carried in, ' Warren said. 'What in God's name were they doing to that guy on the other table, vacuuming out his insides? I almost lost it, I gotta tell you. Man, this has been the worst experience of my life.'

'In other words, ' Flash said angrily, 'you didn't learn crap about what happened to Connie.'

'We got the samples we needed, ' Jack said. 'Now you're going to have to be patient. Like I said earlier, we won't know anything definitive until these samples get processed.'

'I could see that he smacked her in the face, ' Flash said. 'That's enough for me.' Warren glanced up at Jack in the rearview mirror.

'See what I'm up against with this guy? It's like talking to a wall, you know what I'm saying.' >, , 'Listen, Flash, ' Jack said heatedly. 'I've put myself out on a limb here for you. Do you understand? '

'I suppose, ' Flash admitted reluctantly.

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